social and cultural diversity Flashcards
association for multicultural counseling development; previously known as Assoc for non-white concerns in personnel and guidance (1972)
championing the idea of celebrating diversity
cultural pluralism
minority cultural group keeping their own unique cultural values
majority culture/dominant culture
cultural relativity
behavior must be evaluated relative to the culture
culture epoch theory
all cultures pass through the sames tages of development in terms of evolving and maturing-multicultural experts do not believe do not believe this is a valid perspective
freuds theory of group psychology
group was held together by a bond between the leader and the group members
emile durkheim
one of the founders of modern sociology-well known for research into suicide-took group phenomena into formal research
william mcdougall
father of ‘hormic psychology’ a darwinian viewpoint-individuals in or out of groups are driven by innate tendencies. a 1908 landmark ‘intro to social psychology’
books helped to introduce social psychology=introduction to social psychology (ind as well as group behavior is the result of inherited tendencies to seek goals)
instrumental to early years of social psych movement
freud, durkheim, mcdougall
instinct aggression theory
freud: man is driven by instincts of sex and aggression
lorenz: also believes in aggression as instinct
mcdougall: also instinct theorist
social learning theory
emphasizing environment rather than genetics; Non-behavioristic therapy: person produces and is a product of conditioning. Observation and modeling are extremely important
albert bandura
popularized social learning theory; noted children who viewed aggression then learned and mimicked aggression
leon festinger
discovered that friendship and attraction are highest for apartment dwellers living next door to each other. suggested individuals are motivated to reduce tension and discomfort. i.e. “i’d rather enjoy smoking now than live longer” (cog dissonance in play)
cog dissonance reduction strategies
consistent cognitions (changing one’s minds to fit the facts of the situation)
denial (minimizes tension by denying one’s true thoughts/feelings)
cog dissonance theory
a person will look for things which are consistent with his or her behavior
social psychologist term propinquity means
tendency for people who are in close proximity to be attracted to each other
reciprocity of attraction
we like ppl who like us
matching hypothesis
we pick partners who match our level of attractiveness
behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which it occurs
carol gilligan
believed kohlbers theory of moral dev was more applicable to males than females
probability that one can recover from a condition
philip zimbardo stanford prison experiment
artificial prison envr in which participants fell into roles “too easily”>people conform to social roles
dollard/miller hypothesis
asserts that frustration (being blocked from a goal) leads to aggression
losing one’s identity
balance theory
people strive for consistency/balances in their beliefs systems. individuals attempt to reduce or eliminate inconsistent or incompatible actions and beliefs
plural of mos; develop as a given group decides what is good and bad for the welfare of the ppl; behaviors based on morals. breaking mores causes harm and punishment
describe correct, normal or habitual behavior. breaking folkways causes ebarrasment
Anne Fernald
discovered that there can be a 6 month language gap between children in poverty v. those who are not. Lack of environmental stimulation at any SES can hinder vocalization development
Emory Bogardus
1920s, developed social distance scale which evaluated how individuals feel towards other ethnic groups
Foot-in-the-door technique
Step 1: get person to agree to less repugnant request
Step 2: person will be more likely to comply with a more distasteful request
Jonathan Freedman & Scott Fraser
Third culture kid
children raised primarily in a culture that is different than their parents’ culture during their formative years
a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a definitive territory
uses one’s own culture as a yardstick to measure all others
Promotes patriotism, national sovereignty, stability & pride (yet danger in nuclear age).
A universal phenomenon researched by Reobert LeVine & Donald Campbell
minority cultures integrate cultural beliefs/customs of dominant culture
when acculturation occurs to a degree that the person becomes part of dominant culture
Modal personality
the personality which is characteristic or typical of the group in question
Social exchange theory
a relationship will endure if the rewards (thing we like in the relationship) are greater than the costs (things we don’t like). “Positive relationship is when the rewards outweigh the costs”
Terminal drop/decline
the belief that there is a dramatic decrease in intellectual functioning occurs as people age. This actually only occurs during last 5 years of life and centers around language
Bystander effect
Everyone assumes someone else will step in and take charge - diffusion of responsibility. The opposite is altruism.
