Social Studies AUS 1053 Flashcards
B.C. stands for…
Before Christ
All dates in history after Christ came to Earth have what letters in front of the year?
A.D. (although people also use C.E., which stands for Common Era)
What is the first recorded biblical event of human history?
Creation week
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples travelled to Australia from…
Shinar (Babylon) where the Tower of Babel had been built
Who do some people believe were the earliest immigrants to Australia?
The Tasmanian Aboriginal People
How many Aboriginal people are estimate to have lived on mainland Australia when Captain Cook sailed the east coast in 1770?
It is believed that when Aboriginal people immigrated to Australia, they brought their dogs with them. What are these dogs known as?
Which two other countries are mentioned as having boomerangs in ancient times?
India and Ancient Egypt
Who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (and everyone else) descended from?
Noah and his three sons
Who are the two major groups of Aboriginal peoples?
The coastal tribes and the interior tribes
What did Aboriginal people spend most of their time doing?
hunting food
Food resources for the interior tribes were very…
Because they often had to travel great distances to find food, the interior tribes had limited…
In general, Aboriginal people ate whatever was…
What was a favourite food of Aboriginal people?
witchetty grubs
Which food was considered a delicacy?
Which animal were women and children often not allowed to eat the flesh of?
the emu
What were the main foods of the Aboriginal people?
vegetable roots and seeds
What were women mostly responsible for when it came to providing food?
gathering plants, seeds, insects, and small animals
What were men mostly responsible for in relation to providing food?
hunting and fishing
What was the main weapon used for hunting?
a spear
Did men and women usually work together or separately to search for food?
What was usually thrown at flocks of birds in the hope of killing some for food?
a boomerang
What tool did women often use to help them gather food?
a digging stick
What weapon did men use to hunt fish?
a prong-tipped spear
What was the most common method Aboriginal people used to start a fire?
the friction method
Life depended on Aboriginal people being able to find what?
water and food
Aboriginal people were sometimes able to drain stored water from what part of trees?
the roots
What type of tree stores water in its trunk?
the baobab tree
Why were some waterholes covered?
to prevent evaporation
Which tribes generally didn’t have trouble finding water, and why?
The coastal tribes generally found water easily in rivers.
Which tribes were generally more settled—coastal tribes or interior tribes?
coastal tribes
The shelters of the coastal tribes tended to be more…
The shelters of the interior tribes were more…
One type of hut made by early Aboriginal people was the…
inverted V
The huts were often called miamias or…
Aboriginal people decorated themselves with coloured…
Aboriginal girls were considered adults when they were about what age?
Boys were not considered adults until they passed what?
an initiation
Did Aboriginal children go to school?
How did Aboriginal children learn hunting and tracking skills?
through play