Social Theory Flashcards
What is attribution theory
we explain someone’s behavior by creating either the situation (external factors)
person’s disposition (internal factors) and whether these are temporary or ensuring
- Situational - someone reacted based on situation
- Dispositional - good/ bad at tase
- Stable - consistent -Unstable - changing
What is fundamental attribution error
Tend to overestimate role of dispositional factors and underestimate situational factors
- Not thinking about what someone might be going through to blame behavior
- Individualistic us. Collectivistic
- FAE more likely in cultures like US
What are some ways to persuade someone
Central route to persuasion: get straight to facts
- Facts will persuade you to a product
Peripheral route to persuasion
-Sex, celebrity, sparkles, will persuade you
Compliance strategies
-Foot -in-the-door phenomenon: Small favor - big favor, want something more and more
Door - in- foot phenomenon: Big favor - small favor, Going from big amount to small amount
What is norm of reciprocity
People think that when the do something nice they should return the fact
What was Zimbaraós prison study and role play
Showed how we deindividuation ana become the assigned roles given
- Zimboraos got stanford students to play roles (prisoner or guara)n basement of psychology building
- Some took roles to far
- Experiment had to be shut down after 6 days
What is cognitive dissonance
In order do resolve dissonance humans adjust belief
- Dissonance: Conflict of beliefs/ behaviors
What is cognitive dissonance theory
- When attitudes don’t maten behavior, we experience dissonance
What was LaPiere’s Study
Attitudes dont always equal
Our behavior
- Chinese couple trying do get a room
- 91% saia they want accept them (Over phone)
- All hotels accept them when them come in
- Adjusting behaviors
What is the chameleon effect
Laughs when a friend laughs
- Tends do mimic actions and behaviors around us
What is conformity studies
adjusting one’s behavior or thinking to coincide with group standard
What is Ache’s conformity study
One person was actual test animal and everyone else was apart of experiment
When asked which line matches the line given, no mater if the answer given was right, the test animal will always conform to what other people will say
What was Aches results
confederate: apart of experiment
- About 113 of participants conformed
-At Least one person causes conformity
- 70º conformed once
- To strengthen conformity
- group is unanimous
group is at least 3 a people
- One admires groups status
- One had made no prior commitment
Normative us. Informational social influence
-The “Nom”
wanting so be liked, so we otherwise do things we wouldn’t do
- Peer pressure
- Temp, change behavior
- Informational
-Wanting to look right and looking to others to behave
- Changing to appropriate behavior
- Something based on news
- More permanent behavior
What was the milligram study
A group of men were asked to come and help in an experiment. They were told to read off questions to the experimentie and if they got it wrong they got a shock. However, each shock would go up a certain voltage until it became to much. he tick is is that the experimentie was an actor and was not actually getting shocked
What was the significance of the Milgram study
Person giving orders was close at hand and perceived to be an authority
- Authority figure was supported by powerful institution
- Victim depersonalize or at a distance
- There were no “role models” for defiance.
What is social facilitation theory
SFT: If your really good at something you will perform better in the group
- Especially if task is easy
What is social impairment
If it’s not an easy task or you are not good at it you will perform poorer
What is social loafing
Tendency for people in group to exert less effort when pooling efforts toward common goal
when there is more people working you are more likely to do less work
What is deindividual
People swept up in a group and loss of sense of self
- Feels anonymous and aroused
- Explains rioting behaviors
Example: KKK
What is group polarization
Groups tends to make more extreme decisions than individual
- Getting further from median and towards their personal belief
Example: Extreme republican vs. republican
What is groupthink
group members suppress reservation about ideas
They are more concerned w/ group hamony
What is prejudice
- Undesired attitude toward a group of people
Example: Ethnocentrism: idea that one’s person’s race or culture is superior (prejudice)
What is a stereotype
Overgeneralizing idea about group of people
What is discrimination
Action based on prejudice
What are some roots of prejudice
Just world phenomenon : idea that misfortunes befall people uno deserve them - our tendency to blame victims
- In group bias: preference for members of one’s
In group vs Out group “That group of people”
-Scapegoat theory: People pass blame when they are not good at something
What is other race theory
- We recall faces of our own race better than our own faces
What are the 2 types of aggressions
- Instrumental Aggression: intended to achieve particular goal
- Hostile aggression: no clear goal
What are some theories of aggression
- Bobo doll
- Frustration - Aggression hypothesis: feeling of frustration nave nonaggression more likely
What are the 4 factors of Attraction
- Geographical nearness
- Mere exposure effect: repeated exposure to something breeds liking
- Written letter Story
Reciprocal liking
- You are more likely to like someone who like you
- Opposites do not attract
- Birds of some feather do flock together”
Halo effect
-More attractive people are seen as smarter, fumier likable
What are some types of love
- Passionate love: Intense positive absorption in another person→ beginning of relationship
- Feelings intensea when porchologicana
-companionate love: Deep affectionate attachment we feel for those w/ whom our lives are intertwined (not romantic (sexual)
What is altruism
- Evidence shows that others can have positive effect on your own mental health/whitening
What is the bystander effect
Kitty Genovese case in kew Gardens
- Conditions in which less people around are more likely to help one another
- More people around - less likely to help
- Pluralistic ignorance
- People decide what to do by looking to others
What is social exchange theory
Social behavior is exchange process
- Maximize benefits while minimizing costs
- Only for relationship
What can prejudices lead to
Self fulfilling prophecy
-prediction causes itself to be true
Example: saying your gonna do bad on a test and then doing bad
What is mirror image perceptions
When conflicting people or groups view themselves as being “Right” and “Just” and other people are seen as “evil” and “wrong”
What are ways to combat prejudice
Contact theory
- Contact between hostile groups will reduce animosity it they are made to work towards superordinate goal
- Sherif Camp Study
What are group norms
rules about now group members act
Example: Greek life
What is social trap
2 groups make decisions that are in own Self- interest, it could lead to mutually destructive behavior
What is GRIT
Graduated and reciperacol initiatives in tension - reduction
-If 2 countries one struck during negotiations one concession in anticipation that the other country will do the same
-If I remove my missiles, there will be pressure for you to remove your missiles
What is false consensus effect
Tendency of people in overestimate # of people who agree with me
What is self serving bias
Tendency to take more credit for good * outcomes than bad ones
What is social script
We sometimes imitate what we’ve viewed within our culture from what we’ve seen in our society and we sue that as a guide as how we should behave