Sociology Deviance Test(AT) Flashcards
What is labeling theory?
An attempt to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants while others are not and emphasizes how a person comes to be labeled as deviant and to accept this label.
What is deviance?
Behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.
What is conformity?
Going along with peers who have no special right to direct our behavior.
What is reframing?
A dissociation technique to not let what your doing affect your self-image.
What is organized crime?
The work of a group that regulates relations between various criminal enterprises.
What is a professional crime?
Crime pursued as a person’s day-to-day occupation.
What is a white collar crime?
An illegal act committed in the course of business activities, often by affluent people.
What does Merton’s Anomie Theory do?
It examines how people conform to or deviate from cultural expectations.
What is control theory?
A theory that says our bonds to members of society lead us to conform to society’s norms.
What is cultural transmission theory?
A theory that says one learns criminal behavior through interactions with others.
What was the Stanley Milgram’s experiment purpose?
It was designed to see what people would do when forced between obeying authority and listening to their conscience and morals.
What is Stanley Milgram’s experiment?
A series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram.
What is formal social control?
Carried out by authorized agents, such as police officers, judges, school administrators, employers, military officers, and managers of movie theaters.
Who was Emile Durkheim and what did he focus on?
He was a French Sociologist and he formally established the academic discipline of sociology. He focused on criminal acts.
What are values?
Intangible qualities or beliefs accepted and endorsed by a given society.
Who was Edwin Sutherland and what did he have to do with Criminal Behavior?
He was an American sociologist and he said criminology is the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon that includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting toward the breaking of laws.
Who was Travis Hirschi and what did he have to do with conformity?
He was an American sociologist and he said for conformity people will conform to a group when they believe they have more to gain from conformity than by deviance.
What is a ritualist?
Someone who has abandoned the goal of material success and become compulsively committed to the institutional means. Work becomes simply a way of life rather than a means to the goal of success.
What is an innovator?
Someone who accepts the goals of society but pursues them with means that are regarded as improper.
What is a retreatist?
Someone who has basically withdrawn (or retreated) from both the goals and the means of a society.
What is Merton’s Deviance research?
Merton examined how people adapted to the acceptance or rejection of a society’s goals.
What are norms?
Rules or expectations that are socially enforced. The unwritten rules of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a particular social group or culture.
What is a formal sanction?
A reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency, such as a school, business, or government.
What is an informal sanction?
Actions in response to someone’s behavior that may serve to discourage nonconformity or encourage conformity to a norm, rule, or law.
What is labeling?
Describing someone or something in a word or short phrase.
What is obedience?
Compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchical structure.
What is defiance?
The initial violation of a social norm, about which no inferences are made regarding the motives or character of the person who committed the act.
What is informal social control?
Control that is used to casually enforce norms. This includes things like smiles, laughter, ridicule, and raising an eyebrow.
What is a stigma?
The labels society uses to devalue members of certain social groups.
What is ethnic succession?
The sequential passage of leadership from Irish Americans in the early part of the 20th century to Jewish Americans in the 1920s and then to Italian Americans in the early 1930s.
What are the steps for reframing/dissociating?
- Be willing to be deviant
- Negative experience
- Be willing to try again
- Disattend to necessary components
- Repeated future repetitions makes the act more routine
- Dissociation is complete when the individual no longer needs to disattend
What are the elements we learned about Hitmen?
- No idea how many they have killed
- Take pride in their skill(and pay)
- Must reframe to dissociate their terrible profession from self image
- Dissociative track allows them to create what Pete called “Coldness”
What is dissociation?
Trauma-related detachment of the sociological and psychological selves and the subsequent amplification of the sociological self.
What are the three things that are important to the contract killer?
- Contract
- Reputation
- Skill
What is negative experience?
A feeling of disorientation associated with a behavior that is outside of the norms of society.
What is frame break?
When the expected result of a behavior is not what actually occurs.
What is disattendance?
Ignoring or blocking out the features of the negative experience.
What is reframing?
The process of changing norms to justify behavior.
Who did the Stanford prison experiment?
Professor Philip G. Zimbardo.