Social Policy Flashcards
A policy is a…
Plan of action for tackling political issues
e.g. war, migration, human rights etc.
A social policy is a…
Plan of action for dealing with social issues
e.g. education, welfare, health care, crime, FAMILY etc.
Give 2 examples of other cultures family policies
- China’s 1 child policy (stop over-population)
2. Nazi family policy (‘racially pure’ breed ‘master race’)
Which political party is left wing?
LABOUR (Jeremy Corbyn)
Concerned with community as a whole
Which political party is right wing?
CONSERVATIVES (David Cameron, now Theresa May)
Emphasis on indvidual responsibility
What do the labour and the Conservative party have in common, in relation to the family?
Both aim to strengthen traditional family - support TNF
See family as being threatened by increase in divorce + lone parents
Wider social problems have been blamed on failure of the fam
e.g. teen pregnancies, Ed failure, welfare dependancy
BUT labour believes in supporting everyone with children, not just married couples
Give policies that were enforced before 1979
- Divorce Reform Act 1969 (came into effect Jan 1971)
- Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (discrimination illegal on grounds of sex/ marital status)
- Equal Pay Act 1970
- The Beverage Report 1942 (development of welfare state, national insurance -> NHS)
What were the New Labour the 1st party to do?
1st G to really address the massive changes that were occurring in the family structure
Acknowledged W’s increased participation in £ work + that both parents work
- helped with childcare costs
What ministerial role did the New Labour create in 2003?
Minister for Children
What department did the New Labour create in 2007?
Department of Children, Schools and Families
Give 5 policies that the New Labour introduced
- More generous maternity pay + leave, introduced paternity leave
- Free childcare for 2 1/2 year olds (easier for parents to return to work, helps children form range of backgrounds get ready for school)
- The New Deal 1998 (helped lone parents enter £ work after having children, helps costs of childcare)
- Help for elderly (winter fuel payment, reduce health issues)
- Adoption and Children Act 2002 (same-sex couples can adopt, alternative to heterosexual family)
When were the New Labour in power?
policies come into action
When were the New Right in power?
policies come into action
Give 6 polices that reflect the New Rights traditional views of the family
- Benefits cut (encourage individuals particularly fathers to take care of children)
- Single-parent benefits were cut (discourage alternative fam structures)
- Child Support Agency = set up (fathers £ maintenance for children, discourage children out of marriage)
- Failure to introduce free/ reduced childcare (favour traditional roles)
- Married couples getting tax + welfare benefits (incentive to marry, alternatives = less desirable)
- Privatising care for the elderly (poorer families = responsible for elderly, W - reinforcing GR)
How have many Conservative polices been criticised?
- FEMINISTS - go against gender equality
- ‘Blaming the victim’ - SPF for societal problems, antisocial behaviour, when actually many headed by working parents who don’t rely on benefits