career development Flashcards
Trait and Factor Matching theory
E.G. Williamson - tests and assessments to match traits, aptitude and interests with given occupation. E.G. expanded Parsons’ model and created theory which transcended vocational issues. Grounded in differential psych. The choice of career choice is a one-time process according to this theory.
Parsons suggested 3 steps:
Knowledge of self and interests
Knowledge of jobs
Matching the individual with the work
C.F. Patterson
another proponent of the trait and factor matching approach
John Holland’s personality approach to career counseling
6 personality and 6 work environments career typology, which are measured by the SDS. Holland did NOT believe that people are just purely one personality type, instead a combination of a few of the 6 personality categories.
6 sides of Holland’s hexagon & personalities
1) realistic 2) investigative 3) artistic 4) social 5) enterprising 6) conventional RIASEC.
Enterprising person values power
Social person prefers to solve problems using interpersonal skills and feelings
Realistic person likes machines i.e. automechanic
Investigative person likes to think their way through a problem
Artistic person shuns conformity and structure, emphasis on self-expression
Conventional person values conformity, structure, rules, and feels comfortable in a subordinate role
Four assumptions of Holland’s personality approach
1) there are 6 personality types, 2) most work environments correspond to the personality type, 3) people search out agreeable environment in work, 4) individual’s behavior is determined by interaction of personality and environment
Super’s self-concept and developmental stage theory
referred to as life span, life space model. Self concept and career maturity influences one’s career throughout lifespan. Five stage lifespan theory.
Anne Roe’s early childhood needs theory or “person-environment theory”
vocational choice is related to personality development at young age. Career choice is influenced by genetics, parent-child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests, education, and intelligence. Relies on hierarchy of needs. Lower order needs take precedence over higher order needs. Jobs satisfy unconscious need and these unconscious needs motivators. Based heavily on personality theory. Primarily psychoanalytic. Support comes from Rorschach and TAT (thematic apperception test). VII (vocational interest inventory) and Career Occupational Preference System use Roe’s fields and levels.
Anne Roe’s 8 occupational fields
1) service 2) business contact 3) organizations 4) technology 5) outdoor 6) science 7) general culture 8) arts
Toward people = fields of service, business
Away from people: outdoor, technology
Anne Roe’s 6 levels of occupational skill
Professional & Managerial 1, Professional and Managerial 2, Semiprofessional, Skilled, Semi-Skilled, Unskilled
Anne Roe’s Basic parenting styles
overprotective, avoidance, or acceptant. Child will develop a personality which gravitates towards or away from people. Avoidant is cold, acceptant is democratic.
John Krumboltz’s learning theory of career counseling: LTCC
Considered a cognitive approach. Four factors to simplify development process 1) genetic endowment 2) environmental conditions 3) learning experiences 4) task-approach skills; postulated social learning model. Also referred to as cognitive theory.
Ginsberg group
First developmental approach to occupational choice. Stages are up to 11: fantasy, 11-17: tentative, 17-early adulthood: realistic.
Mark Savickas’ career construction post-modern theory
rooted in narrative therapy. Life is viewed as story.
Social cognitive counseling theory (SCCT)
Focusing on how belief system impacts career choice
Linda Gottfredson theory of cicumscription and compromise
Phase 1) Rule out unacceptable jobs, Phase 2) change mind if path isn’t realistic
Edgar Schein
Eight career anchors theory - career anchors are based on self-concept, abilities, and what person is good at. 8 anchors 1) autonomy 2) security 3) technical 4) general managerial competence 5) entrepreneurial creativity 6) service 7) pure challenge 8) lifestyle
Research shows that K-12 students would like…
more support in the area of career planning and that career interests are more stable after college
Pervasive indecisiveness
label describing a person who has a lifelong pattern of severe anxiety related to decision making.
Victor Vroom
suggests an employees performance is influenced by valence.
Dual career family characteristics
have higher outcomes than single career families (aka traditional families). Today over 54% of marriages are dual earner. The woman typically secure in her career before she has children. Couples have less leisure time.
Bachelor’s degree on average leads to ____ more earned per year
leisure activity engaged in for pleasure v. money
defined sometimes as the total work one does in a lifetime plus leisure
Title VII
Women have equal work opportunities and equal job pay
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the watchdog for Title VII guidelines. Enforce Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.
Adverse Impact
a test or selection process that doesn’t meet 80% or four fifths rule.
