Social influence - Need to make all cards Flashcards
What is the definition of conformity?
When we change our behaviour and/or attitudes in response to real or imagined group/majority pressure
What are the 3 types of conformity?
- Compliance
- Identification
- Internalisation
What is compliance as a type of conformity?
- Shallowest level of conformity
- The desire to avoid group pressure as we don’t want to stand out
- Public agreement but private disagreement
- Agreement stops as soon as the majority influence removed
- Change in behaviour is short term and whilst with the group to avoid rejection
What is identification as a type of conformity?
- Public agreenent and some private agreement because you value group opinions
- Moderate level of conformity
- Desire to be accepted as a member of the group
What is internalisation as a type of conformity?
- Always leads to permenant change
- Deep level of conformity
- Private and public agreement
- Desire to adopt a new belief system
What was the aim of Asch’s study?
Wanted to inestigate whether a majority can influence a minority in a situation which is unambigious and the correct answer is obvious
What was the method of Asch’s study?
- 123 male students took part in the experiment
- 7 people all sat looking at a display, in turn they said which one of the three lines (A,B,C) they thought was the same lengh as the stimulus X
- all but 1 of the 7 were confederates and the one genuine participant was always last or second last to answer
- Confederates asked to give same but wrong answer
What were the results of Asch’s line study?
- Genuine particpants conformed on 32% of trials overall, 75% of participants conformed on at least one occasion
- Many of the participants who gave the wrong responses admitted that they went with the majority because they didnt want to stand out
What type of conformity did Asch’s study cause?
Compliance - publically agreed but privately they did not
What is the main conclusion of Aschs study?
A majority group can influence a minority to give an incorrect answer, even in an unambigious situation with a obvious answer
What are the two pieces of conformity research?
Sherif and Asch
What are the 3 situational variables that Asch changed in their variations of their research?
- Difficulty of task
- Unanimity
- Group size
What effect did diffiulty of task have on Aschs study?
When the task is harder (ambigious) conformity rates increase due to not knowing the answer
What effect did unaminity have on Aschs study?
In original study all confederates gave the wrong answer and conformity was 32%, with one confederate giving wrong answers that percentage became 5%
What effect did group size have on Aschs study?
The more confederates the more people conform
Asch changed the group size between 1 and 15
- two confederates was 12.8% and one confederate was 3%