Marxism Flashcards
How do Marxists see S?
Capitalist (motivated be profit, not need)
÷ unequally (proletariat sell labour to bourgeoisie IOT survive, exploitation)
Controlled by economic base/ infrastructure (capitalism) + ideological superstructure (institutions)
What are Marxists views of the TNF?
Not functionally necessary (or universal)
What are Marxists views on the family?
See the family within the framework of a capitalist S
Based on private property, drives by profit
N. family only benefits capitalism
What are the 4 functions of a nuclear family in a capitalist S?
- Social control (teaches children to submit to C)
- Reproduce unequal class relationships
- Dampen down inevitable social conflict (discourages workers striking, ££)
- = core market for consumption of commodities
What are 4 ways that the family is a core market for the consumption of commodities?
- Adverts, targeted at families
- Media, target children, ‘pester power’
- Children mocked/ stigmatised by peers if don’t have latest gadgets/ fashion
- Discourages proletariat rev; workers too busy earning ££ needed to survive
Why does Engles (1884) believe that the monogamous N family developed?
Passing on private property to heirs
Provided proof of paternity, passed on to right people
W = ‘prostitutes’ sex + heirs for £ security
W only achieve liberation with overthrown of C
What are the 4 arguments against Engles?
- How common is the patriarchal (TNF) today?
- Serial marriage, rather than monogamy
- Monogamous family benefits W - know father of children, demand support
- Olf fashioned: ignores why get married (<3), W = work/ own property, less likely to marry for £ security
When did Engles write?
When did Zaretsky write?
What are the3 ideological + economic roles that the family performs according to Zaretsky?
- Primary socialisation + age patriarchy - teaches children that there = always someone in charge, accept orders fro their C employers
- ‘Buffer zone’ from harsh experiences at work
- Family = unit of consumption, C sells products of wc labour back to them (commodities, pester power)
How is the family acting as a ‘buffer zone/ safe haven’ an ideological function?
Doesn’t exist in real life
Dependent on domestic exploitation of women (labour of love)
Unpaid domestic labour - C gets continuous supply of future workers
What are the 2 arguments against Zaretsky?
- Are we so easily ‘brainwashed’ into a false consciousness? (children resist parental authority, not all families = materialistic)
- Theory depends on existence of TNF, ignores diversity (fam+roles)
When did Althusser write?
What does Althusser say that the family is?
ISA Acts as form of social control + passes on ideology of rc Socialises children (Zaretsky) Maintains a false class consciousness
How does the family maintain a false class consciousness according to Zaretsky?
Fam = part os superstructure, reflects + reinforces economic needs of C structure Superstructure = controlled by rc, used to create values + attitudes, support rc (FCC)
How does Donzelot (1977) criticise Zaretsky?
Argues state control of families = ideological (therefore INDIRECT)
state policies + individuals associated with state (teachers/doctors/social service) police families directly IOT control + change them
Poor families = likely to be targeted; ID as cause of crime + anti-scoail behaviour
‘Problem families’ need ‘improving’
What is Donzelot not?
But = interested in how the state controls wc families
How would Marxists and Feminists criticise Donzelot?
Fails to Cleary ID who benefits from policing families
Why are poor families targeted in particular?
Marxists argue = C
Feminists argue = men