Social Influence Flashcards
Aim-Milgram wanted to see how far people would obey an unreasonable order.
Method-40 men believed to give shocks to a learner depending on answers.
Results- predicted low shocks but they gave a lot higher.
Conclusion- people are prepared to obey quite extreme orders if they think the person giving the orders has authority
Obedience is following orders of someone we believe to have authority
Uniform affects likely hood of obedience
Actors dressed formal and informal
80% formal
40% casual
Uniform increases the sense of person having authority
Why are we obedient
Legitamate authority Socialisation No responsibility Buffer Gradual commitment
A change In a persons behaviour or opinion as the result of group pressure
To know whether people are influenced by other people’s opinions to give an answer they knew to be wrong, in this way it would be possible to see if people were conforming.
Method- 4 diff sized lines asked which line matched test line
When people gave wrong answers, some people copied rather than obviously correct answer.
Clearly demonstrated conformity if they didn’t want to give oppisite answer to the majority of group
The state of losing our individuality and becoming less aware of our own responsibility for our actions
Factors affecting Deindividuation
Being able to hide ones identity
Wearing a uniform
Part of a group
See if people in a city act n a more antisocial way to in a town
Diffusion of responsibility
In a group of people there is less need for the individual to act because some else who is present could also do something
Social loafing
Putting less effort into doing something when you are with others doin the same thing
Latane et al
Aim- to see whether being in a group would have an effect on how much effort participants put into a task
Factors effecting social loafing
Size of the group you are In
Nature of the task you are performing
The culture of which you belong to
To see if the appearance of the victim would influence helping behaviour
Actor collapsed on a trai
Batson et al
To discover if the similarity of a victim to the bystander will affect whether or not they receive help
If a match In personality would stop you giving shocks to someone
More participants were prepared to take place of the women they thought to be similar
More likely to offer help if they r similar, because we feel more empathy