Gallbladder Flashcards
Gall Bladder 44 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Zu Qiao Yin - Foot Cavity of Yin
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 44 - Location
On the lateral side of the 4th toe, 1 fen proximal and lateral to the corner of the nail.
Gall Bladder 44 - Function
Jing Well Point.
Metal Point.
Point of Departure of the Gall Bladder Tendino Muscular meridian.
Root of Shao Yang
Has an influence on the Gall Bladder Divergent Meridian.
Sends Qi to the Liver meridian.
Other functions:
Attracts Qi down from the head.
Gall Bladder 43 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Xia Xi - Harmonious Stream / Narrow Ravine
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 43 - Location
Between the fourth and fifth toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web.
Gall Bladder 43 - Function
Ying Spring Point.
Water Point therefore Tonification Point.
Tonifies Yin in general.
Gall Bladder 42 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Di Wu Hui - Five Terrestrial Meetings
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 42 - Location
In the depression distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the medial side of the tendon of muscle extensor digitorum longus.
Gall Bladder 42 - Function
Gall Bladder 41 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Zu Lin Qi - Foot Supervising Tears
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 41 - Location
In the depression distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of muscle extensor digitorum longus.
Gall Bladder 41 - Function
Shu Stream Point. Wood Point therefore Horary Point. Point of Exit. Master Point of Dai Mai. Couple Point of Yang Wei Mai. Works on the circulation (moves stagnation)
Gall Bladder 40 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Qiu Xu - Eminent Region
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 40 - Location
Anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of muscle extensor digitorum longus.
Gall Bladder 40 - Function
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from LIV-5
Other functions:
Maintains a balance between the exterior and the interior of the body.
Works on the parathyroid gland.
Gall Bladder 39 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Xuan Zhong - Suspended Bell
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 39 - Location
3 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of muscles peroneus longus and peroneus brevis.
Gall Bladder 39 - Function
Hui Point of Bone Marrow.
Group Luo Point of the Three Leg Yang
Reflex Point.
Gall Bladder 38 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Yang Fu - Yang Support
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 38 - Location
4 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
Gall Bladder 38 - Function
Jing River Point.
Fire Point therefore Sedation Point.
Gall Bladder 37 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Guang Ming - Bright Light
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 37 - Location
5 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
Gall Bladder 37 - Function
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to LIV-3
Other functions:
Stimulates anterior pituitary gland (which is situated near the “third eye”)
Gall Bladder 36 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Wai Qiu - External Region
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 36 - Location
7 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the posterior border of the fibula. (Some sources consider the location of GB-35 and GB-36 to be reversed)
Gall Bladder 36 - Function
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Gall Bladder meridian
Gall Bladder 35 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Yang Jiao - Yang Crossing
Caution: None
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 35 - Location
7 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula. (Some sources consider the location of GB-35 and GB-36 to be reversed)
Gall Bladder 35 - Function
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Xi Cleft Point of Yang Wei Mai
Gall Bladder 34 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Yang Ling Quan - Yang Mound Spring / Fountain of Yang Mound
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa
Division: Foot Shao Yang
Gall Bladder 34 - Location
In a depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
Gall Bladder 34 - Function
He Sea Point.
Earth Point.
Hui Point of Muscles and Tendons.
GB-33 - Name in Chinese and English
Xi Yang Guan - Knee Yang Gate/Barrier
Forbidden to moxa
Foot Shao Yang
GB-33 - Location
Superior to the lateral epicondyle of the femur, in the depression between the tendon of muscle biceps femoris and ilio-tibial tract
GB-33 - Feature
*Reflex Point
GB-32 - Name in Chinese and English
Zhong Du - Central River
Foot Shao Yang
GB-32 - Location
7 cun above the knee crease in the groove of the ilio-tibial tract
GB-32 - Feature
GB-31 - Name in Chinese and English
Feng Shi - Wind Market
Foot Shao Yang
GB-31 - Location
9 cun above the knee crease in the groove of the ilio-tibial tract (where the tip of the middle finger rests, when standing with the arms hanging.
GB-31 - Feature
*Corrects osmotic balance (vB)
GB-30 - Name in Chinese and English
Huan Tiao - Jumping Circle
Foot Shao Yang
GB-30 - Location
In the centre of the natural hollow appearing in the gluteus maximus muscle, approximately one-third of the distance from the greater trochanter of the femur to the sacro-coccygeal joint.
GB-30 - Feature
Point of Departure of the Gall Bladder Divergent Meridian
Meets the Bladder meridian
Sends a vessel to the genital organs and pubic area to contact the Liver meridian at Ren 2.
