Small Parts Final Flashcards
Most common thyroid abnormality
right and left loves of the thyroid are connected by the
where do each of the following structures lie in relation to the thyroid gland: strap muscles
anterior and lateral
where do each of the following structures lie in relation to the thyroid gland: sternocleidomastoid muscle
anterior and lateral
where do each of the following structures lie in relation to the thyroid gland: longus colli muscle
posterior and lateral
What is the most common thyroid malignancy
papillary carcinoma
autoimmune disorder of diffuse toxic goiter characterized by bulging eyes
graves disease
the normal parathyroid glands should measure less than
The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism is
a parathyroid adenoma
The common carotid artery and internal jugular vein are located
posterior and lateral in relation to the thyroid
collection of fluid between the layers of the tunica vaginalis
most common germ cell tumor and has the best prognosis of testicular malignancies
majority of undescended testicles are found where
inguinal canal
refers to testicle that fails to descend in the scrotum from the pelvis
Are the majority of intratesticular lesions benign or malignant
form a fibrous skeleton within the breast
cooper’s ligaments
most common solid, benign tumor of the breast
which is more characteristic of a suspicious breast mass, posterior enhancement or a mass which is taller than it is wide
taller than wide
the most common malignant neoplasm of the breast in a woman is
an invasive ductal carcinoma
refers to a normal thyroid producing the correct amount of thyroid hormone
thyroid hormone that is important for maintaining a dense, strong bone matrix by inhibiting calcium breakdown and regulating the blood calcium level
hormones which are produced by the thyroid are also known as t3 and t4
thyroxine and triiodothyronine
the approximate dimensions of the normal adult thyroid gland are
L: 4-6cm
W: 1.5-2cm
D:2-3cm (A/P)
congenital anomaly that presents as a palpable mass in the midline of the neck anterior to the trachea
thyroglossal duct cyst
cystic formation in the neck typically lateral to the thyroid gland. it is a remnant of embryonic development
branchial cleft cyst
the average length of the testis
The yolksac/germ cell tumor is associated with which increased lab value
most common cause of acute scrotal pain and tenderness
most common cause of testicular torision
bell-clapper deformity
abnormal dilation of the pampiniform plexus of veins, most common on the left side
most common cause of painless scrotal swelling
storage sacs for sperm located near the base of the prostate gland
seminal vesicles
what is the formula used to figure the volume of a prostate gland
L x W x H x .52 cubic centimeters
what amount is considered normal PSA
less than 4.0
Which is more suspicious for prostate cancer
increase since last week
what is considered upper normal level for a PSA density
what prostate zone does cancer occur in
peripheral zone
majority of prostate cancer lesions have what echogenicity
fat within the breast tissue appears
majority of breast cancers begin in the
the appearance and composition of breast tissue is affected by what factors
genetic makeup
hormonal status
body habitus
what are the sonographic characteristics used in determining a simple cyst lesion of the breast
posterior enhancement
well defined borders
good through transmission
clinical findings of lumpy, painful, tender breasts that vary with monthly cycles usually represent what pathology
fibrocystic condition
should the sonographer utilize single or multiple focal zones in order to better image the pylorus
when imaging the transverse plane of the pylorus, the transducer will be turned in which plane
thyroid transducer
thyroid frequency
at least 7.5-10MHz no harmonics
thyroid patient position
aorta type of transducer
aorta frequency
aorta patient position
what transducer is used for the breast
what frequency is used for the breast
at least 7.5MHz (typically 10-15)
3 reasons a breast ultrasound would be ordered
further characterization of mammographic masses
evaluation of palpable breast lump
pt with dense breasts
name 2 mammographic standard views
cranio-caudal (CC)
medio-lateral oblique (MLO)
scrotal transducer
scrotal frequency
at least 7.5 MHz
gallbladder transducer
gallbladder frequency
2-5 MHz
gallbladder patient position
what is the most frequent source of metastatic breast cancer to the breast