Sociology chapter 6 Sexuality and Society Flashcards
What did sociologist Peter Bearman Study?
Sexual relationships among a High School population.
What percent of High School students were found to have had a intimate relationship?
69% of students at a high school had been in at least one sexually active relationship.
Sexuality is both a_____ and a_______ issue?
a biological and a cultural issue.
What is the definition of sex?
The biological distinction between females and males
What are chromosomes?
biological codes that guide physical development.
How is sex a biological issue?
the way humans reproduce.
How is a child’s sex determined?
The mother contributes a X chromosome and the father contributes either a X for a girl or a Y for a boy.
Define primary sex characteristics.
the genitals, organs used for reproduction.
Define secondary sex characteristics.
bodily development, apart from genitals, that distinguishes biologically mature males and females.
Define intersexual people.
people who have both male and female characteristics
Define transsexuals
People who feel they are one sex even though they are biologically the other.
How is sexuality cultural?
Sexual behavior and patterns vary between cultures. As in the USA public displays of affection are common place where in China kissing is only in private.
What is incest taboo?
a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives.
What did Alfred Kinsey study?
Sexuality. Kinsey studied sexual attitudes and behavior. Coined the term “sexual revolution”.
Alfred Kinsey’s books did what?
Encouraged a new openness of sexuality. Sexual revolution truly came of age in the late 1960’s When youth culture dominated with Sex, Drugs, and rock n roll