Sociology Chapter 5 Groups and Organizations Flashcards
What are “collectives”?
What sociologists call social groups and organizations.
What did Maurice and Richard McDonald do in 1948?
Opened the first fast food restaurant. Concept was to serve food quickly and cheaply to large numbers of people.
How was the fast food concept organized?
In an assembly line. One cooked, and others did toppings, fries, milkshakes. Then the meal was presented to customers..
Who helped the McDonald brothers turn their idea into a chain of fast food restaurants?
Ray Kroc presented the idea and the three turned their fast food burger joint into the McDonalds we know today.
How many McDonalds are there world wide?
More then 33,500
How many people do McDonalds serve each day?
69,000,000 people a day in the U.S., and 118 other countries.
What are of “social groups”?
The clusters of people with whom we interact with in every day life.
What expanded greatly in the 20th century?
The scope of group life. From families and neighborhoods, to small businesses and now to large corporations.
What do sociologists call the large corporations?
Formal organizations.
What is the definition of social groups?
A social group is two or more people who identify with and interact with one another.
Members of a social group think of themselves as a ?
special “We”.
Is every collection of individuals a group?
No. People all over the country with a status in common are a category not a group. Such as homeowners, millionaires, and college graduates.
What is a loosely formed collection of people in one place?
A crowd. Although circumstances can force the crowd of pretty much strangers into a group such as a power outage or terrorist attack. As people bond in crisis.
What is a Primary Group?
A small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships.
What is Charles Horton Cooley known for?
His research and findings on primary groups and primary relationships. He called this primary because of the high importance
What is society’s most important primary group?
The family. Primary because family forms our attitudes, behavior, and social identity.
What is a secondary group?
A large impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity. In contrast to primary these groups have weak emotional ties and little personal knowledge of one another.
Primary groups have what kind of connection?
Strong bond of personal intimate connections.
Secondary Groups have what kind of connection?
A goal orientation connection. A purpose for meeting. Formal and polite and tend to keep score.
What are the two roles of group leadership?
Instrumental leadership and Expressive Leadership
What is the focus of Instrumental Leadership?
Group leadership; focuses on completion of tasks. They look to them for making plans and giving orders. This type of person has secondary relationships but has respect of the group.
What is the focus of Expressive Leadership?
Focus is on the well being of the group. Like raising morale, and minimizing tension and conflict. Builds more primary ties and receives more personal affection.
What are the three Leadership Styles?
Authoritarian, Democratic Leadership and Leave It Alone leadership( Laissez -Faire)
What is the focus of the Authoritarian Leadership?
Takes charge, demands obedience. May not win affection but is appreciated in a crisis.
What is the focus of democratic leadership?
More expressive, includes everyone in decision making Has creative solutions to problems.
What is the focus of leave it alone leadership?
Allows group to function on it’s own. Least effective in promoting group goals.
What is Group Conformity?
Fitting in. Provides a secure feeling of belonging.
What did the research of Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram show?
Most people will conform or compromise what they know is wrong to fit in with the group.
What is Groupthink?
The tendency to conform, resulting in a narrow view of some issue.
What is Irving Janis’s research show?
Even experts cave in to group pressure. Groupthink closes off others points of view
What is a Reference Group?
A group that serves as reference in making decisions and evaluations. We use reference groups to access our own attitudes and behaviors.
What did Samuel Stouffer do study on?
Reference Groups. We compare ourselves to others in our reference group. We form a subjective sense by looking at ourselves to specific group.
What is an in-group?
A social group toward which a member feels respect and loyalty.
What is an out-group?
A social group where a person feels a sense of competition or opposition.
What is a “Dyad”
A social group with two members.
Who used the term Dyad?
George Simmel studied small groups and used the term Dyad meaning “pair”.
What is a Triad?
A social group with three members.
Diversity influences intergroup contact how?
Large groups turn inward having relationships among themselves. The more diverse the group,they turn to others outside their group. When a group is segregated it’s members are less likely to interact with outsiders.
What is networks?
A web of week social ties.
Networks is like a fuzzy group of ?
people who come into occasional contact, but lacks a sense of boundaries and belonging.
What is the definition of Social Media?
Technology that links people in social activity. In 2011 600,000,000 were on social media. In 2012 it topped 1 billion.
What are the three types of Formal Organizations?
Utilitarian, Normative, Coercive
What is a utilitarian Organization?
Profits and income. Pays people for their efforts.
What is a Normative Organization?
Morally worthwhile; Voluntary associates, community service groups.
What is a coercive organization?
Involuntary; people are forced to join such as prisons and psych hospital ward. Has locked doors, barred windows and is controlled by security. Designed to change attitudes and behavior.
What is the definition of tradition?
Behavior’s, Values and beliefs passed from generation to generation.
According to Max Weber the modern world rests on?
Define Rationality
calculation of the most efficient way to accomplish a task.
Define rationalization of society
The historical change from tradition to rationality as the main type of human thought.
Define Bureaucracy
organizational model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently.
What is the definition Organizational Environment?
Factors outside a organization that effect it’s operation
What is Bureaucracy Ritualism?
A focus on rules and regulations to the point of undermining an organizations goals.
What is Bureaucratic inertia?
The tendency of bureaucratic organizations to perpetuate themselves.
What is Oligarchy?
The rule of the many by the few. (Putting a few in charge of the whole organization).
What is scientific management?
Fredrick Taylor’s term for applying scientific principals to the operation of a business or other large organization.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter proposed?
Organizations open up for all woman and minorities to increase efficiency.
What are the two different types of the work force?
Highly skilled creative work and low- skilled service work.