Social Key Question Flashcards

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Social Key Question

What is it?


How can Knowlege of Social Psychology be used to reduce conflict in situations such as rioting and crowd behaviour?

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Social Key Question

Describe The Key Question


Rioting Behaviour

• crowd behaviour where control has been lost and violence occurs e.g braking shop windows

• violence may lead to injury and imprisonment for assault. this is negative. innocent people could be hurt and there could be a disturbance of peace ( y neg to Society)

Football hooliganism

• rivalry between two teams can spill into violence after match. The team wear colours to identify them on the pitch; supporters where the same colours, on shirts, scarves, and hats. The two groups easily identifiable.

• this might have a negative impact on society because this hooliganism may lead to injury and conflicts and people may be band from events and take it (fighting) out onto the streets causing a disturbance of peace

Where Protests Cause Conflict

• protest get out of hand, leading to participants using violence which then turns into a riot and maybe even conflict between them and the police E.g., Black lives matters protests

• this would have a negative impact on society as well, as the conflict may lead injury and imprisonment and members of the public would get hurt.

Crown behaviour is protests etc which has a negative impact on society due to a disturbance of peace and possibly members of the public getting hurt or preventing the public from traveling to work or home.

Why Does society need to sort this issue out

• Violence leads to damage of health and propery

• if protests get banned due to its connotations with violence and damage, it would mean people with genuin issues to protest wouldnt have freedom of speech to do so.

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Social Key Question

Explain it

(Social identity theory)

(Realistic conflict theory)

( Social Impact theory)




• in-group: the group you identify with

• Outgroup: All other groups

• Social Comparison: Comparing your in–group to out-groups (In-group favrotism: bias towards ingroup) (Out-group bias: bias towards out-group)

• the mere presence of groups for example football teams or protesters or police, Causes conflict and Prejudice as your group(in group) versus other groups (outgroup)

• this may be sparked by the demonstration of negative out group bias (such as chanting rude things abt another team) leading to a riot


Competition: Between ppl/ groups over recorses, topics or titles

Negative Interdependence: ppl beleive they can acheive goals if another person fails to acheive their goal

e.g another team fails to get into a semifinals so this group feels that they can win it, locally stating as may cause fight between these two teams’ fans

Scarse resorces: Reduced/lowered quantity of resorces creating competition and resentment towards those who have it. E.G. 1 trophy

• competition between football fans rioting over a match as they both want their teams to win the singular trophy or to go on to the next round


number: number of sources

immediacy: clossness of sources

• if there is a large number of protesters and a small number of police then due to the divisional effect there will be less of an impact on the protesters and therefore they were more likely to continue to protest

• if the police are nowhere near the protesters and attempting to get them to stop the protesters are less likely to obey the police as they are far away and therefore they will continue to protest which may escalate into a Riot

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Social Key Question

To reduce it
(super ordinate goals)

(increased contact)


(social impact theory)


Super ordinate goals

• groups have a ccommon goal so they work together to acheive it

• which reduces conflict for example charity football matches teams work together to raise money for charity

Increaced contact

• so people start to see other groups the part is there in–group therefore reducing conflict between two groups because they start see each other as part of the same group

• for example when a country enters the World Cup all of the football supporters from that country joined together to cheer on their country so start to see each other as not so different reducing conflict between them


• educating people that’s the outgroup isn’t different to what they are

•an example of this would be educating football hooligans that other teams aren’t as different as they are they at the same thing but just wanted for different people


• increasing the obedience to the police stop conflict in riots by e.g: increasing the number of police the closest of the police to the crowd and wearing riot Gear to show their strength

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Social Key Question


Jane Elliot 1968

Sherif et al 1954-61

Levine et al 2005

indivisual behaviour not group

cant always do superordinate goals

how good reseatch (sherif)


Jane Elliot 1968

• she made her School class believe that people with blue eyes are better than people with brown eyes this caused the people with blue eyes discriminate against people with brown eyes

•the next day these roles and characteristics were reversed and it was a people brown eyes who discriminated against those blue eyes

• the children’s state that they had learned valuable lessons on Prejudice and discrimination

• therefore shows the Education is a good method at reducing conflict between social groups as the children did not show discrimination towards one another over their eyes afterwards (meaning it could be used to dreduce conflict between protesters to stop a riot)
Meaning this study supports the use of education to decrease conflict

Sherif et al 1954-61

• after he 11 year old boys to form prejudice against one another through competitions such as baseball games

• reduces conflict and Prejudice between the two groups by making them complete super-ordinate goals such as fixing a damaged water pipe and pushing a broken down lorry

• this reduced conflict between them, as after this stage of the study the outer group friendship choices of one of the groups “the Eagles” increased from 7.5% to 23.3% showing the super ordinate goals reduced conflict between them (meaning it could be used to reduce rioting at sports events)

• meaning this study supports the use of super ordinant goals to decrease levels of conflict

Levine et al 2005

• did a study on football supporters were fans invited to select a part of the university where they watch a strange of fall in apparently injure themselves

• in one condition the stranger wore a man United shirts matching the fans football club

• in the other condition the stranger wore a Liverpool shirt which is a rival team

• the findings were that 92% helped the man united fan and only 30% did anything to help the Liverpool fan

• this proves that football hooligans show in group favoratism when it came to helping somebody out

• and that a majority of them refused to help the Liverpool fan showing Prejudice between the fans of the two teams

• highlights the need to reduce conflicts between football hooligans as injuries made go unhelp (could be sorted by no allegiance t shirt or education ( perhaps if they had first aid training they would feel responsible to do something about this))


• events such as rioting may not just because by group behaviour as the right may start due to a conflict between two individuals which would be personal

• therefore the explanation is reductionist as there may be other factors that could cause a Riot and therefore they would need to be other strategies implemented to reduce these conflicts such as therapy between the two people


• super ordinate goals cannot always be set up between all groups and failure to achieve the may result in worse Prejudice

• for example being forced to work with somebody who is protesting against something you strongly believe in is likely to result in more Prejudice than before

• therefore consideration of the groups involving the conflicts must be done before setting up a superordinate goal for them to complete as otherwise it may prove ineffective or in certain cases worsening


• Sherif et al is ethnocentric and agnostic as the sample consisted of 24 11 year old boys From Oklahoma which later decreased to 22 when two left due to home sickness

• this means that super ordinate goals may not work to reduce conflicts on other cultures women and other age groups

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Social Key Question

Types of question and what you should include


Identify the key question you have studied in the social topic

• Ao1

• identify the key question

Describe the key question you have studied for the social topic

• a01 understanding of why it is important issue for psychologists to consider

• why is the key question important why is it a problem and describe rioting violent protests football hooligism and why has a negative impact on society

Explain the relevance of your chosen key question for social psychology to today’s societies and theories and/or concepts

• Ao2

• social identity Theory in group outgroup and how it explains riots and hooliganism etc.

• realistic conflict Theory competition over resources and negative independents and how this explains conflict and writing and hooliganism

• social identity theory immediacy/strength and number of targets on how this explains conflict

• educate, contact, SIT, Superordinate goals + how reduce conflict

8mk : Disscuss Ao1 Ao2
Ao1: id question and explain it and how stuff causes / stopps conflict

Ao2: Apply it TO Q

12MK: Ao1 Ao2 Ao3

• to what extent essentially a evaluate question with ao2

• dentifying the key question and

• why it’s important to society

• why it’s a problem

• how it impacts a society

• how concepts can explain it

• and reduce it

• and then use evaluation points as well

• and apply the evaluation points on the concepts to the question

i think

so use all of it dude

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