Public Speaking Final Exam Review(AT) Flashcards
What is source?
A source encodes.
What is receiver?
A receiver decodes.
What is message?
What the speaker is discussing or the ideas that she/he is presenting to you as she/he covers a particular topic.
What is feedback?
A cue to the speaker to modify or regulate what is being said.
What is channel?
The speaker’s use of verbal and nonverbal communication. Any stimuli other than words that can potentially elicit meaning in the mind of a receiver.
What is transactional communication process?
What are axioms or Principles of Human Communication?
- Communication can be intentional or unintentional
- Communication is inevitable
- Communication is irreversible
- Communication is unrepeatable
- Communication is a package of signals
- Communication involves both content & relationship dimensions
- Communication is transactional (circular & ongoing)
- Communication is purposeful
What is intrapersonal communication?
Communication with the self.
What is interpersonal communication?
Communication between 2 people.
What is physiological noise?
Ex. fatigue, illness, or hunger.
What is psychological noise?
Ex. daydreaming
What is semantic noise?
Confusion of meaning.
Ex. speaking a foreign language
What is physical context?
What is cultural context?
What is social/psychological context?
What is temporal context?
What is historical context?
How many?
What is self-concept?
The image of who and what we consciously and subconsciously think we are.
What is self-awareness?
Is your knowledge of yourself; the extent to which you know who you are.
What is self-esteem?
The value you place on yourself; your perceived self-worth.
What is self-affirming phrase?
Positive phrases that you should say to yourself everyday!
What is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
- Self-Actualization - a happy, positive, productive adult
- Self-Esteem - feeling happy with who you are
- Love & Affection - from family & friends
- Safety - safe in your environment
- Physical - food, water, shelter
What is self-disclosure?
Revealing personal information about yourself to others, usually info you normally keep hidden.
What is Johari window?
What is open self?
Known to others.
What is blind self?
Not known to self.
What is hidden self?
Not known to others.
What is unknown self?
Unknown self.
What is Implicit personality theory?
Deals with people’s personalities & assumptions we make about characteristics.
What is self-fulfilling prophecy?
A prediction that comes true because you acted as if it were true.
What is accentuation?
You see what you want to see or what makes sense.
What is primacy-recency affect?
Deals with first impressions and last impressions.
What is consistency theory?
Deals with behaviors, people, and the roles they play.
What is stereotype?
A fixed impression of a group of people.
What are the stages of the perception process?
- Sensation - our senses are stimulated
- Organization - Our brain organizes the incoming information
- Evaluation/Interpretation - We decide if we like/dislike or agree/disagree with what we are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching.
What are listening myths?
- Listening is easy.
- Listening and hearing are the same.
- We remember what others say ( When in reality we only remember what we THINK ABOUT what others say.)
What is listening process?
- Receiving
- Understanding
- Remembering
- Evaluating
- Responding - 2 phases: during and after
What is active listening?
The process of sending feedback to the speaker to show literally and emotionally that you understand them.
What is RASA?
Receive, Appreciate, Summarize, Ask