Small mammals Flashcards
vertebrates with an endoskeleton, endothermic, have hair, and can produce milk
cottontail rabbits scientific name
rabbit scientific name
oryctolagus cuniculus
what makes rabbits different from other small mammals?
they have 4 upper incisors: 2 hypsodont teeth and 2 peg teeth behind the 2 full teeth
how many different breeds of rabbits are there?
45 breeds
a group of wild rabbits that live underground together
there can be up to 50 rabbits
what is the dental formula for rabbits?
I2/1, C0/0, PM3/0, M3/3
which types of rabbits have increased dental problems?
what is the most common dental issue seen in rabbits?
malocclusion due to not keeping their hypsodont teeth short
rabbit temperament
very social and do well in pairs, prey animal
what are some things to consider with housing and husbandry of rabbits?
they are heat sensitive, territorial, can be litter trained, can be crepuscular or biphasic feeders
crepuscular feeder
eat at dawn and dusk
biphasic feeder
eat at midnight and dawn
what are rabbits diet like?
pelleted diet with free choice hay
Timothy hay preferred because Alfalfa is higher in calcium
treats: fresh greens, vegetables, fruit
female rabbit
male rabbit
nursing kits (rabbits)
only nurse 5 minutes a day
what type of ovulators are rabbits?
induced ovulators
how are rabbits born?
what type of stomach do rabbits have?
monogastric hindgut fermenter
what is something unique with rabbits’ digestive systems?
coprophagy of cecotrophs
proximal colon sorts fiber into digestible and indigestible
digestible fiber goes to cecum for processing and everything else is passed as feces
coprophagy: fermented fiber in cecum moves back to colon where it is covered with mucus and passed as cecotrophs
this process allows nutrients to be absorbed especially vitamin B complex
sacculus rotundus
dilated part of the terminal end of the ileum, it is formed at the distal end of the ileum which is expanded further to form a small spherical sac
rich in lymphoid tissue which provides immunity
what is the most critical issue in small mammals?
gastric stasis or ileus: when animal is anorexic and producing little to no fecal
very painful, potentially fatal
treatment: fluids to check for obstruction, pain meds
causes: malocclusion, hairball blockage, most commonly a lack of hay or fiber
what are some of the most common medical conditions for rabbits?
pastuerella multocida: snuffles
torticollis: wry neck
psoroptes cuniculi: bacterial condition affecting inner ear and/or neck nerves
pododermatitis: bumblefoot
digestive diseases: disruption of protective bacteria
Lawsonia and Tyzzers usually affect young rabbits
what is the anatomy in the rabbit that prevents vomiting?
cardiac sphincter
where can you collect a blood sample from on a rabbit?
auricular artery, marginal ear vein, jugular vein
which yeast can be commonly found in rabbit feces?
Cyniclomyces auttulatus
what is a common appearance of neutrophils in chinchillas?
hypersegmented neutrophils that resemble bands or metamylocytes
commonly counted as monocytes by automated analyzers
what is a common finding in urinalysis of herbivores?
large amounts of calcium carbonate crystals that cause a purulent appearance
rabbit restraint
never restrain by ears
scruff while supporting body
don’t let them kick their back legs out because they can fracture their back (usually L7)
midazolam works well for sedation if needed
how many toes do guinea pigs have?
4 front toes and 3 hind toes
male guinea pig
female guinea pig
nursing guinea pig
chinchilla scientific name
chinchilla langier
guinea pig gestation
60-65 days
guinea pig dental formula
2 (I1/1, C0/0, PM1/1, M3/3)
which. vitamin can guinea pigs not synthesize?
vitamin C
they lack the liver enzyme to synthesize it
needs to be supplemented in diet to prevent scurvy
common guinea pig medical conditions
streptococcus: cervical lymphadenitis (“lumps”)
bordetella bronchiseptica
infected grease gland
dystocia if > 6 months old due to fused pubic symphysis
pregnancy toxemia from obesity and stress
anorexia/gut stasis from stress
prone to blockages
what is the blood cell found in guinea pigs?
Kurloff body
inclusion in a lymphocyte associated with estrogenic stimulation
gives them a good immunological response, natural killer lymphocyte
chinchilla lifespan
10-20 years
chinchilla gestation
111 days
how are guinea pigs and chinchillas born?
chinchilla temperment
nocturnal, solitary
what is an important part of husbandry for a chinchilla?
giving them a dust bath
rolling in dust helps them get dirt off
can you scruff a chinchilla?
