Social Perception and Cognition Flashcards
Social Perception
Constructing a perception of the social world by our experiences
Observe other behaviours then infer causes
Rosehan’s Experiment
12 sane people being admitted into psych ward- no one noticed they were find
(Once you are labelled something, it is hard to break away from it)
when an individual’s exposure to a certain stimulus subconsciously influences their response to things
Automatic/Controlled Processing
C: People have to actually try to control their thinking and attention with certain types of tasks
A: People often process information without even paying attention
Guides our perceptions and helps us engage with new people/experiences
Person Schemes
Cognitive structure for particular individuals in our lives
Self Schemas
Organizing our own characteristics
Group Schemas
What we expect from a particular group
Role Schemas
What we associate with different roles
Event Schemas
How to engage with experiences
Confirmation Bias
people’s tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with their existing beliefs
Implicit Personality Theory
Infer the association of additional personality traits
Halo Effect
Infer more positive attributes based on a singular one
Impression Formation
How to construct a picture with all the data we collect
Trait Centrality
Refers to a trait ranking high in a perception of a person
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
When we are labelled something then we see ourselves as it
help us figure out which schema works in the moment
Attribution Theory
Infer someone’s motives behind their behaviours
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to overestimate the importance of personal factors over the situational influences
Focus Attention Bias
Focusing on certain aspects and ignoring factors influencing that situation
Actor-Observer Difference
Tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes, while attributing our own behavior to external causes