Ren Mai Flashcards
CV-1 - name in Chinese and English
Hui Yin - Meeting of Yin
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
CV-1 - Location
In the centre of the perineum, midway between the anus and the scrotum in males and between the anus and posterior labial commissure in females
CV-1 - Functions
Meets Chong Mai and Du Mai
Builds on Yin Qi
Acts on Jing Qi
CV-2 - name in Chinese and English
Qu Gu - Crooked Bone
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
CV-2 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, at the superior border of the symphysis pubis
CV-2 - Functions
Meets Liver Main Meridian
Meets Liver and Gall Bladder Tendino muscular meridians and Divergent meridians.
Kidney Tendino muscular meridian goes deeper here.
Meeting point of Three-Leg Yin Tendino muscular meridians.
CV-3 - name in Chinese and English
Zhong Ji - Centre Of The Two Poles
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
CV-3 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun above CV-2
CV-3 - Functions
MU Point of the Bladder
Meeting of the Three Leg Yin Main meridians and Tendino muscular meridians
Controls Wei Qi
CV-4 - name in Chinese and English
Guan Yuan - Gate of Yuan
Caution: None
CV-4 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun above CV-2
CV-4 - Functions
MU Point of the Small Intestine Tonifies Yuan Qi Tonifies, moves, and holds Blood Meeting of the Three Leg Yin Main meridians and Tendino muscular meridians Meets Bao Mai
Other functions:
This point raises the upper Jiao pulses when used with CV-6
CV-5 - name in Chinese and English
Shi Men - Stone Gate
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
Caution in needling this point in females. (Could lead to infertility)
CV-5 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun above CV-2
CV-5 - Functions
MU Point of the Main Three Heater
Yuan Qi rises from this point
Other functions:
This point is also called Dan Tien (or Cinnabar Field).
It is sometimes said that needling this point will shorten the patient’s life.
It is an important concentration of energy.
CV-6 - name in Chinese and English
Qi Hai - Sea of Qi
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
CV-6 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 3.5 cun above CV-2
CV-6 - Functions
Affects the Heart and Brain
Point where there is a strong concentration of Yin Qi
Point of reunion of YIN and YANG energy
Other functions:
This point raises the upper Jiao pulses when used with CV-4
CV-7 - name in Chinese and English
Yin Jiao - Yin Crossing
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
CV-7 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun above CV-2
CV-7 - Functions
MU Point of the Three Heater (Lower Heater)
Meeting with Chong Mai
Controls Bao Mai
Receives Qi from Pericardium, Three Heater and Kidney
Controls Blood.
CV-8 - name in Chinese and English
Shen Que - Spirit Gate
Caution: Forbidden in pregnancy from the first month
Forbidden to needle or direct Moxa
CV-8 - Location
In the centre of the umbilicus
CV-8 - Functions
Tonifies YIN therefore supports YANG
Opens the meridians and warms them
Fills Chong Mai
Strengthens Spleen Qi
CV-9 - name in Chinese and English
Shui Fen - Water Divide
Caution: None
CV-9 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun above CV-8
CV-9 - Functions
Meets the Lung internal pathway
Works on the Body Fluids
Other functions:
Points CV-9 to CV-15: usually better to use with a Ren Mai point below the navel - patients feel more balanced
CV-10 - name in Chinese and English
Xia Wan - Lower Part of Stomach
Caution: None
CV-10 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun above CV-8
CV-10 - Functions
Meeting with the Spleen Main meridian
Affects the Kidney
Affects the Internal Duct of the Three Heater
Tonifies empty Qi
CV-11 - name in Chinese and English
Jian Li - Established Place
Caution: None
CV-11 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun above CV-8
CV-11 - Functions
Other functions:
Reinforces the action of the points around it
See CV-9
CV-12 - name in Chinese and English
Zhong Wan - Central Part of Stomach
Caution: Beware in Diabetics
Use with caution in thin persons
Do not use on its own with abdominal fullness
CV-12 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun above CV-8
CV-12 - Functions
MU Point of the Stomach and Three Heater (Middle Heater)
Tonifies Tai Yin (Spleen and Lungs)
Hui Point of the Fu
Meeting Point of the Stomach, Spleen, Three Heater, Pericardium, Liver, Lung and Small Intestine.