GB-29 - Name in Chinese and English
Ju Liao - Sitting Bone Hole
Foot Shao Yang
GB-29 - Location
Midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater trochanter of the femur.
GB-29 - Feature
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
GB-28 - Name in Chinese and English
Wei Dao - Linking Path
Foot Shao Yang
GB-28 - Location
0.5 cun anterior and inferior to GB-27 (Between Ren 4 and Ren 3)
GB-28 - Feature
Point of Dai Mai
GB-27 - Name in Chinese and English
Wu Shu - Fifth Pivot
Foot Shao Yang
GB-27 - Location
Medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, level with Ren-4
GB-27 - Feature
Point of Dai Mai
GB-26 - Name in Chinese and English
Dai Mai - Girdle Channel
Foot Shao Yang
GB-26 - Location
On the mid-axillary line level with the umbilicus [Alt. level with the umbilicus directly below LIV-13]
GB-26 - Feature
Point of Dai Mai
GB-25 - Name in Chinese and English
Jing Men - Capital Gate
Foot Shao Yang
GB-25 - Location
On the lateral side of the abdomen, at the end of the twelfth rib.
GB-25 - Feature
Mu Point of Kidney
Works on Kidney Yin
GB-24 - Name in Chinese and English
Ri Yue - Sun and Moon
Foot Shao Yang
GB-24 - Location
In the seventh intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
GB-24 - Feature
Mu Point of the Gall Bladder
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Meets Spleen meridian
GB-23 - Name in Chinese and English
Zhe Jin - Muscular Seat
Foot Shao Yang
GB-23 - Location
Approximately 1 cun anterior to GB-22, in the fourth intercostal space.
GB-23 - Feature
Meeting of the Three Arm Yin Tendino muscular meridians (with GB-22).
Connects with the BL meridian
Works on Kidney Yang
*Mu Point of the Gall Bladder (Great Compendium)
GB-22 - Name in Chinese and English
Yuan Ye - Armpit Pool / Abyss
Forbidden to Moxa
Foot Shao Yang
GB-22 - Location
On the mid-axillary line, in the fifth intercostal space.
GB-22 - Feature
Meeting of the Three Arm Yin Tendino muscular meridians (with GB-23)
Meeting of the Three Arm Yin Divergent meridians
Lower Meeting of Ht and SI Divergent meridians
Lower Meeting of Co and Lu Divergent meridians
GB-21 - Name in Chinese and English
Jian Jing - Shoulder Well
Forbidden in pregnancy because it sends Qi down
Don’t puncture lung
Foot Shao Yang
GB-21 - Location
At the height of the shoulder, midway between the tip of the acromion and Du-14
GB-21 - Feature
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Connects with the TH meridian
*First Aid Point in acute asthma.
GB-20 - Name in Chinese and English
Feng Chi - Wind Pool
Caution must be exercised to avoid inserting the needle too deeply, puncturing the medulla oblongata
Foot Shao Yang
GB-20 - Location
Below the occiput, in a depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the upper part of the trapezius muscle
GB-20 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
GB-19 - Name in Chinese and English
Nao Kong - Brain Holllow
Foot Shao Yang
GB-19 - Location
1.5 cun directly above GB-20, in a hollow on the side of the occipital protuberance
GB-19 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
GB-18 - Name in Chinese and English
Cheng Ling - Containing/Receiving/Supporting the Spirit
Forbidden to needle
Foot Shao Yang
GB-18 - Location
Directly in line with the centre of the pupil of the eye, 8 cun above the glabella [level with Du-20]
GB-18 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
GB-17 - Name in Chinese and English
Zheng Ying - Upright Nourishment
Foot Shao Yang
GB-17 - Location
Directly in line with the centre of the pupil of the eye, 6.5 cun above the glabella [level with Du-21]
GB-17 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
GB-16 - Name in Chinese and English
Mu Chuang - Window of the eye
Foot Shao Yang
GB-16 - Location
Directly above the centre of the pupil of the eye, 5 cun above the glabella [level with Du-22]
GB-16 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
GB-15 - Name in Chinese and English
Tou Lin Qi - Head Supervising Tears
Forbidden to moxa
Foot Shao Yang
GB-15 - Location
Directly above the centre of the pupil of the eye, 3.5 cun above the glabella and 5 fen within the natural hairline [Midway between ST-8 and Du-24]
GB-15 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
GB-14 - Name in Chinese and English
Yang Bai - Yang White
Foot Shao Yang
GB-14 - Location
Directly above the centre of the pupil of the eye, 1 cun above the glabella [feel downwards on the forehead for the point keeping in mind that from the Glabella to the hair line there are 3 cun- just above the eyebrow]
GB-14 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Connects with the Three Heater, Stomach and Colon meridians.
