Soc 100 - Family Flashcards
What do Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales argue ensures stability in a family?
division of labour in family ensures its stability:Men are ‘breadwinners,’ ‘decision makers,’ sources of authority & leadership; women play roles of ‘homemaker,’ ‘nurturer.’ Ensures no conflicts over roles.
What does stability ensure in a family?
This ensures that family meets basic functions of regulating sex (to minimise social conflicts), ensuring material protection for children, and educating infants in ways of society.
How do Immerman and Mackey argue that monogamy is natural?
monogamy is ‘natural’ because it ensures social stability and reduces spread of STDs�
What functions do St Fu identify in the family?
Reproduction: families promote replacement of dying members of society with new children.Protection: families ensure children are nurtured before old enough to care for themselves.Socialisation: parents teach children models of behaviour.Regulation of sexual behaviour: ensures that established sexual norms are protected; may reduce conflicts.Affection & companionship: provides support for individuals.Provision of social status: gives individuals a preliminary social position, reducing conflicts for status.
Traditional Family vs Modern Family
Traditional families often contain large kinship groups: many generations in house.Strongly patriarchal structures.Tightly-knit family bondsModern families smaller, more flexible, and less tightly-bound, to adapt to needs of industrial economy. Less authoritarian.
What contributed to the rise of the modern family?
Industrialisation & urbanisation promote labour mobility.Female independence grows with entry to job market.Increased use of contraception.
How is the St Fu view of the family criticized? What does it fail to account for?
Structural Functionalist models now widely criticised for failure to account for rapid changes in models of family.Further, fails to account for variety of family types seen in societies around the world, each of which has been successful in its own way.
Any group of relations defined by recognised social bonds (e.g. parent, uncle), defined by role it fills.
Nuclear Family
Nuclear FamilyParents & children in same house.Max three relationships – spouses, parent-child, sibling
Extended Family
Multiple generations living together.Multiple relationship types between spouses, siblings, uncles/aunts etc�
How do sociologists classify families?
Sociologists classify families by the types of relationships within them: what relatives or kin are usually part of the basic family unit, what sort of obligations do we have to them etc�
Census Family
Statistics Canada’s term for any cohabiting group, including married or unmarried couples of same or different genders, and children or grandchildren by birth, marriage, or adoption
What lead to the emergence of new forms of families in Canada?
Changes in both social attitudes and economic situation lead to emergence of many new forms of families.
What types of families have grown over the past few decades?
Single-parent families now account for c. 16% of families; unmarried cohabiting couples with children are 6.9%; unmarried cohabiting couples without children are 8.5%
Kinship System
Connections with all our relatives, e.g. grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, members of same tribe.Often governed by strict rules, taboos, and sets of obligations.
Westermarck Effect
Children brought up together usually desensitised to mutual sexual attraction.Incest taboo ingrained by shared childhood: