Sociological Thinking/Imagination Flashcards
Science vs Sociology:
- cannot meet rigorous demands of the scientific method
- requires a different orientation toward knowledge and a different perspective on human social interactions
- how questions not why or should questions
- both/and vs either/or thinking
- right and wrong
- true and false
Sociological imagination:
about the relationships between personal biography, history, and social forces beyond the control of the individual
Mills (1959) clarified the relationship between the ____ and _____ that is opposite what most people assume.
- individual
- society
Discuss the phrase “the very structure of opportunities has collapsed”:
- fewer opportunities for success are placed in front of some people
- somehow, somewhere along the way, opportunities stopped being generated for many
- who’s fault is it when people don’t succeed?
Sociological imagination requires a back and forth thinking from ____ to ____.
- individual
- society
Common sense approach: the biggest loser:
- look at all these overweight people
- how can we explain this?
- because they are lazy, weak willed, and a failure, which is why we have an epidemic in today’s society
Sociological imagination approach: the biggest loser:
- look at all these fast food joints, loopholes in food labeling, wealth gap etc.
- What effect could these be having?
- producing obesity
The Biggest Loser is a TV show and thus is embedded in numerous _____ and _____ contexts.
- institutional
- structural
Other sociological elements of The Biggest Loser:
- capitalism
- competition
Capitalism element of The Biggest Loser:
means that products have to be placed in the show and marketed
Competition element of The Biggest Loser:
contestants are competing against each other and themselves
How does capitalism and competition both feed the common sense view of obesity?
- products are marketed to contestants that promise to give an edge over other contestants
- you can consume your way to health
Capitalism and competition reflect the ____ ____ in which TBL is produced.
social structures
If we are unable to focus on the social issue of obesity, we can expect to see ….
the incidence of obesity rise, even as more individuals take action to manage their weight