*Sends an internal vessel to BL-1 (vB)
GB-13 - Name in Chinese and English
Ben Shen - Root Spirit
Foot Shao Yang
GB-13 - Location
Directly above the outer canthus of the eye, 3.5 cun above the glabella and 5 fen within the natural hairline.[1/3 the distance from ST-8]
GB-13 - Features
Point of Yang Wei Mai
Meeting Point of the Three Arm Yang Tendino muscular meridians
GB-12 - Name in Chinese and English
Wan Gu - Completion Bone
Foot Shao Yang
GB-12 - Location
Posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, level with Du-16. [Directly above TH-16] [behind ear lobe, height of mastoid and slide back]
GB-12 - Features
Connects with the Bladder meridian (BL-7)
GB-11 - Name in Chinese and English
Tou Qiao Yin - Head Cavity of Yin
Foot Shao Yang
GB-11 - Location
On the posterior border of the mastoid process, level with the external auditory meatus (ear canal) of the ear, 1 cun inferior to GB-10 [Follow the natural border and divide in 3rds between GB-9 & GB-12]
GB-11 - Features
Connects with the Bladder (BL-7), Three Heater and Small Intestine meridians.
GB-10 - Name in Chinese and English
Fu Bai - Floating White
Foot Shao Yang
GB-10 - Location
On the superior border of the mastoid process, level with the root of the ear, approximately 1.5cun posterior and inferior to GB-8
GB-10 - Features
Connects with the Bladder meridian (BL-7)
GB-9 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Chong - Celestial Surge
Forbidden to Moxa
Foot Shao Yang
GB-9 - Location
0.5 cun posterior to GB-8 [Find GB-8 and slide back]
GB-9 - Features
Connects with the Bladder meridian (BL-7)
GB-8 - Name in Chinese and English
Shuai Gu - Leading To The Valley Leader Of The Valley
Foot Shao Yang
GB-8 - Location
Directly above the apex of the ear, in a hollow approximately 1.5 cun above the natural hairline. [with the ear folded forward and the teeth clenched, the point is on the top edge of temporalis muscle about 1.5 cun above the tip of the ear]
GB-8 - Features
Connects with the Bladder meridian (BL-7)
GB-7 - Name in Chinese and English
Qu Bin - Twisted Hair On The Temples
Foot Shao Yang
GB-7 - Location
At the junction obtained by projecting lines along the anterior and superior borders of the ear [draw vertical line from bottom of the ear] Approx 1 fingers breadth anterior to TH-20 (Apex of the ear)
GB-7 - Features
Connects with the Bladder meridian (BL-7)
GB-6 - Name in Chinese and English
Xuan Li - Suspended Li Suspended Tuft/Hair
Foot Shao Yang
GB-6 - Location
On the temple three-quarters of the distance from ST-8 to GB-7 [Find these first] (5 fingers curving forward)
GB-6 - Features
Meets the Stomach, Colon and Three Heater meridians.
GB-5 - Name in Chinese and English
Xuan Lu - Suspended Skull
Foot Shao Yang
GB-5 - Location
On the temple midway between ST-8 and GB-7 [Find these first] (5 fingers curving forward)
GB-5 - Features
Meets the Stomach, Colon and Three Heater meridians.
GB-4 - Name in Chinese and English
Han Yan - Full Forehead
Foot Shao Yang
GB-4 - Location
On a slightly curving line between ST-8 and GB-7, one quarter of the distance from ST-8 [Find ST-8 and GB-7 first] (5 fingers curving forward)
GB-4 - Features
Meets the Three Heater and Stomach meridians.
GB-3 - Name in Chinese and English
Shang Guan - Above the Joint/Gate/Barrier
Forbidden to Needle
Foot Shao Yang
GB-3 - Location
On the superior border of the zygomatic arch directly above ST-7. (On top of the bone)
GB-3 - Features
Meets the Stomach meridian.
Connects to TH-18 through the ear.
GB-2 - Name in Chinese and English
Ting Hui - Meeting of Hearing
Forbidden in pregnancy
Foot Shao Yang
GB-2 - Location
In the depression anterior to the lower tragal notch
GB-2 - Features
GB-1 - Name in Chinese and English
Tong Zi Liao - Orifice of the Pupil / Pupil Bone Hole
Forbidden in pregnancy
Foot Shao Yang
GB-1 - Location
0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye. [pull out flesh beside eye to create hole for needling]
GB-1 - Features
Connects with the SI and TH meridians
Upper meeting point of Liver and Gall Bladder Divergent meridians
Meeting of Shao Yang
Point of entry
*Meets the Liver seperate meridian (vB)