Point of concentration of Qi
Other functions:
Works directly on Stomach and Spleen Organs (Diabetes caution)
See CV-9
CV-13 - name in Chinese and English
Shang Wan - Upper Part of Stomach
Caution: None
CV-13 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 5 cun above CV-8
CV-13 - Functions
Meeting Point of Small Intestine and Stomach
Receives a vessel from the Lung internal pathway
Point of energy
Other functions:
See CV-9
CV-14 - name in Chinese and English
Ju Que - Great Gate
Caution: Beware of deep or upward needling
CV-14 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above CV-8
CV-14 - Functions
MU Point of the Heart (receives energy coming directly from the Heart organ)
Other functions:
See CV-9
CV-15 - name in Chinese and English
Jiu Wei - Dove’s Tail
Caution: Forbidden to sedate
CV-15 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, 7 cun above CV-8
CV-15 - Functions
MU Point of the Pericardium (actually CV17 - this is an alternative)
Luo Point of Ren Mai therefore throws a network of small vessels into the abdominal wall.
Other functions:
See CV-9
CV-16 - name in Chinese and English
Zhong Ting - Central Courtyard
Caution: None
CV-16 - Location
On the midline of the abdomen, at the base of the sternum (xiphi-sternal junction), level with the fifth intercostal space as measured at the sternum.
CV-16 - Functions
CV-17 - name in Chinese and English
Dan Zhong - Chest Centre
Caution: Forbidden to needle. (According to classical texts)
CV-17 - Location
On the midline of the sternum, level with the fourth intercostal space, as measured at the sternum, usually level with the nipples in males. (There is often a small depression, painful on pressure at this point)
CV-17 - Functions
Sea of Qi (also known as the Hui Point of Qi)
MU Point of the Three Heater (Upper Heater) and Pericardium)
Regulates ascending Qi.
Meeting of Kidney, Pericardium, Three Heater and Small Intestine, Stomach, Colon, Bladder, Gall Bladder, Heart (or all Yang, Shao Yin and Pericardium)
Meeting Point of the Three Arm Yin Tendino muscular meridian.
Other functions:
It is by CV-17 that the Ying Qi returns to the interior of the body by the route of the Three Heater, after having circulated externally via the route of the pericardium. (Nei Jing)
CV-18 - name in Chinese and English
Yu Tang - Jade Temple
Caution: None
CV-18 - Location
On the midline of the sternum, level with the third intercostal space, as measured at the sternum
CV-18 - Functions
Concentration of Jue Yin (Pericardium and Liver)
Tonifies the Liver
Regulates ascending Qi
CV-19 - name in Chinese and English
Zi Gong - Purple Palace
Caution: None
CV-19 - Location
On the midline of the sternum, level with the second intercostal space, as measured at the sternum.
CV-19 - Functions
Regulates ascending Qi
CV-20 - name in Chinese and English
Hua Gai - Magnificent Canopy
Caution: None
CV-20 - Location
On the midline of the sternum, level with the first intercostal space, as measured at the sternum, at the junction of the manubrium with the body of the sternum..
CV-20 - Functions
Reservoir of Ren Mai Qi
Regulates ascending Qi
CV-21 - name in Chinese and English
Xuan Ji - Jade Pivot
Caution: None
CV-21 - Location
On the midline of the sternum, level with the articulation of the first rib, 0.5cun below the suprasternal notch.
CV-21 - Functions
Regulates ascending Qi
CV-22 - name in Chinese and English Caution
Tian Tu - Celestial Chimney
Caution: Perpendicular insertion is forbidden to avoid damage to the trachea
CV-22 - Location
0.5 cun superior to the suprasternal notch, in the centre of the suprasternal fossa.
CV-22 - Functions
Window of Sky Point
Point of Yin Wei Mai
Tonifies Spleen
Other functions:
Calms the thyroid
CV-23 - name in Chinese and English
Lian Quan - Spring Region
Caution: Forbidden to Direct Moxa
CV-23 - Location
In a groove, midway between the lower border of the mandible and the pharyngeal prominence of the neck.
CV-23 - Functions
Point of Yin Wei Mai
Tonifies Shao Yin (Heart and Kidneys).
Receives Qi from Chong Mai
Meeting Point of Heart, Pericardium, and Kidney Divergent Meridians
CV-24 - name in Chinese and English
Cheng Jiang - Receiving Fluid
Caution: None
CV-24 - Location
In the centre of the mento-labial groove
CV-24 - Functions
Meets Du Mai
Meets with Colon and Stomach (Yang Ming)
Affects the Blood