CH. 4-6 Flashcards
Define metabolism
Physical/chemical changes that occur within the body
The ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment
Medical measurements to ascertain how the body is functioning
Vital Signs
What are the 4 vital signs
blood pressure
What region is the pancreas in
What region is the liver in
right & left hypochondrium
What region is the spleen in
Left hypochondrium
What are the 9 regions of the abdominal cavity
left/right hypochondrium region epigastrium region left/right lumbar region umbilical left/right iliac fossa hypogastrium
Dome shaped muscle that separates the thorax from the abdominal cavity
What 3 structures pass through the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity
Latin for white line
linea alba
Linea alba is a fibrous band that stretches from what to what
xyphoid process
symphysis pubis
What is linea alba function
serves as attachment for the anterior abdominal wall muscles
The six pack is formed by the
rectus abdominis
What cavity is the false pelvis located in
lower abdominal
The pouch between the uterus and the bladder is called
Vesicouterine pouch or anterior cul de sac
The pouch between the rectum and the uterus is called the
rectouterine space
pouch of douglas
posterior cul de sac
What 3 muscles make up the pelvic floor
levator ani
The pelvis floor muscles are also called the
pelvic diaphragm
serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal viscera
If part of the peritoneum is removed or damages, what develops
What lines the abdominal wall but does not cover an abdominal organ
parietal peritoneum
What covers the abdominal organs
visceral peritoneum
The space between the the parietal and visceral peritoneum
peritoneal cavity
Define ascites
Some diseases that cause an abnormal collection of fluid
two-layered fold of peritoneum that attaches part of the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall
two-layered fold of peritoneum that attaches the stomach to another viscus organ
hangs down like an apron from the stomach in the space between the small intestine and the anterior abdominal wall
greater omentum
Why are peritoneal recesses and paracolic gutters important
frequent locations for fluid and infection to accumulate
Define hernia
protrusion of part of th3e abdominal contents beyond the normal confines of the abdominal wall
What 3 spaces are contained within the retroperitoneum
Anterior pararenal
posterior pararenal
perirenal space
What contents are located in the anterior pararenal
ascending/descending colon
majority of duodenum
What contents are located in the posterior pararenal
What contents are located in the perirenal
kidneys adrenal glands lymph nodes vessels perirenal fat
The best scanning window to utilize during an ultrasound exam is determined by what factors
type of exam patient position patient build gas area of interest anatomy
How does the sonographer determine which transducer to use
type of exam
patient’s body habitus
window available
if smaller footprint is needed
What positions may the sonographer ask the patient to assume in order to perform a sonogram
supine prone RLD LLD RPO LPO RAO LAO erect semi-erect
List the information that must be included in the labeling of each sonographic image
patient position
scanning plane
organ imaging
What scan planes are commonly used hen scanning the abdomen
How does the sonographer locate an organ or structure in the abdomen
neighboring structures or vasculature as landmarks
The celiac axis arises from the anterior aspect of the
What vascular landmarks are seen when the pancreas is imaged in the transverse plane
inferior vena cava
splenic vein
superior mesenteric artery
What structures are located in the portal triad
portal vein
hepatic artery
common bile duct
The aorta bifurcates into the right and left common iliac arteries at approximately the level of the
What lies anterolateral to the pancreatic head
gastroduodenal artery (GDA)
What lies posterolateral to the pancreatic head
Common bile duct
The renal runs what to the IVC
What part of the pancreas may be seen between the spleen and the left kidney
the tail
Define protocol
set of guidelines that tell what images are necessary to complete a specific exam. This includes patient prep and set-up instructions
List the steps a sonographer should take to ensure that patients receive the highest-quality care possible during their exam
properly identify patient maintaining confidentiality rules Patient privacy providing proper nursing care maintaining clean/sanitary equipment and examination rooms
Can the sonographer change transducers during a sonographic exam?
Why must a patient be NPO for a sonogram of the abdomen
to avoid bowel gas and a contracted gall bladder
In transverse images of the abdomen what should be visible in the most posterior portion of the image
vertebral column
What structure should be included on transverse images of the liver to ensure that no tissue is being clipped from the image
What maneuver must the sonographer do with the transducer to see the dome of the liver
angel steeply under the edge of the right costal margin towards the right shoulder
Describe how the echoes in the liver should look on a sonographic image
uniform of gray even texture
The vessels in the abdomen should be what on the sonogram
If the posterior portion of the liver cannot be seen even at the maximum gain, what should a sonographer do?
switch to a lower frequency transducer
What maneuvers can the patient do to improve visualization of the liver
Take and hold a deep breath
roll on left side
What happens to the gall bladder if the patient is not NPO
it will be contracted
What 3 structures is the Mickey Mouse sign referring to
portal triad
main portal vein
hepatic artery
common bile duct