New Right Flashcards
What type of family do the NR prefer?
Why? (4)
TNF, = vital that it remains dominant
- Performs important, beneficial functions
- Secures social stability
- Socialises children into correct Vs + gender roles
- Creates conformist adults
Why are the NR anti-feminist?
Believe W’s liberation from housewife role has contributed to moral breakdown of the family + S
How do the NR see S? (2)
- Over regulated - individuals must be responsible for themselves, public sectors (NHS) need to become privatised IOT drive up standards
- Breaking down - lack of traditional values
Why do the NR believe that the TNF is under threat?
From social changes (feminism) :
- Rising divorce rate, step families, lone parent families
- Births outside of marriage
- Gay marriage
What do Murray and Mursland argue?
Growth of SPFs = dysfunctional
Result of over-generous welfare state (benefits for unmarried mothers)
Creates dependency culture + underclass, assume state will support them
Creates perverse incentive - reward irresponsible beh.
Welfare benefits must be abolished to prevent moral decay
Why doe Murray + Mursland argue that benefits create a perverse incentive?
Rewards irresponsible behaviour
e.g. having children without being able to afford them
What do Murray +Mursland see as the solution to stopping the breakdown of the TNF?
Reduce dependency culture that encourages births outside of marriage
Prevents further moral decay
What did Dennie + Erdos conduct research into?
SPFs during 1980s
When did Dennis + Erodos write?
What did Dennis + Erdos argue?
Increase in SPFs = led to a decline in father role
90% SPFs = headed by women
Bad for S; men = discouraged for taking responsibility for their children
Boys = affected by lack of a +ve male role model in the socialisation process
SPFs produce irresponsible, undisciplined boys/ men
What do Dennis + Erdos see as the solution to increasing the number of TNFs?
G introducing policies that gives incentives to TNFs + discourages SPFs
What % of SPFs are headed by some?
How would conflict theories criticise the NR?
Welfare benefits = inadequate + trap families into poverty/ dependency
Children from SPFs have poorer life chance; poverty, not SPFs being ‘inherently bad’
How would feminists criticise the NR?
NR reflects patriarchal ideology
Are fathers always beneficial? (dark side of the family)
What are 2 general criticisms of the NR?
- Lack of affordable child care prevents lone parents from working (60% unemployed)
- SPF status = temporary, 75% divorces remarry
How could you criticise Dennis + Erdos’ view of fatherless families?
‘Fatherless’ doesn’t mean total lack of male role models (uncles, brothers, teachers)
PLUS divorced families today are increasingly more co-parented (contact with real dad)
What % of lone parent families are unemployed?
What % of divorced families re-marry?