Soc 100 - Politics 4 Flashcards
Study of society’s CONSCIOUS mechanisms of control (e.g. state). How does society become informed about and monitor itself?Important in Structural Functionalism and Systems Theory (Niklas Luhmann)�
If spontaneous order fails, what do structural functionalists recommend?
societies need institution to make clear decisions about their future and deal with problems that emerge�.
What role does the state play? Describe it. According to st fu.
The state plays the role of Goal Attainment: it’s the way societies consciously decide on their aims, and figure out the best way to fulfill them.State is a conscious, deliberate mode of social order�.
The State
The social institution responsible for setting rules that govern us as a whole.A society’s way of administering itself as a whole.State refers to set of institutions, some of which merely implement rules; extends beyond politics to include e.g. police, welfare system�.
What does the state monitor, and arbitrate impartially between?
it monitors relations between individuals and groups, and should in theory stand above them, to arbitrate impartially between them.
Nation vs Nation-State
Idealised image of society as culturally, ethnically, or linguistically unified whole: you inherit national identity, and it’s part of who you ‘are.’�vs.A ruling state institution that identifies itself as the state of a particular ethnic/cultural group, not just as an impartial governing institution.
What is the Political Sate to the nation?
an institution within that broader unity� (coherent unit held together by common values, beliefs, etc.)
In contrast to nations, how were people organized in the past few centuries?
strong belief in nation-state, i.e. a nation (or culturally-unified group) should have own self-government, and hence its own state.
Social Exchange Theory. Who uses this idea to explain State?
George Homans.We can best understand society as the product of a series of calculations of cost and benefit by individual members.In this theory, State is the consequence of a calculation of best interest�-people agreed to form a state and surrender to authority because stability benefitted them�
How does Weber think the Modern State can only be defined sociologically?
We have to say that a state is that human community which (successfully) lays claim to the monopoly of legitimate physical violence within a certain territory…. The state is held to be the sole source of the ‘right’ to use violence�
For critical theorists, what is key for ruling classes to assert their dominance?
State control; a tool for control.
What do Crit Th focus on to ask questions about state power? What questions do they ask?
The Monopoly of Legitimate Violence.-Who controls the levers of power? What is the purpose of their control?�-How do class relatins affect control of the state? Is there a connection between State and wealth, or religion, or gender, or ethnicity?
Trained professional officials, operating by set rules and procedures to administer organization.For Weber, official government bureaucracy an inevitable part of complex society�.
How do older states compare to modern states in terms of bureaucracy?
Older (monarchical) states relatively small, as government had few tasks beyond keeping the peace. Modern states have far more social tasks, so requires more complex social apparatuses to fulfill its tasks�:-Welfare systems, healthcare, education. Military also larger, and more complex: reliant on advanced technology�
What does Weber think is the product of power struggles between monarchs and nobles?
The rise of the bureaucracy.Bureaucrats are professionals, selected and promoted on basis of expertise, not because they’re friends with the king.Bureaucracy runs by rules and procedures: an ‘iron cage.�’
The specific branch of the State tasked with making decisions and setting policy goals overall.
How does State compare to government?
Whilst the State includes all institutions setting rules for social life, ‘government’ more narrowly refers to the particular people who make specific decisions about individual topics�.-Govt includes Parliament, Prime Minister
Head of Government vs Head of State
Stephen Harper is the head of Government: he is the chief officer of the executive branch, making decisions.The Queen is the head of State: the individual who represents the political body of society as a whole�
Good types of govt?
The One: Monarchy: a single wise, benign ruler for the common good�The Few: rule by ‘the best,’ who understand good of all society.�The many: Constitutional Govt: shared between the ‘best’ and the masses�
Bad types of govt?
The one: Tyranny: one man rules for his own benefit�The few: Oligarchy: small group exploit power over rest of society.�The many: Democracy: rule by the ‘rabble’; often chaotic�
What did Aristotle think about the types of govt?
Could both have good or bad forms, and each form could degenerate into its bad form quite easily.
State controls every aspect of social life; signs of political power are everywhere. (Nazism, Stalinism�)-private life, leisure time, culture are all filled with ideological symbols�
Strong central leader, little public opposition; reliance on force to ensure compliance. (e.g. Pinochet)
Liberal Democracy
Open public sphere, theoretically governed by citizens, with protection for rights of free speech etc�.
Pluralist societies have no single or unified ruling ideas: they try to include many different voices.
Direct Democracy
Entire body of citizens makes all decisions on state affairs. Everyone is part of the government�.-Think ancient greece
Representative Democracy
Citizens vote for representatives to make decisions for them in Parliament (MPs)�.
Proportional Representation
Type of rep. democracy.MPs chosen on party’s national share of vote�.
First Past The Post
Type of rep democracy.MPs chosen individually by local riding/constituency�.