Shedd powerpoint/fish anesthesia Flashcards
preventative medicine at Shedd
annual exams
quarantine exams at Shedd
entrance visual/exams and exit exams
manual restraint
before touching the patient consider the patient’s stress level, timing, health condition, experience if the aquarist/tech/restrainer
if questionable, anesthetize
restraint can be used for: injections, skin scrape/gill clip, assist in feeding, doctor assessment, triage
chemical restraint
can use for injections, skin scrape/gill clip, assist feeding, venomous species, invasive assessment, lengthy procedures, surgery
anesthesia agents
MS-222 Tricaine Methanesulfonate anesthetic: powder drug measured in ppm, based on gallons of water
SW or FW buffer added to equal parts of ax dose
FW buffer: sodium bicarbonate
SW buffer: soda ash diluted with sodium bicarbonate 1:6
buffer maintains pH
anesthesia stage 1
light sedation
slight loss of reactivity to external stimuli
operucular rate slightly decreases
equilibrium normal
anesthesia stage 2
deep sedation
total loss of reactivity to all but strong external stimuli
slight decrease in opercular rate
equilibrium normal
anesthesia stage 3
excitement phase
partial loss of equilibrium
partial loss of muscle tone
swimming erratic
increased opercular rate
reactivity only to strong tactile and vibration stimuli
anesthesia stage 4
ideal for most procedures
total loss of equilibrium and muscle tone
slow but regular opercular rate
loss of spinal reflexes
anesthesia stage 5
longer/invasive procedures may enter stage 5
loss of reflex reactivity and total loss of reactivity
heart rate very slow
opercular movements slow and irregular
anesthesia stage 6
medullary collapse (asphyxia)
opercular movements cease
cardiac arrest usually follows quickly
patient monitoring and ventilation
HR: monitor with ultrasound
temperature: need ice packs?
CO2 blood gases: acidity/lactate for sharks
RR: watch operculum
ventilation: manual or ventilator