Small Intestine Flashcards
SI-1 - Location
On the ulnar side of the little finger, 1 fen proximal and medial to the corner of the nail.
SI-1 - Function
Jing Well Point
Metal Point
Point of Entry
Point of Departure of the Small Intestine Tendino muscular meridian
Receives Qi from the Heart Meridian
Has an influence on the Small Intestine Divergent Meridian
SI - 1 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Shao Ze - Little Marsh
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-2 - Location
When a loose fist is made, the point is on the ulnar side of the little finger, in a depression distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, where the skin changes texture.
SI-2 - Function
Ying Spring Point
Water Point
SI - 2 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Qian Gu - Front Valley
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-3 - Location
When a loose fist is made, the point is on the ulnar side of the little finger, in a depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone, where the skin changes texture.
SI-3 - Function
Shu Stream Point Wood Point therefore a Tonification Point Master Point of Du Mai (opens the spine) Couple Point of Yang Qiao Mai Reflex Point
Other functions:
Affects A.C.T.H. (Adrenocorticotropic hormone)
SI - 3 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Hou Xi - Back Stream
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-4 - Location
On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the base of the fifth metacarpal bone and the pisiform bone, where the skin changes texture.
SI-4 - Function
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from HT5.
Reflex point
SI - 4 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Wang Gu - Wrist Bone
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-5 - Location
On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the pisiform bone and the head of the ulna, where the skin changes texture.
SI-5 - Function
Jing River Point
Fire Point therefore Horary Point
SI - 5 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Yang Gu - Yang Valley
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-6 - Location
With the palm placed on the chest, the point is in the bony cleft on top of the styloid process (head) of the ulna. (Some sources place this point in the depression proximal to and on the radial side of the head of the ulna)
Hint: Put the arm flat at the side of the patient, place index finger on top of the head of the ulna and rotate the palm to the chest)
SI-6 - Function
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Small Intestine meridian
SI - 6 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Yang Lao - Nourishing The Old
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-7 - Location
With the palm placed on the chest, the point is 5 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease, on the line joining SI-5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. (Some sources place this point on the line joining SI-5 to SI-8)
Hint: Have the arm straight, feel up the ulna, come to the top edge of the ulna then rotate the arm to chest.
SI-7 - Function
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to HT-7
Works on the Body Fluids (Ye)
Works on the Internal Duct of the Three Heater (Kidney Yin) and brings Qi down when used with CO-6
Other functions:
Stimulates Water When used with SI-8
SI - 7 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Zhi Zheng - Upright Branch
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-8 - Location
With the elbow flexed, the point is midway between the tip of the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Hint: Thumb on the olecranon and middle finger on the medial epicondyle of the humerus and find midpoint with index finger.
SI-8 - Function
He Sea Point
Earth Point therefore Sedation Point
Other functions:
Stimulates water when used with SI-7
SI - 8 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Xiao Hai - Small Sea
Cautions - None
Division - Tai Yang
SI-9 - Name in Chinese and English
Jian Zhen - True Shoulder
Forbidden to moxa
Hand Tai Yang
SI-9 - Location
With the arm by the side, the point is 1 cun superior to the posterior axillary fold.
SI-9 - Features
- Increases Small Intestine pulse, while at the same time calming the Wood pulse. The affect on the pulse is similar to SI-3
SI-10 - Name in Chinese and English
Nao Shu - Upper Arm Shu
Forbidden in pregnancy from the 6th month
Hand Tai Yang
SI-10 - Location
Directly above SI-9, on the inferior border of the spine of the scapula
SI-10 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai and Yang Qiao Mai
Meets Small Intestine Divergent meridian
Shu Point of Scapula (point name)
*Works on the Stomach
SI-11 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Zong - Celestial Gathering
Hand Tai Yang
SI-11 - Location
In the centre of the infraspinous fossa, approximately midway between the inferior angle of the scapula and the acromion, and midway between the medial and lateral borders of the scapula
SI-11 - Features
SI-12 - Name in Chinese and English
Bing Feng - Grasping The Wind
Hand Tai Yang
SI-12 - Location
The point is in a depression in the centre of the supraspinous fossa, superior to SI-11 and between SI-13 and CO-16
SI-12 - Features
Meets the Colon, Three Heater and Gall Bladder meridians
*Disperses external wind locally (point name)
SI-13 - Name in Chinese and English
Qu Yuan - Crooked Wall
Hand Tai Yang
SI-13 - Location
At the medial end of the supraspinous fossa, midway between SI-10 and the spinous process of T-2, 1 cun inferior to TH-15
SI-13 - Features
SI-14 - Name in Chinese and English
Jian Wai Shu - Outer Shoulder Shu
Hand Tai Yang
SI-14 - Location
3 cun lateral to the lower border of spinous process of T-1
SI-14 - Features
Shu Point of the outer shoulder
SI-15 - Name in Chinese and English
Jian Zhong Shu - Central Shoulder Shu
Hand Tai Yang
SI-15 - Location
2 cun lateral to the lower border of spinous process of C-7 (level with DU-14)
SI-15 - Features
Shu Point of the middle or inner shoulder
SI-16 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Chuang - Celestial Window
Hand Tai Yang
SI-16 - Location
Level with the Laryngeal prominence, following the natural neck line, on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
SI-16 - Features
Window Of Sky Point
Meeting Point of the Heart and Small Intestine Divergent meridians
SI-17 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Rong - Celestial Appearance
Hand Tai Yang
SI-17 - Location
Posterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
SI-17 - Features
Branch to GB-1 which then travels to SI-19
Branch to SI-18 which then travels to BL-1
In some sources this point is a Window of Sky Point
SI-18 - Name in Chinese and English
Quan Liao - Cheek BoneHole
Forbidden to Moxa
Hand Tai Yang
SI-18 - Location
Directly below the outer canthus of the eye, on the inferior border of the zygoma.
SI-18 - Features
Branch to BL-1 which then completes the circulation of the Tai Yang division
Meeting Point of all the Three Leg Yang Tendino Muscular meridians
Connects with the Three Heater meridian
Point of Exit
SI-19 - Name in Chinese and English
Ting Gong - Listening Palace
Hand Tai Yang
SI-19 - Location
When the mouth is open, the point is in a depression anterior to the centre of the tragus.
SI-19 - Features
From SI-19 Connects with the Three Heater and Gall Bladder meridians.