Slide Set 1 Flashcards
what is biogeography?
the study of distribution of biodiversity over space and time
what is the difference between historical and ecological biogeography?
ecological is present day and a smaller timescale
what are some methods that biogeographers partake in?
field based research, ecophysiology, molecular methods, dendreocology
plate tectonics are?
the rearranging of the planets major land masses on tectonic plates
what are 3 ways the earth has not been static?
- climate has changed
- snowball earth hypotheses
- Cambrian explosion
the Cambrian explosion forms a link to O2 levels and availability of _________
what is needed for complex animal life?
cells must be differentiated and specialized
what did carolus linnaeus do?
developed a scheme for the classification of all life
what were linnaeus ideas about biogeography?
life originated on slopes of a paradisical mountain were adapted to a particular habitat, then they dispersed to occupy the various habitats of the globe
what did Georges louis Leclerc do?
studied living and fossil mammals, hypothesized that life originates in region of northwestern europe during earlier times then migrated into the new world and southern hemisphere
what is the main comparison between linnaeus and buffon?
linnaeus believed organisms spread from mount arat or another low altitude mountain following the great flood and buffon thought life originated in northern europe and spread southward and to the new world
what is Buffons law?
states that environmentally similar but isolated regions have distinct assemblages of mammals and birds
what did sir joseph banks do?
collected plant species on voyage around the world with captain james cook, affirmed and generalized buffons law
what did Johann reinhold foster do?
circumnavigated the globe with cook, developed systematic description of worlds biotic regions, noticed plant diversity decreased by equator and poles
what did karl ludwig willdenow do?
german botanist who described floristic provinces of europe, suggested many sites origin, had a student alexander von humbolt
who is viewed as the father of phytogeography?
alexander van humboldt, concluded that within regions, plants were distributed in floristic belts ranging up sides of tropical mountains
Who is adolphe Brongniart?
paleobotanist of the 19th century, used fossil record to inference about ancient climates, found tropical fossils in temperate areas, concluded earths surface has been altered by uplift and erosion of mountains
who is the father of geology?
what did he do?
charles lyell,developed the theory of uniformitarianism
long distance dispersal was explained by _________
the view of dispersalists where challenged by ________
who is the most significant figure in the history of biogeography ?
alfred russel Wallace, father of biogeography
what was one of wallaces main and early contributions?
recognition of a distinct break in the faunal compositions between the island of bali and lombok in the east indies known as wallaces line
who is lucy evelyn cheesman?
english entomologist , 8 solo expeditions in south pacific