Sociology Chapter 7 Deviance Flashcards
What is the percentage of white Americans who use illegal drugs?
What is the percentage of African Americans who use illegal drugs?
What is the percentage of white Americans in prison on drug offenses?
What is the percentage of African Americans in prison for drug offenses?
Law is simply part of a ________ ________ ____ _______ _______?
complex system of social control.
Define Deviance?
The recognized violation of cultural norms.
What is the definition of crime?
the violation of a society’s formally enacted criminal law.
What is social control?
Attempts by society to control/regulate thoughts and behavior.
What is the Criminal Justice System?
Police, courts, and prison officials that respond to violations of the law.
Who was Cesare Lombroso ?
Italian physician who worked in prisons theorized that criminals stand out due to certain physical features.
What did Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz Study?
Psychological approach to criminal behavior. They asked teachers to put 12 year old boys in groups of likely and unlikely to get in trouble with the law. The “good” boys could handle frustration and had a conscience as the Bad
“ boys” had a weak conscience and frustration level.
What did Reckless and Dinitz call their theory?
Containment theory
Karl Marx declared that the law is the means by which?
Powerful people protect their interests.
Durkheim’s key to the structional functional approach is that?
Deviance is a necessary part of social organization.
What are the four essential functions of deviance?
- Affirms cultures Values and Norms.
- Response clarifies moral boundaries. (Right/Wrong)
- Response brings people together.
- Encourages social change.
Who did Karl Erikson study?
Puritans, bringing Durkheim’s theory to life about how deviance sets boundaries for values.
What did Robert Mertson Argue?
Society can be set up in a way to encourage deviance. The strain between wealth and lack of education and jobs may encourage crime.
What is ritualism?
rigidly sticks to the rules without regard.
What is retreatism?
Drops out/abandons cultural goals.
What is rebellion?
Rejects cultural goals and forms a counter culture supporting alternatives to the existing social order.
What did Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin Study?
That crime is not just from illegal opportunity but also from legal opportunity.
What did Albert Cohn study?
delinquency; as it is most common among youth.
What did Walter Miller Claim subcultures are characterized by?
Trouble in school and with police, Toughness, Values on size and strength and “Street Smarts”, need for danger, Belief in fate, and desire for freedom
What did Elijah Anderson explain about deviance?
In urban neighborhoods most conform but young men have been pushed to the margins of society and turn to crime and live by “street code”.
From a structural functional standpoint a community does not?
Always come together. Times of crime/tragedy cause fear and withdrawal.
Why do theories of deviance fall short?
They assume that everyone shares the same cultural standards for judging right and wrong.
What is labeling theory?
the idea that conformance and deviance are more how others respond to actions
Labeling stresses that?
people define behavior in a number of ways.
What is primary deviance?
a minor violation of norm. Such as skipping school.
What is secondary deviance?
When someone consistently breaks the rules and takes on deviant behavior it is secondary. Can mark the start of a deviant career.
What is a stigma?
A powerfully negative label that changes self and identity. Acts as a master status overpowering other identity.
What is retrospective labeling?
interpreting someone’s past in light of present deviance.
What is psychiatrist Thomas Szsaz Charges that people are to quick to label someone as?
Mentally ill
What is the medicalization of Deviance?
The transformation of moral and legal deviance into a medical condition.
What is Differential Association?
a theory developed by Edwin Sutherland proposing that through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior.
What theory did Travis Hirschi develop?
Control theory. Social control depends on people anticipating the consequences of their behavior.
Travis Hirschi links conformity to what four different control issues?
Attachment to family, and peers.
Opportunity to advance, involvement in legal activities,and belief in morals
What is white collar crime?
Crime committed through the course of business of those in a high social position.
What is corporate crime?
Crimes committed by people on behalf of a corporation or illegal actions of a corporation.
What is organized crime?
Business, supplying illegal goods or services.
What is the definition of a hate crime?
A criminal act against a person or a persons property where the offender is motivated by racial or other bias.
How many hate crimes were reported in 2011?
How many hate crimes resulted in murder in 2011?
How many hate crime were directed at those who were gay/lesbian in 2011?
2,092 and 17% targeted white people.
What two crimes make up the FBI crime index?
Violent Crimes and property crimes.
Police count how many serious crimes each year?