Social class Flashcards
What are material factors?
factors which relate to the inability to access things needed for success in education, often related too money
What are cultural factors?
factors relating to the culture of a group, effected by ability in education
What is the percentage of failing schools in deprived areas?
What are the external cultural factors? AO1
-Intellectual development
–Parental attitudes
-Cultural capital
What is intellectual development?
Working class are said to lack educational toys
Bernstein and Douglas found MC mothers are more likely to pick intellectual toys
What is language?
WC families don’t use sophisticated enough language for educational success
Bernstein found classes use different types of language
Restricted code- used by WC based on short, unfinished sentences that aren’t correct
Elaborated code- used by MC with wide vocab and more complex sentences
What is parental attitudes?
MC parents value education more than WC
Douglas found WC wre less ambitious for their chidren
Sugarman WC subculture has four key features which act as a barrier to educational achievement:
Fatalism- working-class people believe that their fate is ‘fixed’ and therefore see no point in working to change
Collectivism – working-class people value being part of a collective (group) rather than their own individual success.
Immediate gratification – prefer rewards now not later
Present time orientation – seeing the present as more important than the future and therefore not having long-term goals.
How can we evaluate parental attitudes? AO3
Blackstone and Moritmore that WC are not necessarily less involved, its their long working hours
What does it mean by cultural capital?
Pierre Bourdieu
MC are more likely to have high levels of cultural capital (knowledge, behaviour, attitudes and cultural experiences for example museums and holidays)
What are the external material factors (AO1)
-Poor housing
-Diet and health
-Cost of education
What does it mean by poor housing?
Overcrowding (harder to study)
Temporary housing, can lead to illness or distress leading to more absences
What does it mean by diet and health?
Poorer housing leads to poorer nutrition which leads to absence
Waldfogal and Washbrook 2010 low income families are more likely to. live in cold damp conditions lead to sickness and absence
What does it mean by cost of education?
Tanner et al found these expenses put burdens on poor families possible lead to bullying
Ridge found children in poverty often take on paper round or babysitting from. a young age to help support but often lead to a negative impact on school work
What are the internal factors? (AO1)
-Pupil subcultures
What does it mean by labelling?
Beckers concept of the ideal pupil
Rist classroom layout labelled tigers and clowns
What does it mean by steaming?
Working class are more likely to be placed in lower streams
What does it mean by pupil subcultures?
Anti school subcultures
Pro school subcultures
What does it mean by marketisation?
Funding formula
League tables
Competition in schools