Social Psych Flashcards
A research study found that in-group members consistently attributed the behaviors of out-group members to dispositional factors when the behaviors produced bad outcomes, but consistently attributed the behaviors of out-group members to situational factors when they produced good outcomes. This result is consistent with which attribution error/bias?
ultimate attribution error
When relying on the anchoring and adjustment heuristic, the “anchor” is:
the starting point
The research has found that, when people estimate the frequency of a particular event, they tend to give more weight to anecdotal information about that event than to statistical data. This is referred to as:
base rate fallacy
Strength, accessibility, and specificity have been identified as factors that affect:
the amount of influence a person’s attitudes have on his/her behaviours
The overjustification effect occurs when:
obtaining external rewards for engaging in a behaviour reduced intrinsic motivation to perform that behaviour
Research investigating the effects of age on susceptibility to persuasion suggests that ___________ are most resistant to persuasion
middle-aged adults
What has been found to modify the nature of the relationship between message discrepancy and attitude change?
the credibility of the source of the message
When people are exposed to arguments that address both sides of a controversial issue, a primacy effect is most likely to occur when:
one side is presented immediately after the other side and attitudes are measured one week later
Research suggests that the credibility of the person delivering a persuasive message is determined primarily by his or her:
expertise and trustworthiness
Social facilitation is more likely than social inhibition to occur when:
the task is easy
Moscovici’s (1980) research on minority influence found that a group member with a minority opinion must rely on which of the following to persuade members with the opposing (majority) opinion to adopt his or her opinion?
behavioural style
Francis Galton was surprised when he found that a group of contestants at a country fair produced a more accurate estimate of an oxen’s weight when their individual estimates were averaged than the estimate made by any one cattle expert. Averaging the estimates provided by a group of contestants is an example of _________
compensatory task
_____ refers to a bystander’s decision not to intervene in an emergency situation because the bystander believes the inactivity of other bystanders is due to their conclusion that the situation does not constitute an emergency
pluralistic ignorance
Tajfel and Turner’s (1986) social identity theory proposes that prejudice and discrimination are attributable to:
a natural tendency to categorize people into groups
Research on the “jigsaw classroom” (Aronson & Osherow, 1980) found that having students work together in teams to complete an assignment helped reduce intergroup hostility caused by racial and ethnic differences. The results of this research are consistent with studies assessing the effects of _______
superordinate goals