Ch 2 - What Arachnid am I? Flashcards
I’m a spider with keen eyesight and I pounce on insects.
jumping spider
I am the largest tarantula.
Goliath birdeater
I’m a spider that lives my entire life underwater in a specially built “house.”
water spider
I’m an arachnid with a long tail that has a poisonous needlelike point.
I’m a poisonous spider recognizable by the dark violin-shaped mark on top of my body and my six eyes grouped in three pairs.
brown recluse
I’m a spider that weaves cobwebs in the corners of a house and destroys tiny household pests.
house spider
I’m a spider that makes a silk-lined trap from a hole in the ground.
trap-door spider
I’m a spider that spits out a pair of strong, sticky threads to catch an insect.
spitting spider
I’m an arachnid with a round body make up of only one section and eight long legs.
harvestman (daddy long legs)
the smallest arachnids
I’m a spider that shapes its web like a funnel with the narrow opening pointing toward the ground.
funnel weaver spider
I’m a spider that blankets a small section of the ground with a sheet web.
platform spider
I’m the largest type of spider in the world.
I’m a spider that moves easily across the water’s surface to catch insects.
fishing spider
I’m an arachnid that feeds on the blood of living creatures.
I’m a spider that makes a tiny silk net to catch insects.
ogre-faced spider
I’m a poisonous spider recognizable by a red, orange, or yellow hourglass on my abdomen.
black widow