Prejudice & Discrimination Flashcards
Rubin et al
Aim- to find out if new parents stereotype there babies.
Method- parents asked to describe new babies within 24 hours.
Results- baby boys described as alert and strong and baby girls as soft and delicate.
Conclusion- stereotyping occurs from an early age, for example because of babies sex.
Advantages of stereotyping:
- Helpfull for snap judgments
- helps remember traits of someone
- allows u to feel comfortable fitting in with someone
Disadvantages of stereotyping:
- promote harmful images
- childer learn and can’t overcome
- makes mistakes about people
The way an individual behaves towards another person or group as a results of there prejudice view.
-usually negative
A rigid set of attitudes or beliefs towards a particular group of people.
-usually negative
Authoritarian personality:
A personality type that is prone to being prejudiced
The questionaire used by Adorno to measure personality characteristics
An over simplified, generalised set of ideas that we have about others
To find out if there is a relationship between a persons personality type and prejudiced beliefs
Hundreds of people were interviewed and tested using the F scale
They found a relationship between personality traits and prejudiced views
There is an authoritarian personality and people with these characteristics are highly likely to be prejudiced towards others
Characteristics that made a authoritarian personality
Disliking Jews
Sticking to rigid beliefs
Holding traditional values and beliefs
Looking Down on those of lesser status
To find out if prejudice develops when groups are in competition for scarce resources
Camp with 22 boys split into 2, unaware then had to compete for a common prize,
Teams began unpleasant name calling and tried to attack each other
Competition is a cause of prejudice
Cause of prejudice
Reduction of prejudice
Cause= competition. Reduction= cooperation
A group of people you believe you have somthing in common with for example class mates
Out group
A group of people who you believe you have nothing in common with
To show how easy people discriminate against each other
14-15 yr old boys split into 2, play a game where you need to score points, told if they got points they could win a prize.
Only tried to beat other group not work for themselves even though that wasn’t the aim
People will discriminate others just because they are members of an outgroup
Causes for prejudice
Competition for a resource
I groups and out groups
To Teach her class what it felt like to be discriminated against
Got the children to split up due to eye colour
People with blue eyes were arrogant and vicious to brown eyed students fighting began. Then swapped the next day
By getting children to experience first hand discrimination the kids would grow up more tolerant towards others