Ch 1 - Plentiful Plants (1.5 - 1.8) Flashcards
What is a tree?
A tree is a tall plant with a single woody stem.
What term describes a tree that lives for only one year?
What term describes a tree that lives for only two years?
What term describes a tree that lives for many years?
What are the tallest living trees in the world?
California redwoods
Which trees do scientists believe may be the oldest living things on earth?
Bristlecone pines
What do we call scientists who study trees?
What is the name of the structure at the tip of a stem that produces new growth?
A bud
What is the layer of the tree’s trunk where new growth of bark and wood takes place?
The cambium layer
Why is girdling harmful to a tree?
It prevents nourishment from reaching the roots, eventually causing the tree to die.
What is made of an inner band of light wood and an outer band of dark wood, and what do these bands tell us about a tree?
These are annual growth rings and they tell us how old a tree is.
Identify the tree family

Identify the tree family

Identify the tree family

Identify the tree family

Identify the tree family

What is a deciduous tree?
A deciduous tree is a tree that loses its leaves in autumn.
What tree group has mainly flower-bearing and seed-producing plants?
broadleaf trees
What do we call broadleaf trees that grow in termperate climates and lose their leaves in the autumn?
deciduous trees
Why do some trees’ leaves change colour in the autumn?
A wall of cells blocks the flow of water and minerals into the leaf, and so the leaf stops producing chlorophyll. As the chlorophyll in the leaves deterorates, yellow and orange pigments begin to show through.
What is the process of producing maple syrup and sugar?
Name the tree disease that is caused by a fungus and is most often spread by beetles that live within the tree’s bark?
Dutch Elm disease
Which tree family is cone-bearing?
Name the two different kinds of cones a conifer can produce?
pollen cones
seed cones
What is the term for a tree that keeps its leaves all year round?
What is unique about larches?
They are deciduous conifers.
What is the name of the largest living sequoia?
General Sherman Tree
What are some differences between broadleaf trees and conifers?
Most broadleaf trees have a rounded top or crown; conifers tend to taper to a point.
Broadleaf trees grow outward as much as (sometimes more than) they grow upward; confiers concentrate on growing upward.
Conifers tend to have smaller leaves than broadleaf trees.
Most conifers are evergreen.
What are the three main families of conifer trees?
pine family
cypress family
redwood family
What kinds of trees belong to the pine family?
Douglas firs
What are the only confiers with bundles of needles?
What type of pine was important because its wood was superior to that of other pines?
eastern white pine
What is one of the largest pine varieties?
ponderosa pine
Which pine grows in the hot, dry climate of the southwestern United States?
pinyon pine
Which type of spruce is often planted in yards as an ornamental tree?
the blue spruce
What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

bald cypress
What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

giant sequoia
What kind of tree is this?

What kind of tree is this?

What kind of plant does not bear seeds but does have roots and leaves?
a fern
What is the name for a fern’s roots?
What type of plant does not have roots or true leaves but grows from a slender thread of connected cells?
What do we call the leaves of palm trees and ferns?
What do ferns have instead of seeds?
The world’s smallest green plants belong to what group of plants?
What is the name for a kind of brown alga that is the largest type of alga?
What do we call the part of large algae that takes the place of roots and anchors it to the ocean floor?
the holdfast
Plants of which family do not contact chlorophyll?
List five types of fungi.
slime moulds
What do we call an organism that attaches itself to another organism for nourishment?
a parasite
Give the name for the large spore-forming structure of a mushroom.
fruiting body
What type of plant is actually a combination of fungi and algae?
What do we call fungi that feed on dead matter?
What word means a network of cells strung together in a threadlike structure that makes up the main part of a fungus?
What do we call the tiny white hairlike structures of mould?
What kind of fungus can grown on wet clothes, shower stalls, and plants?
What kind of fungus is used to make penicillin and cheese?
What do we call a single-celled fungus that converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide? (It’s also used to make bread.)
What is the most outstanding characteristic of the bristlecone pine?
It is believed to be the oldest living thing.
What is the most outstanding characteristic of the sugar maple?
It is the source for maple syrup.
What is the most outstanding characteristic of the American elm?
It is a tall tree with a vase-like appearance.
What is the most outstanding characteristic of the live oak?
It is a broadleaf evergreen. (Most broadleafs are deciduous.)
What is the most outstanding feature of the paper birch?
It has smooth, white paper-like bark that peels off.
What is the most outstanding feature of the Douglas fir?
It’s actually a pine tree.
What is the most outstanding feature of the cedar tree?
Its reddish, aromatic wood repels moths.