no because they will fur slip
hamster scientific name
mesocry seetus
hamster temperment
some can be friendly but usually not
dwarf hamsters are not friendly
prairie dogs/groundhogs
North American burrowing rodents
illegal in most places to keep as pets
hedgehog life span
10 years
hedgehog temperment
nocturnal, solitary, don’t like bright lights
hedgehog diet
cat food supplemented with mealworms, crickets, and small amounts of fruits and vegetables
hedgehog handling
patience, will pop/jump with chucking noise when scared/angry, can be scruffed when not rolled into a ball
sugar gliders
marsupial from N. Guinea/Australia
sugar glider life span
10-12 years
sugar glider temperment
nocturnal, arboreal (tree dwelling)
bark at night, sensitive to light
very social, can become nippy when not handled regularly
sugar glider unique anatomy
patagium: gliding member
cloaca: common cavity for excretion and reproduction
hair comb: 2nd and 3rd digit of hind feet fused
opposable thumbs
sugar glider scent glands
dominant males mark territory and group members with scent gland secretions which have musky odor
chest gland discolored (orange) and may go bald
mature male has bald spot on forehead
sugar glider diet
opportunistic omnivores
eat a wide range of food
sugar glider common medical condition
nutritional osteodystrophy
secondary hyperparathyroidism that results from an imbalance in dietary calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D
CS: hindlimb paralysis, muscle tremors, bone fractures, seizures
skunk temperment
nocturnal mustelid
very intelligent, curious
can be troublemakers and aggressive
skunk breeding
can be domestically bred but breeders need a USDA license
breeders should have scent glands removed at ~4 weeks to make scent tolerable
what is the common respiratory disease guinea pigs can contract from rabbits?
Bordetella bronchiseptica
rabbits harbor it naturally
what disease can skunks carry?
skunk diet
difficult, lack of proper diet can lead to obesity and osteodystrophy
pot bellied pig temperment
intelligent, playful, clean, manipulative
pot bellied pig lifespan
15 years
pot bellied pig average weight
90-150 lbs
pot bellied pig diet
pelleted diet balanced with grazing
watch water intake
what is an additional husbandry task in caring for pot bellied pigs?
hoof care
ferret scientific name
mustela putoris furo
male ferret
neutered male ferret
female ferret
spayed ferret
young ferret
group of ferrets
ferret lifespan
5-8 years
can live up to 12 years
ferret temperment
sleep 75% of day
very inquisitive, like to steal (ferreting)
ferret colors
fitch and sable: darker markings on face like a mask and body
albino: white
ferret anatomy
no sweat glands- prone to hyperthermia in hot temperatures
short intestinal tract: GI transit time 3-4 hours
non-retractable claws
ferret diet
obligate carnivore
need high quality protein, low fiber and fat
ferret and dog/cat similarities
similar disease susceptibility
can give distemper vaccine- Purevax since they can commonly get anaphylactic vax reactions
they can also get rabies vaccine
ferret preventatives
mange, fleas, ear mites, heartworm
common parasites in ferrets
ferret restraint
will hang when scruffed and often yawn
ferret blood draws
cephalic vein, lateral saphenous, or jugular, anterior vena cava under sedation
can use needle hub and HCT tubes if needed, 25/27G syringe
common ferret medical conditions
hypoglycemia due to short GI tract, influenza, distemper, Aleutian disease (parvo), epizoonotic catarrheal enteritis (ECE), mast cell tumors, cardiomyopathy, Helicobacter mustelae, myofaciitis
ferret neoplasia
lymphoma: usually fatal, 2 forms- 1 in very young ferrets and 1in older ferrets
insulinoma: increased insulin production causing depression, usually seen in ferrets > 3 years, CS: lethargy, posterior paresis, syncope, seizures, coma
sx with prednisone or other insulin blocker can give a 2 year life expectancy, frequent high protein diets with low sugar can help prevent CS, rub sugary substance on gums in case of a hypoglycemic event
ferret adrenal tumors
genetic predisposition maybe caused from inbreeding or spay/neuter disturbing adrenal glands
usually on left adrenal gland
sx good tx
on right gland, it is very close to vena cava
CS: alopecia, muscle wasting
develops from a lack of melatonin which prevents overproduction of LH and FSH
Lupron Depot shots often given with melatonin, 1 month and 4 month types
Deslorelin implants: work same as depot shots by desensitizing GRH receptors which impairs production and release of LH and FSH, can last a year
guinea pig scientific name
cavia procellus
sugar glider scientific name
petaurus breviceps
ferret influenza
commonly human to ferret
ferret distemper
similar CS as dogs: mucopurulent discharge, crusty facial lesions, hardened footpads
100% fatal
ferret aleutian disease
seen in wild ferrets
ferret ECE
epizoonotic catarrheal enteritis
often occurs from a stressor
CS: profuse mucoid greenish diarrhea
treat for dehydration
ferret mast cell tumors
reddish round lesions
don’t usually metastasize
ferret cardiomyopathy
similar to dogs/cats
Helicobacter mustelae
seen in ferrets
organism similar to H. pylori in humans and NHP
stress induced CS
tx: antibiotics
ferret myofaciitis
emerging disease
CS: muscle inflammation, fever, vomiting
young ferrets
progressive but usually fatal