Differential validity
when a test or selection process is valid for one group but invalid for another.
trait factor approach/actuarial/matching approach
attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors) the approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person.
roe and brill
espoused personality theories
holland and super
emphasized career development over choice
tiedeman and ohara
support decision-making theory. Explained in 2 parts (1-anticipation, 2-implementation aka accommodation/induction)
developmental career counseling
emphasizes stages and process which can change throughout the lifespan. I.e. Ginzberg Group, Super, Titeman & O’Hara
a given position in an organization
refers to similar jobs occupied via diff people in diff settings
career choices can be used to solve unconscious conflicts
todays most popular approach to career counseling
structural theory
personality theory
robert hoppock
another personality approach based n the work of Henry Murray. Created the “needs-press” theory and TAT projective test. In order to make career decision, one needs to know person needs and should find occupation that meets high percentage of those needs
ginzberg group
Ginzberg, Ginzburg, Axelrad, and Herma. Pioneers of developmental career theory. At first, they said exploration would lead to crystallization and original stages were fantasy, tentative and realistic. 1972: the process of choice is open-ended and lifelong. Career choice is reversible.
super’s lifestages
Growth (0-14)
Exploration (15-24)
Establishment (24-44)
Maintenance (44-64)
Decline (65+)
career rainbow
Super’s graphical display of career unfolding over lifespan. Helps ct. answer “where have you been in life and where are you going”. Opens door to discuss career crisis (i.e. layoffs). Donald Super’s.
super’s def of career
student, employee, pensioner, retirement, civic duties, avocations, and family roles.
career maturity (vocational maturity)
researched by John Crites. Measures aptitudes and competences related to career process
nancy schlossberg
behavior in adulthood is determined by social factors, behavior can be determined by social rather than bio factors, behavior can be function of life’s stage, sex differences are more powerful than age or stage, adults continue to experience transitions requiring adaptation and self assessment, identity intimacy and generativity are recurring themes in adulthood.
social learning model
based on work by bandura. Emphasizes role of modeling in acquisition of new behaviors. Brian jones, anita mitchell involved as well. Includes behavioral techniques (RJP: realistic job preview and guided imagery)
human capital theory
ind secure training and ed to get best possible income
accident theory
chance factors influence ones career
status attainment theory
someone will eventually secure job commensurate with family status
job club
nathan azrin. Behaviorist group in which members share job leads and discuss or role play behaviors needed for job acquisition. Involved in token system as well.
gellat model
harry gellatt. Predictive system; concerned with probable alternatives, actions, possibilities; value system: concerned with preferences on outcomes. Decision system: provides rules and criteria for evaluating outcome
linda gottfredson dev theory of career
focus on circumscription and compromise theory (people restrict choices and so compromise in regard to picking their job)
job netting
process of finding a job on the internet
dictionary of occupational titles
1938 by us dept of labor. 20,000 job titles. Each job title given 9 digit code. First 3 designate categories or divisions, middle 3 describe tasks, final 3 help alphabetize.
occupational network. Lists fewer occupations than dot. Used more now.
software program for high school students to make informed decisions about career planning. Choices explorer: for middle schoolers
Self assessment software and web based program-helps college students and adults pick majors and careers based on values, interests and ed.
standard occupational classification manual. Codes job clusters via similar worker functions.
standard industrial classification manual. Not in us 1975e. Classified business in regards to the type of activity they engage in. replaced by nat. Ind. class. System
national industrial classification system: does same as SIC but in use today.
pink collar jobs
om by women. Secretary, childcare, k-middle school, aesthetitians, food service workers.
self efficacy theory
bandura. Belief or expectation of being successful in occupation causes them to gravitate towards that occupation
computer assisted career guidance systems
computer based career info systems
contrast effect
in psych, heightened sense of awareness in regard to difference between 2 things. In career, interviewers impression is effected by previous interviewees because they are comparing them. (i.e. typical applicant will look better after bad applicants)
compensatory effect
worker will make up for things that they cant do on the job (i.e. librarian will go crazy after work)
when you keep home and work life seperate
spillover effect
when your work life spills over into your time off (not necessarily negative)
work interface
connection between family and work
work interface
connection between family and work
recency effect
occurs when i.e. raters judgement of employee reflects most recent performance.
leniency/strictness bias
occurs when rater gives employees very high or low ratings and avoids middle or average range
central tendency bias
opp of leniency bias. Person rates everyone in average range
1952 (first fusion occurs): american personnel and guidance assoc. ; AACD 1983: american assoc. For counseling and dev; ACA 1992: american coins assoc. (all same thing!)
Strong interest inventory
(SCII): informed by Holland. Test assumes a person interested in given subject will experience satisfaction in given job with workers who have similar interests.
Strong vocational interest blank (for men) 1927. EK Strong Jr. indicates how examinees likes are similar to workers in various occupations. For women in 1933. Lots of research on this. Recent research focuses on eliminating sex bias. 291 items. Based on holland’s typology. Dislike -> like rating scale on items.
hidden job market
76% of jobs not advertised
kuder career planning system. Kuder galaxy: elementary students; kuder navigator: secondary students; kuder journey for post secondary and adults.
aptitude tests
for predicting future performance. Does not imply that you are adept at skill at present moment. They speculate if you could capture skills with proper training.
job analysis
procedure where tasks skills ed of job are examined
job evaluation
rates value of job to decide what it should pay.
dislocated workers
person loses job because company downsizes or relocates
reentry woman
woman who goes from working in home to working outside home
in basket technique
job simulation in which candidate is given basket including memmos messages, erquests for presentation that a mngr would typically encounter after being out of work for a period of time. Person monitors how the candidate makes decisions in dealing with all of the items. Applicant is expected to communicate reasoning behind choices.
selective placement philosophy
counselor gives job leads and may take active stance in working with client. Approach preferable with client who lack concrete skills needed to find job.