Lung Flashcards
Lung 11 name in Chinese and English
and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Shao Shang - Lesser Merchant
Caution - Forbidden to moxa
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 11 - Location
On the radial side of the thumb 1 fen proximal and lateral to the corner of the nail
Lung 11 - Functions
Jing Well Point
Wood Point
Point of Departure of the Lung Tendino-Muscular meridian
Has an influence on the Lung Divergent Meridian
Sends Qi to the Colon Meridian
*Sun Si Miao Ghost Point
Lung 10 - Location
On the thenar eminence of the hand, in a depression between the mid point of the shaft of the first metacarpal bone and the thenar muscles.
Lung 10 - Functions
Ying Spring Point
Fire Point
Lung 9 - Chinese and English name and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Tai Yuan - Supreme Abyss
Caution - None listed
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 9 - Location
With the palm facing upwards the point is on the transverse crease of the wrist, in a depression on the radial side of the radial artery.
Lung 10 - Chinese and English name and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Yu Ji - Fish border
Caution - If used too often can dry the lung
Forbidden to moxa
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 9 - Functions
Shu Stream point
Earth Point therefore Tonification Point.
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from CO6
Hui Point of Arteries and Veins
Sends Qi into deeper levels of the body
Other Functions Calms the pulses Helps the upper jiao Sends Qi down Su Wen Ch20: Point of Heaven of the middle region in the Nine Continents pulse picture.
Lung 8 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Jing Qu - Meridian Gutter
Caution - Forbidden to moxa
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 8 - Location
With the palm facing upwards the point is located 1 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the radius and the radial artery.
Lung 8 - Function
Jing River point
Metal point therefore Horary Point
Lung 7 - Chinese and English name and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Lie Que - Broken Sequence
Caution - Forbidden in pregnancy from the 6th month.
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 7 - Location
Proximal to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist, on the edge if the forearm.
Lung 7 - Functions
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to CO4 Master Point of Ren Mai Couple Point of Yin Qiao Mai Point of exit Draws Qi out from deeper levels Command Point for Neck and Head
*Ma DanYang point: migraine, the whole body lifeless with wandering pains, phlegm incessantly blocks above or in lockjaw.
Lung 6 - Chinese and English names and caution
Which of the 6 divisions
Kong Zui - Collection Hole
Caution - None listed
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 6 - Location
With the palm facing upwards the point is on the anterior aspect of the forearm, 7 cun proximal to LU9 on the line joining LU9 to LU5
Lung 6 - Functions
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the lung meridian
Reflex point
Lung 5 - Chinese and English names and cautions
Which of the 6 divisions
Chi Ze - Cubit Marsh
Cautions - If needled to often will weaken the Qi of the Lung (reverse Sheng cycle)
Division - Tai Yin (Greater Yin)
Lung 5 - Location
With the elbow slightly flexed, the point is in the depression on the transverse cubital crease, on the radial side of the tendon of muscle biceps brachii.
Lung 5 - Functions
He Sea Point
Water Point therefore Sedation Point
Clears Lung Heat
Lung 1 - Name in Chinese and EnglishCautionDivision
Zhong Fu - Central MansionCaution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 9th monthHand Tai Yin
Lung 1 - Location
Below LU-2, on the medial border of the deltoid muscle, approximately level with the first intercostal space as located at the sternum (LU-1 to the anterior midline is 6 cun)
Lung 1 - Features
Mu point of the LungReunion of Tai YinPoint of EntryTonifies Wei QiSends Qi down*Affects the Colon
Lung 2 - Name in Chinese and EnglishCautionDivision
Yun Men - Cloud GateCaution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 2nd monthHand Tai Yin
Lung 2 - Location
Directly below the clavicle in a large depression at the junction of the pectoral and deltoid muscles
Lung 2 - Features
Lung 3 - Name in Chinese and EnglishCautionDivision
Tian Fu - Celestial MansionCaution: Forbidden to MoxaHand Tai Yin
Lung 3 - Location
On the anterior aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of muscle biceps brachii (6 cun above LU-5)
Lung 3 - Features
Window of Sky Point * Indicated when there is great thirst
Lung 4 - Name in Chinese and EnglishCautionDivision
Xia Bai - Guarding / Protecting WhiteCaution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 5th monthHand Tai Yin
Lung 4 - Location
On the anterior aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of muscle biceps brachii (1 cun below LU-3)
Lung 4 - Features
Lung 1 - Name in Chinese and English
Zhong Fu - Central Mansion
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 9th month
Hand Tai Yin
Lung 1 - Location
Below LU-2, on the medial border of the deltoid muscle, approximately level with the first intercostal space as located at the sternum (LU-1 to the anterior midline is 6 cun)
Lung 1 - Features
Mu point of the Lung Reunion of Tai Yin Point of Entry Tonifies Wei Qi Sends Qi down
*Affects the Colon
Lung 2 - Name in Chinese and English
Yun Men - Cloud Gate
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 2nd month
Hand Tai Yin
Lung 2 - Location
Directly below the clavicle in a large depression at the junction of the pectoral and deltoid muscles
Lung 2 - Features
Lung 3 - Name in Chinese and English
Tian Fu - Celestial Mansion
Caution: Forbidden to Moxa
Hand Tai Yin
Lung 3 - Location
On the anterior aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of muscle biceps brachii (6 cun above LU-5)
Lung 3 - Features
Window of Sky Point
- Indicated when there is great thirst
Lung 4 - Name in Chinese and English
Xia Bai - Guarding / Protecting White
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the 5th month
Hand Tai Yin
Lung 4 - Location
On the anterior aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the end of the axillary fold, on the radial side of muscle biceps brachii (1 cun below LU-3)
Lung 4 - Features