Liver Flashcards
Liver 1 - Location
On the lateral side of the big toe, 1 fen proximal and lateral to the corner of the nail.
Liver 1 - Functions
Jing Well Point
Wood Point therefore Horary Point
Point of Entry
Point of Departure of Liver Tendino muscular meridian
Has an influence on the Liver Divergent meridian
Receives Qi from the Gall Bladder
Root of Jue Yin
Liver 1 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Da Dun - Large Hill
Caution: Beware of using it during pregnancy
Forbidden in Diabetics of Spleen type
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 2 - Location
Between the first and second toes, 0.5cun proximal to the margin of the web.
Liver 2 - Functions
Ying Spring Point
Fire Point therefore Sedation Point
Liver 2 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Xing Jian - Moving Between / Active Interval
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 1st month
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 3 - Location
In the pronounced depression distal to the junction between the first and second metatarsal bones.
Liver 3 - Functions
Shu Stream Point
Earth Point
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from GB-37
Relieves muscle spasm
Other functions:
Su Wen Ch.20: Point of Heaven of the lower region according to the Nine Continents pulse.
Liver 3 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Tai Chong - Supreme Rushing / Great Surge
Caution: Forbidden in patients with asthma (vB)
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 4 - Location
Anterior to the tip of the medial malleolus in the depression medial to the tendon of the muscle tibialis anterior.
Liver 4 - Functions
Jing River Point
Metal Point
Liver 4 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Zhong Feng - Mound Centre
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa during pregnancy
Beware of using it during pregnancy
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 5 - Location
5 cun superior to the tip of the medial malleolus at the medial border of the tibia.
Liver 5 - Functions
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to GB-40
Point of Departure of Liver Divergent Meridian
Liver 5 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Li Gou - Calf Gutter / Calf Drain
Caution: Great caution should be taken on considering this point. (vB)
Can aggravate varicose veins
Can cause long term exhaustion
Beware of using it during pregnancy
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 6 - Location
7 cun superior to the tip of the medial malleolus, at the medial border of the tibia.
Liver 6 - Functions
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Liver meridian
Liver 6 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Zhong Du - Central City / Central Capital
Caution: Beware of using it during pregnancy
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 7 - Location
On the inferior border of the medial condyle of the tibia, 1 cun posterior and superior to SP-9 (Go straight down from LV-8)
Liver 7 - Functions
No functions
Liver 7 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Xi Guan - Knee Joint
Caution: Beware of using it in pregnancy
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 8 - Location
Anterior to the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, in a depression between the condyles of the femur and tibia.
Liver 8 - Functions
He Sea Point
Water Point therefore Tonification Point
Reflex Point
Brings up Kidney Yin
Liver 8 name in Chinese and English
Which of the six divisions
Qu Quan - Spring At The Bend / Fountain Of The Corner
Caution: None
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 9 - Name in Chinese and English
Yin Bao - Envelope of Yin
Caution: None
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 9 - Location
4 cun superior to the knee crease, on the medial aspect of the thigh, between muscles sartorius and vastus medialis.
Liver 9 - Features
Builds Yin in general
*Reunion Point for Veins
Liver 10- Name in Chinese and English
Zu Wu Li - Foot Five Li
Caution: Avoid the artery
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 10- Location
3 cun inferior to ST30, on the anterior border of the adductor longus (NB: in order to locate the adductor longus muscle, ask the patient to adduct the leg against resistance with the hip slightly flexed and abducted and the knee flexed)
Liver 10 - Features
*Su Wen Ch:20 Point of Heaven of the lower region according to the Nine Continents pulse picture (in males only)
Liver 11 - Name in Chinese and English
Yin Lian - Yin Corner
Caution: Avoid the artery
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 11 - Location
2 cun inferior to ST30, on the anterior border of the adductor longus (NB: in order to locate the adductor longus muscle, ask the patient to adduct the leg against resistance with the hip slightly flexed and abducted and the knee flexed)
Liver 11 - Features
*Useful in gynaecological disorders
Liver 12 - Name in Chinese and English
Ji Mai - Rapid Pulse
Caution: Avoid the artery
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 12 - Location
1 cun inferior to the superior border of the symphysis pubis, medial to the femoral vein, in the crease of the groin. (2.5 cun lateral to the midline)
Liver 12 - Features
Liver 13 - Name in Chinese and English
Zhang Men - Complete Gate
Caution: The right lobe of the liver is below this point on the right side of the body. Therefore caution must be exercised to avoid needling to deeply. Deep below this point on the left side, is the lower end of the spleen. Excessively deep insertion on this side must be avoided, particularly in cases of patients with enlarged liver or spleen.
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 13 - Location
On the lateral side of the abdomen at the end of the 11th rib.
Liver 13 - Features
Mu Point of the Spleen
Hui Point for Zang
Internal vessel goes to GB-26 to join Dai Mai.
Meets Gall Bladder meridian (and sends branches to Stomach and Liver organs).
Balances Wood and Earth Pulses
*Shokanten Point of Tai Yin
Liver 14 - Name in Chinese and English
Qi Men - Period / Cycle Gate
Caution: None
Foot Jue Yin
Liver 14 - Location
In the 6th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Liver 14 - Features
Mu Point of the Liver
Point of Yin Wei Mai
Meets the Spleen Meridian
Point of Exit
*Shokanteen Point of Jue Yin