Social Development Throughout The Lifespan Flashcards
Social cognition
Reasoning about social situations and social relationships
Influences social interactions and social behaviors
Social development refers to…
The development of behaviors and thoughts the children engages in when he or she interacts with others
Developmental psychologists have identified one of the key concepts that underlies social cognition. This concept is called
Theory of mind
Define theory of mind
The understanding that people have mental states and that the content of these mental states guides their behavior.
Actions are guided by beliefs, emotions, and goals
Joint attention
When a child and caregiver simultaneously direct their attention to the same object
Delay of gratification is what?
The ability to exert self-control and wait for an anticipated reward or goal or put off a desired activity for a later time
Gender typing
The process of socializing children about what roles are appropriate for males and females in the society
Social learning theory
Proposes that children learn gender roles because they are rewarded for appropriate behavior and punished for inappropriate gender role behaviors.
Children also watch and imitate the behavior of others
Cognitive theory
Kohlberg argue that children learn about gender the same way that they acquire other cognitive concepts
He also propose that preschool children lack of gender constancy
Psychoanalytic theory
Freud’s theory proposes that children establish their gender role identity as a result of identification with their same-sex parent during the phallic stage
Kohlber’s theory of moral development
This model was developed based on an individuals responses to difficult moral questions called moral dilemmas
A theory attempt to explain how children develop a sense of right and wrong
The close emotional relationship between an infant and his or her or caretakers
Critical period for development
Harry Harlow conducted a seminal study with monkeys to study the formation of attachment. In this study Harlow concluded what?
That the warmth and comfort given by the cloth mother was necessary condition for the attachment relationship even though the infants were being fed by the wiremesh mother
Secure attachment
Children use parent as secure base from which they explore the new environment. They become upset when their mother leaves the room but are glad to see her and go to her when she returns
Insecure attachment: anxious ambivalent
Children tend not to use the parent as a secure base and may often playing or refuse to leave their mother. They become very upset when she leaves and may often if you’re angry or become more upset when she returns
Insecure attachment: avoidant
Children seek little contact with her mother and her not concerned when she leaves. Usually avoid interaction when the parent returns
Insecure attachment: disorganized-disoriented
Children alternatively approach and avoid conflict with their mother. There appeared confused about whether to seek or avoid her. Often appears and abused children
Rejected children are at risk for what?
Dropping out of school, having delinquent or criminal behavior, meeting mental health services
A small collection of close friends who spend a substantial amount of time together
A crowd
A collection of several cliques and typically is mixed sex
Interpersonal attraction refers to…
Factors that contribute to a relationship being formed
Robert Sternberg has proposed a triangular theory of love that consist of what three components?
Intimacy: encompassing feelings of closeness and connectedness in a relationship
Passion: the physical and sexual attraction in a relationship
Decision and commitment: the initial cognition that one love someone and the longer term feelings of commitment to maintain the love
Fatuous love is based on what?
Passion and commitment only and is often short-lived
Hostile aggression
Intentionally inflicting physical or psychological harm on others
Instrumental aggression
Using aggressive behavior to achieve a goal, but is not intended to harm
Relational aggression
A form of hostile aggression that is aimed at damaging other people’s social relationships
The selfless concern for the welfare of others that leads to helping behavior
Term used for whatever qualities or characteristics an infant has who is at risk but overcomes those risks.
Resilient children tend to have above average intelligence, our sociable, and have an easy temperament.
True or false
Resilient children have the unconditional love of at least one person in their life