professional orientation and ethical practice Flashcards
new code of ethics 5 values
Enhance human development
Embrace diversity & multicultural factors
Promote social justice
Safeguard integrity of counseling relationship
Practice counseling in ethical manner
6 foundational principles
Autonomy- client has the right to control their life
Nonmaleficence- not causing harm
Beneficience- practice for good of client & society
Justice- fairness & equality for clients
Fidelity- counselor keeps promises
Veracity- helper is truthful
National Certified Counselor. A generic certification for counselors. Lasts for 5 years.
Counsel for accreditation and related educational programs
American personnel and guidance association (became AACD and then ACA)
national certification for school counselors
scope of practice
counselors should only practice using techniques for which they have been trained. Counselors should not attempt to treat clients for which they have no training.
the standards of conduct imposed by the ACA and NBCC. Not laws or universal principles. Do not spell out penalties for violations.
most ethical dilemmas are related to…
Tarasoff v Board of Regents of the University of California 1969
illuminated duty to warn a client in “clear and imminent danger”. A report must be made within 24 hours. A responsible helper will warn an intended victim.
suicidal warning signs
Repeatedly joking about killing one’s self
Giving away prized possessions
Depressed for extended period
Previous suidie attempt
Very detailed suicide plan for future
suicide stats
10th leading cause of death in US.
2nd or 3rd leading cause of death for ages 15-24.
Firearms account for more suicide than all the other methods put together.
More likely in rural areas.
More likely in times of recession.
When a famous person dies by suicide the national rate shows increase.
Privileged communication-
information said to counselor will not be divulged outside the counseling setting without the client’s permission. A legal term that implies therapeutic interaction will not be available for public inspection. Client is the holder of the privilege. Not applicable in cases of child abuse, neglect, exploitation; suicide or homicide threats; criminal intentions; clients in dire need of hospitalization; or in cases where counselor is the victim of malpractice lawsuit. Does not apply to minors or those who are mentally incompetent.
exceptions to confidentiality
Client requests release of information
A court orders a relaease of information
Clerical assistants who process client information
Client raises issue of counselors competence in malpractice lawsuit
Insurance company requests
“Qualified” in regards to privileged communications
exceptions may exist. Privileged communication is based on licensure status rather than one’s graduate degree or certification credentials.
When a client’s condition indicates that there is a clear and imminent danger or serious and foreseeable harm to the client and others
the counselor must take reasonable personal action or inform responsible authorities.
Hedlund case -
suggests that therapist should warn others (i.e. third parties) who also may be in danger.
Legal court order for records
- do not need to get a signed release from client if a) law requires it, b) the client is in clear and foreseeable harm
examination for professional practice in psychology (counselors do not take this). EPPP is to psychologists what NCE is to counselors.
NBCC can do the following if you have violated professional ethics:
revoke your license, remove your name from the list of NCCs in the US, revoke your NCC status
deterioration in the ability to function as a counselor
recognizes that you have reached a given level of competence and are authorized to use a given title
sliding fee scales
ethical and legal but it’s difficult to administer them in a fair manner.
family educational rights and privacy act (1974 aka Buckley Amendment). A parent can see minor’s education records and an adult can view their own educational records
certified rehabilitation counselor which need at least a maser’s in rehab counseling
council on rehabilitation and education
list of providers
when counselor stops providing services and does not refer the client to another helper
duel relationship now updated to
noncounseling roles and relationships
To continue to hold NCC…
will need specified amount of continuing education before recertification. 100 hours of professional development during a five-year period.
sexual attraction to client aka
indication of unresolved problems on the part of the helper
NBCC code and sexual harrassment
ven one inappropriate behavior on the part of the helper constitutes sexual harassment.
sexual harrassment implications
loss of licensure, unlikely to be defended by liability insurance; A counselor should never have a sexual relationship with a current client, it is considered illegal in most areas of the country.
protected health information
a client can request unencrypted PHI
american assoc. for counseling and development
1982 formed, national board for certified counselors
computer assisted counseling. having a software program that counsels clients
computer managed counseling. when a computer helps you manage bookeeping, scheduling, billing, etc.
failure to perform a duty
multiple submission
violation of ethics that transpires when a journal article is submitted to more than one journal at a time
the practice of not treating all clients in an equal manner esp. Due to religious, racial, ethnic, sexual, or cultural prejudice on the part of the therapist
when counselor views all ppl of given classification in a biased manner
1977 study of erotic contact in counseling
mostly between male therapist & female client, 80% repeated, 5% of male therapists had intercourse with client, .6% of female therapists did so.
practicing outside of qualification or education
experimental treatment strategies
can be used only if disclosed to client and client agrees
lient exchanging goods or services for therapy. Generally only allowed if client requests it, a written contract is drafted, doesn’t result in harm, relationship not exploitative
a voluntary relationship between a professional helper and a help-needing individual, group, or social unit in which the consultant helps define or help solve problems related to the clients, the client system, or work-related issues. Encourages growth and self-direction for consultee.
