Ethnicity Flashcards
What are some external factors?
-Cultural deprivation
-Attitudes and values
-Family structure and parent support
-Racism in wider society
What is cultural deprivation?
Lack of intellectual and linguistic skills
Bowker 1968 ‘The education of coloured immigrants’- the lack of standard English creates a gap in education
Bernstein 1975 ‘socio-linguistics’- elaborate vs restricted code
How could cultural deprivation be evaluated?
Swann report 1985 found language differences had little impact on achievement
However this doesn’t explain why Indian pupils do so well
Driver and Ballard 1981- found Asian chldrn who spoke a different language at home were as good as classmates at English by 16
What are attitudes and values?
Different ethnic groups are socialised into ‘inheriting’ different attitudes and values
Arnot 2004- media created a negative anti school role model for black pupils in particular ‘ultra tough ghetto superstar’ through rap lyrics and music videos
What is family and support?
Dysfunctional family types are to blame for the underachievement of certain ethnic groups
Murray 1984- Afro-Caribbean lone parenthood to blame, lack of male role models, mothers struggle to properly socialise their children
Scruton 1986- low achievement is the result of ethnic minorities failing to embrace and conform British culture
Asian families and support
Driver and Ballard 1981- Asian parent have more supportive attitudes towards education and are more supportive
What is racism in wider society?
Rex- argues that racial discrimination links education and poverty.
In housing, minorities are more likely to be in poor accommodation.
In employment ethnic minorities face extensive discrimination in areas such as telesales, admin and opportunities.
This could discourage ethnic minority students from trying in school.
What are the internal factors?
-Ethnocentric curriculum
-Institutional racism
-Selection and segregation
What is labelling?
Gillborn and Youdell- black pupils are seen as disruptive ‘myth of black challenge’
Asian pupils are usually spoken to in simple English- assumed they don’t understand English
What are subcultures?
Fuller- girls form a pro-school subculture
Sewell- Male black subcultures are aggressive and anti school
What is the ethnocentric curriculum?
Ball- the curriculum in British schools represent ‘Little Englandism’
Lack of diverse curriculum
What is institutional racism?
Hatcher 1996- Teachers fail to deal with issues of racism
What is selection and segregation?
Gillborn 1997- marketisation has given schools greater scope to select and reject
What did Tickly at al study?
30 comprehensive schools
Afro-Caribbean pupils felt invisible in curriculum
Black history focuses on slavery, felt frustrated
What did Cole and Wright suggest?
Unacceptable of black people were depicted (uncivilised savages)
Whites where (fine and fair)
What did Mirza say?
Teachers are separated into 5 different categories based on labelling:
-over racists
-colour blind teachers
-black teachers
-liberal chauvinists
Ethnocentric curriculum AO1 points?
History lessons
Educational achievement AO1?