Colon Flashcards
CO1 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Shang Yang - Merchant Yang
Cautions: Forbidden to moxa
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO1 - Location
On the radial side of the index finger, 1 fen proximal and lateral to the corner of the nail.
CO1 - Function
Jing Well Point
Metal Point therefore Horary Point
Point of Departure of the Colon Tendino Muscular Meridian
Had an influence on the Colon Divergent Meridian.
Receives Qi from the LU Meridian.
CO2 - Location
When a loose fist is made, the point is on the radial side of the index finger, in a depression distal and inferior to the second metacarpo-phalangeal joint, where the skin changes texture.
CO2 - Chinese and English names and cautions.
Which of the 6 divisions
Er Jian - Second Interval
Cautions: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 8th month.
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO2 - Function
Ying Spring Point
Water Point therefore Sedation Point
CO3 - Location
When a loose fist is made, the point is on the radial side of the index finger, in a depression proximal and inferior to the head of the second metacarpal bone, where the skin changes texture.
CO3 - Chinese and English names and cautions.
Which of the 6 divisions
San Jian - Third Interval
Cautions: None listed.
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO3 - Function
Shu Stream Point
Wood Point
CO4 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
He Gu - Joining Valley
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO4 - Location
Between the first and second metacarpal bones, distal to the base of the second metacarpal bone. (Note: Some sources place this between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones at the midpoint of and close to the 2nd metacarpal bone.)
CO4 - Function
Yuan-Source Point therefore receives a vessel from LU7
Point of Entry
Has a strong effect on the Yang in general therefore on Wei Qi;
Affects the Colon Tendino-Muscular Meridian
Other Functions:
CO4 (bilateral) with LV3 (bilateral) takes Yang into the body, therefore has a calming effect.
Has an effect on the osmotic balance
Su Wen Ch:20 Point of Earth of the middle region according to the Nine Continents Pulse picture.
(Command Point for the face)
CO5 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Yang Xi - Yang Stream
Caution: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO5 - Location
When the thumb is extended, the point is between the tendons of muscles extensor pollicus longus and extensor pollicis brevis in the depression known as the anatomical snuffbox.
CO5 - Function
Jing River Point
Fire Point
Other functions:
Useful in activating the Colon Tendino-muscular meridian
CO6 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Pian Li - Side Passage
Cautions: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO6 - Location
With the elbow flexed, on a line joining CO5 to CO11, 3 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease
CO6 - Function
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to LU9
With SI 7 works on the Internal Duct of the Three Heater and therefore on Kidney Yin
With SI 7 takes Qi down
CO7 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Wen Liu - Warm Current
Cautions: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO7 - Location
With the elbow flexed, on a line joining CO5 to CO11, 5 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease
CO7 - Function
XI-CLEFT Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Colon Meridian
CO8 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Xia Lian - Lower Angle
Cautions: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO8 - Location
With the elbow flexed, on a line joining CO5 to CO11, 8 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease
CO8 - Function
Improves Lung Qi
Helps to fill the Internal Duct of the Three Heater
Other functions: One of the three points on the Colon meridian to affect the balance of Heaven Earth Man. CO8 - Heaven - Lung CO9 - Earth - Stomach CO10 - Man - Three Heater and Colon
CO9 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Shan Lian - Upper Angle
Cautions: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 8th month
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO9 - Location
With the elbow flexed, on a line joining CO5 to CO11, 9 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease
CO9 - Function
Improves Stomach Qi
Helps to fill the Internal Duct of the Three Heater
Other functions: One of the three points on the Colon meridian to affect the balance of Heaven Earth Man. CO8 - Heaven - Lung CO9 - Earth - Stomach CO10 - Man - Three Heater and Colon
CO10 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Shou San Li - Arm Three Miles
Cautions: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO10 - Location
With the elbow flexed, on a line joining CO5 to CO11, 10 cun proximal to the transverse dorsal wrist crease
CO10 - Function
Upper He-Sea Point of the Stomach
Boosts the Three Heater
Helps to fill the Internal Duct of the Three Heater
Other functions: One of the three points on the Colon meridian to affect the balance of Heaven Earth Man. CO8 - Heaven - Lung CO9 - Earth - Stomach CO10 - Man - Three Heater and Colon
CO11 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Qu Chi - Crooked Pond
Cautions: None listed
Division - Yang Ming (Bright Yang)
CO11 - Location
With the elbow flexed at a right angle, the point is in a depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between LU5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
CO11 - Function
He-Sea Point
Earth Point therefore Tonification Point
Brings the Earth pulse up.
Has an effect on the osmotic balance.
Other functions: Brings up Water and Earth Pulses Calms the Bladder Pulse Controls the Wood Pulse Tonifies the Colon.
Colon 12 - Name in Chinese and English
Zhou Liao - Elbow Bonehole
Caution: None
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 12 - Location
With the elbow flexed at a right angle, the point is superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, 1 cun posterior to CO-11.
Colon 12 - Features
Colon 13 - Name in Chinese and English
Shou Wu Li - Arm Five Miles
Caution: Either do not use it at all, or do not needle more than five times - damages the Qi of the five Zang
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 13 - Location
Superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, 3 cun directly above CO-11, on a line from CO-11 to CO-15
Colon 13 - Features
Sedates all the Yin organs (Su Wen ch. 3)
Colon 14 - Name in Chinese and English
Bi Nao - Upper Arm
Caution: Forbidden to needle
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 14 - Location
Where the meridian crosses the border of the deltoid muscle. approximately 7 cun above CO-11, approximatelyon a line from CO-11 to CO-15.
Colon 14 - Features
Colon 15 - Name in Chinese and English
Jian Yu - Shoulder Bone
Caution: None
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 15 - Location
When the arm is abducted, the point is in the anterior of the two depressions which appear between the acromion and the tubercle of the humerus
Colon 15 - Features
Meets Small Intestine MeridianPoint of Yang Qiao Mai
Point of departure of Colon Divergent Meridian
Tonifies and strengthens the chest and Heart
- Main point for the shoulders
- Has an effect on the flexures of the Colon (Hepatic or Splenic)
Colon 16 - Name in Chinese and English
Ju Gu - Huge Bone
Caution: None
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 16 - Location
In a depression medial, and posterior to the acromio-clavicular joint. (From here the meridian goes to DU-14 and then to ST-12)
Colon 16 - Features
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
- Relieves excess Yang from the upper part of the body.
Colon 17 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Ding - Celestial Vessel / Tripod
Caution: None
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 17 - Location
On the lateral side of the neck, at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, approximately 1 cun below CO-18
Colon 17 - Features
Sends a Secondary Vessel to the tongue.
Colon 18 - Name in Chinese and English
Fu Tu - Support The Prominence
Caution: Can cause blindness (vB)
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 18 - Location
Level with the Laryngeal prominence, following the natural neck line, between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Colon 18 - Features
Window of Sky Point
Upper Meeting Point of Lung and Colon Divergent meridians.
*Meets Lung Seperate meridian (vB)
Colon 19 - Name in Chinese and English
He Liao - Grain Bone Hole
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa (vB)
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 19 - Location
Directly below the lateral margin of the nostril, level with Du-26. (The meridian crosses to the opposite side of the face via Du-26 to CO-20)
Colon 19 - Features
Colon 20 - Name in Chinese and English
Ying Xiang - Welcome Fragrance
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa
Hand Yang Ming
Colon 20 - Location
Lateral to the widest margin of the ala nasi, midway between the ala nasi and the naso-labial groove.
Colon 20 - Features
Point of Exit (A branch travels to ST-1 via BL-1 to complete the circuit of Yang Ming - Beginning of the St meridian)