Counseling that has caused the most ethical concerns
dsm 5 codes
four or five digits i.e. 300.3. two diagnoses can share a single code
v code diagnosis
day to day problems v psychiatric or psychological difficulty
verified the nature of counselor-client interaction listing the client’s name, date, ICD dx, CPT code, provider’s name & license
referral fees
proposed 4 major types of consultation: client centered consultation, consultee-centered consultation, consultee-centered admin consultation, program-centered adminstrative consultation
client-centered consultation
consultation that has the ultimate goal to help the client
consultee-centered consultation
ultimate goal is to help consultee develop & improve skill
consultee-centered administrative consultation
sharpen consultee’s administrative skills
program centered administrative consultation
emphasis on creating/designing/evaluating program in question
scheins 4 part doctor-patient consultation model
entry, diagnosis, implementation, evaluation
the first counselors were
deans & advisors employed after the Civil war in college settings to watch over young women
first psych lab
Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Germany 1879. He wanted to measure consciousness. School of thought = structuralism
workbook in vocations
Proctor, Ross, Benefield & Wrenn. 1931. Seat the stage for popularization of the word counseling
PL 94-142
education for all handicapped children act. 1975. All children 5-21 assured free education, handicapped ppl are placed in least-restrictive environment, individualized education plan (IEP) developed for each child. Certain sections allowed 18+ to read their own records. 1990 ADA prohibited employers from discriminating against disabled.
major trends impacting counseling mvmt 1980
professionalism, certification, licensing
major trends in 1950s
developmental psych
major trends in 1960s
group psychology
“counselor in a changing world”
1960s Wrenn. urged counselors to emphasize developmental concerns rather than merely crises
1958 national defense education act
provided financial aid for grad. Education in counseling, expanded school guidance services, improved guidance for gifted children
Conversion therapy AKA
reparative therapy (& is unethical)
not always ethical, cultural considerations must be taken into account
Pro bono definition (current)
includes adjusting fees to not cause client hardship
value of gifts accepted by counselors
$20 or less
third party file
clients must know if their information is stored in one
modalities counselors can practice
evidence-based only
confidentiality entitlement of prospective client
same as onboarded client
in case of counselor incapacitation
counselor must have plan relating to client records and client contact
master addictions counselor
confidentiality of the deceased
counselors responsible for protecting this
defamation types
written is libel, verbal is slander
in 2022 applicants for NCC credential will need…
to be graduates of CACREP institutions
disclosure statement
includes qualifications, office hours, billing policies, emergency procedures and therapy techniques utilized, and a statement that confidentiality is desirable but cannot be guaranteed (esp. In group setting).
Informed consent
procedure of giving client disclosure statement, reviewing and signing.
Minimal disclosure
reveal only what is necessary if you must break confidentiality
Clients want records sent to psychiatrist he’s seeing
first have the client sign a dated release of information form that stipulates whether the information can be released once or for what period of time it can be released, then you can send the information.
limits of a release
If you or your agency did not collect the information, don’t share with third party even with a release form
Release of information aka
consent to disclose or transfer records
Reciprocity or endorsement
when one state or organization accepts the licensure or credentials of another state or organization
when attraction is present
but it’s not hindering counseling - seek supervision
When attraction hinders counseling process - explain to client and the refer client to another provider
When a colleague is being unethical
attempt to rectify the condition via institutional channels and if this fails report it to regulatory organizations
opioid blocker
verified the nature of counselor-client interaction listing the client’s name, date, ICD dx, CPT code, provider’s name & license
Testimonials from clients
unethical to elicit
First psychology laboratory
Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Germany 1879. He wanted to measure consciousness. School of thought = structuralism.
Workbook in Vocations
Proctor, Ross, Benefield & Wrenn. 1931. Seat the stage for popularization of the word counseling.
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Carl Rogers 1942.
PL 94-142 (the education for all handicapped children act) - 1975
All children 5-21 assured free education, handicapped ppl are placed in least-restrictive environment, individualized education plan (IEP) developed for each child. Certain sections allowed 18+ to read their own records. 1990 ADA prohibited employers from discriminating against disabled.
doctor of psychology focus more on practitioner skills than research
Intrapsychic processes
processes within one’s mind or psyche