Sociology Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is Quantive Data?
Where data is gathered or translated into numbers.
What is Qualitative Data?
Where data is gathered into words, narrative’s, and impressions. (Would lose value and meaning if translated into numbers).
What is the definition of culture?
Society’s entire way of life.
What is material culture?
The physical things created by members of society.
What is non-material culture?
Ideas created by members of a society.
How many different languages are spoken in the U.S.?
382 languages are spoken in the United States.
How many languages are spoken in the world?
7,000 Global Languages
What are the four common elements of culture?
Language , Values, Symbols, and Norms
What are the two second languages of the world?
English and Spanish
What percentage of U.S. adults are functionally illiterate?
What is the definition of “Norms”
Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of it’s members.
What is “Mores”?
Refers to Norms that are widely observed that have great moral significance.
What are Folkways?
routine “norms” for casual interactions. (Basic rules of everyday life). Every day politeness/ediquette
Cultural Symbols are?
anything that carries a specific meaning recognized by people who share a culture.
What is Social Control?
Attempts by society to regulate people’s thoughts and behavior.
What is Sociocultural Evolution?
Historical changes in culture brought about by new technology.
What are the four levels of Sociocultural Evolution?
Hunting/gathering, Horticulture/pastoralism, Agriculture, and Industrialism
What is Post Industrialism?
Production of information using computer technology.
What is High Culture?
The elite of society.
What is Popular Culture?
Widespread Cultural patterns among a population. Known as “pop culture”.
What is Subculture?
Cultural patterns that are set apart by groups of a society’s population. Such as “beach crowd”, or “Chopper Riders”.
What is Multiculturalism?
Recognizing the cultural diversity of the U.S. and promoting equal standing for cultural traditions.
What is Euro-centrism?
Dominance of European culture patterns.
What is Afro-centrism?
Promoting African culture patterns.
What is Anglicization?
Adoption of English Ways.
What is counter culture?
Culture patterns that oppose those widely accepted within a society.
What is cultural integration?
Close relationships among various elements of a cultural system. (such as when a woman has a career it effects the childbirth age and the divorce rate).
What is Cultural Lag? Coined by William Ogburn.
Some elements change more quickly than others. Disrupting a cultural system.( technology moves faster than ideas can keep up with)
What is cultural change?
Change by invention, discovery, or diffusion.
What is Cultural Diffusion?
Spread of culture traits from one society to another.
What is Ethnocentrism?
The practice of judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture.
What is cultural relativism?
The practice of judging a culture by it’s own standards.
Define Global Economy
The flow of goods throughout the world.
Define Global Communications
The flow of information throughout the world
Define Global Migration
The flow of people throughout the world.
Define structural functional strategy
complex strategy for meeting human needs. Thinking functionally helps us understand an unfamiliar way of life.
What are Cultural Universals?
Traits that are part of every culture. Common elements such as family. Jokes are also a universal culture.
What is Sociobiology?
A Theoretical approach that explores ways in which human biology affects how we create culture.
What is the Sapir- Whorf Thesis?
The idea that people see and understand the world through the cultural lens of language.
Our diverse society is due to?
Immigration, social class
Gerhard Lenski is known for?
Technology is critical.
What is real culture?
occurs in everyday life.
What is ideal culture?
The standards that a society tries to live up to.
What is cultural knowledge?
Cultural knowledge is made up of culture general and culture specific knowledge.
What is static elements society?
Content to live in an environment that does not change. Governed by tradition. Lives as same as generations before.
What is Egalitarian Society?
Equality for all; natural state of humanity.
What is Agrarian Society?
Large Scale agriculture using plows. Live in permanent settlements.
Culture acts as a constraint because?
culture habits are repeated.
What is social inequality?
Unevenly distributed resources, based on social status not merit.