Reptiles Flashcards
crocodilia, chelonia, squamata
which orders and species are covered by the Dangerous Wild Animal Act
crocodilia, front-fanged poisonous snakes, and 2 species of poisonous lizards
husbandry: temperature
heliotherms actively seek sun for heat to bask
temperature has a direct impact on metabolism and immune system: most important factor of husbandry/temperature requirements change by species, age, season, and time of day
preferred optimum temperature zone or thermal gradient
75-99 F
husbandry: lighting
broad spectrum lighting
use unfiltered sunlight when available (when outside temperature is above 70 F)
for lizards more light is better, place 2-4 tubes 12in or less from basking site, replace every 6 months
UVA light effect
help animals with normal behaviors
UVB light effect
activates vitamin D synthesis
D3 or cholecalciferol from UVB exposure is necessary for calcium absorption
basic aquatic cage
has a water filter, water thermostat, basking areas, and feeding areas
basic terrestrial cage
has UV light, basking light/ceramic heat emitter, thermometers, astroturf, humidity, hide box, water and food
too little = shedding problems (dysecdysis)
too much = fungal infections
using soaks allows more control
what are some ways you can get an anorexic animal to eat?
boas and pit vipers use heat sensing pits to locate warm blooded prey so might need to warm up prey
motion can also trigger feeding, and make sure cage is in optimum temperature zone: cold snakes won’t eat
animals also won’t eat pre-shed or during shed
physical exam
evaluate body-muscle tone, motility
measure snout to vent length
skin: look for lumps/bumps, parasites, skin tenting, dysecdysis, redness
eyes: look for cloudiness
resp: check for d/c
CV: heart usually 25% down body from snout
neurologic: righting reflex, skin twitching
oral: mucosal color varies by species: pale pink-bluish, oral cavity should be moist without stringy mucus
what type of teeth do reptiles have?
polyphyodontic teeth
teeth are reabsorbed or shed and quickly replaced
have episodical breathing: can hold their breath up to 24 hours so need PPV: 4-8 Bpm
relaxation begins cranial to caudal and is reversed during recovery
righting reflex is the first to go, check cloacal reflex and tail pinch
use fresh O2 during recovery through an ambu bag: can tolerate hight levels of CO2
unpredictable: same dose in different animals can get different results
long recovery due to slow metabolism: maintain heat
allows us to see through shell in chelonians
DV view is good for evaluation of the internal structures
lateral view is good for lungs
skyline view is used for lungs in chelonians: cranial-caudal head on view, ideal to use horizontal beam
lizard: jugular, tail vein, axillary plexus
chelonian: jugular, subcarapacial sinus
snakes: tail vein, cardiocentesis, axillary plexus (caudal front leg pointing toward axilla)
heparin is the preferred anticoagulant for RBC evaluation
caudal tail vein
ventral midline of the tail, about 1/4 tail length caudal to the vent
be careful of hemipenes and musk glands
go between the scales at a 90 degree angle on the midline
injection sites
IM, intracoelomic (Ice), SQ
intracoelomic: coelomic cavity accessed through prefemoral fossa (space just cranial to pelvic limb), good for turtles/tortises
why do some people believe injections in reptiles should be administered cranial to the kidneys?
they have a renal portal system which allows blood to flow from the caudal portion of the body to the kidneys prior to returning to the heart
some owners think this may cause an issue with injections: may or may not actually be an issue
fluids administration
SQ preferred for snake and lizard fluids
can use plain ringers, Normosol, LRS (if no liver issues)
what is the best form of fluid maintenance?
how is fluid therapy done?
normal stool
well-formed, high in fiber
don’t defecate frequently
what causes soft stool?
diet too high in carbohydrates and too low in fiber or parasite infection
normal flora in chelonians
trypanasomes parasite
normal but watch for high numbers
kalicephalus parasite
intestinal hookworm associated with anemia and malnutrition in snakes
protozoa parasites
cryptosporidium, trichmonas, coccidia, giardia
found in raw meat, healthy reptiles, and people
reptiles carry normally in digestive tract
people can get sick from reptile contact or get it subclinically
family: testunidae (tortoise)
protected species: Gopher, Texas, Desert
most primitive group of reptiles
tortoise is terrestrial, turtles are aquatic or semiaquatic except box turtle is terrestrial
sulcata tortoise
can get up to 200 lbs
leopard tortoise
can get above 60 lbs
radiated tortoises
live up to 50 years
from Madagascar
critically endangered
red foot and yellow foot tortoises
from South America
require 70% humidity
box turtle
terrestrial, protected in some areas, has a hinged plastrom
Blanding’s turtle
black with yellowish spots, very long neck and a bright yellow chin and throat, head is dark with short rounded snout and a notched upper jaw
terrapin turtle
lives in swamp water