Carl rogers
person centered, has been used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races
Therapeutic surrender
occurs when client psychologically surrenders himself to a counselor from a diff culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts; easier to trust another from similar culture, race, social class
Flight to health defense
client has improved too rapidaly and the real difficulty has not been resolved
Flight from reality
used when the client resorts to psychosis to avoid dealing with current life difficulties
Assimilation error
perceiving somewhat likeness as even more similar
Contrast error
perceiving dissimilar likeness as even more dissimilar
Negative and positive transference
negative feelings about others become transferred to the therapist; positive is positive feelings
Structuring cross cultural counseling
best if nature and structure of counseling situation is described during initial session
Victor Frankl
father of logotherapy-an existential form of treatment that stresses ‘healing through meaning’; Father of paradoxical intention, implemented by advising client to exaggerate dysfunctional behavior in the imagination (evolved now so that people are doing IRL)
In concentration camp 1942, and felt suffering woudl be transformed into acheivment and creativity.
Existential view is that humans are good, rational and retain freedom of choice
an existential form of treatment that stresses ‘healing through meaning’
Frank Perls
father of gestalt therapy-attempts to ameliorate a mind/body split supposedly responsible for emotional distress
emic/emic viewpoint
insiders perception of the culture, someone with an emic perspective wants to know what the person participating in the culture thinks
“humans are humans regardless of culture”; same strategies an techniques work on different clients no matter race, culture etc
change comes from the self such as thoughts and behaviors (auto=self)
client can cope best by changing or altering external factors in the environment
Conversion disorder
evident when a person displays symptoms that cannot be accounted for (generally neurological) on medical exams
La belle/belle
person is not bothered or concerned by their condition
when someone fakes a problem (physical/emotional illness) to avoid something
Ambivalent transference
popular in multicultural setting; rapidly shifting his/her emotional attitude towards counselor
in context of multicultural counseling means all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands; implies that the counselor will make best progress if they see a person who has learned a set of survival skills rather than as a diseased patient
Gestalt therapy
helpful for people who need help with nonverbal communication, superb for cultures that need to liberate their feelings
Cultural pluralism/ Pluralism
occurs when persons of a cultural heritage retain their traditions and differences, yet cooperate in regard to social, political, economic matters//a person exists in more than one category
Floyd Henry Allport
social facilitation-presence of other persons improves an individuals performance even when there is no verbal interaction
Sleeper effect
when you are attempting to change someone’s opinion, the change may not occur immediately after the verbal exchange (communication may have more impact after time has passed)
Edward ross
authored social psychology (helped introduce social psychology in america)
Jacob moreno
pioneered psychodrama and coined the term group therapy
existentialist, known for group work , existential therapy, death and dying
John holland
stressed person’s occupational environment should be congruent with their personality type
Anne roe
jobs can compensate for unmet childhood needs
T.x. barber
espoused a cognitive theory of hypnotism
Andrew salter
pioneer in behavior therapy; created paradigm dubbed conditioned reflex therapy and a behavioristic theory of hypnosis and auto hypnosis
Stanly milgram
psychologist discovered that people who were told to give powerful electric shocks did so on command; is associated with obedience and authority (helps to explain nazism and salem witch hunts)
Stanly schachter
concluded that the need to affiliate decreases for later born children
approach-approach conflict
the individual is presented with two equally attractive options simultaneously
Avoidance-avoidance conflict
individual is presented with 2 undesirable choices; clients in this positions tend to daydream, flee or regress instead of confronting choice
Approach-avoidance conflict
presents positive factor with neg factor at same time; toughest, generates highest level of frustration
Muzafer sharif
social psychologist researcher; robbers cave experiment-found that cooperative goal can bring two hostile groups together