Sleep Disorders Flashcards
What are teh two sleep states and NTs involved
- REM: acetylcholine (Ach)
- NREM: serotonin
What does normal sleep architecture look like?
What EEG pattersns are seen during sleep cycle
How long is the human circadian cycle?
What do we see in awake EEG?
What is difference bwtn sleep latency and sleep efficiency?
Human Circadian Cycle = 25 hours
Awake EEG - beta and alpha waves
Sleep Latency = time it takes to fall asleep (less than 10 minutes)
Sleep Efficiency = time sleeping/time spent trying to sleep (100%)
What are the sleep requirments for
Newborn –
Adolescent –
Adult –
Older Adult –
Newborn – 16-18
Adolescent – 9-10
Adult – 8
Older Adult – 7-8
- 25% of all sleep
- Every 90 minutes
- Each episode – 10-40 minutes
- Longer episodes – second half of night
REM sleep
During REM:
• Blood pressure, pulse rate, and respirations____
- Penile and clitoral ____
- Skeletal mm_____
– increase
Why do we dream?
wish fulfilment, random neural impulses, what we learn during wake cycle or purging
threat simulaiton or process pain or problem solving
Non-REM Sleep
Non-REM = Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Stage 1 = ___% sleep
- Stage 2 = __% sleep
- Stage 3 and 4 = ___% sleep : most deep sleep occurring during the first half of the night
Stage 1 NREM
- Lasts about___ minutes
- Breathing - ____
- Heart rate – ___
- Blood pressure -____
Stage 1 NREM
- Lasts about 10 minutes
- Breathing - slow and even
- Heart rate – regular
- Blood pressure - decrease
- Temperature - decrease
- Blood flow to brain – decrease
- EEG – brain waves smaller, slower, irregular •
Sleeper easily awoken
Stage 1 NREM
- Lasts about 20 minutes
- Bodily functions continue to slow
- Even if eyes are opened, sleeper cannot see
- EEG – larger brain waves, occasional quick bursts of activity
• Sleeper can be awakened by sounds
Stage 2 NREM
- Begins about 30-45 minutes after sleep is initiated
- EEG – brain waves are slow and large (up to 5x as large as in Stage 2)
- Sleeper is much less easy to awake, requiring loud noise or active attempts to wake
Stage 3 NREM
- Bodily functions decline to the deepest state of rest
- EEG – brain wakes are large, slow and make a jagged pattern
• Sleeper experiences oblivion - if awakened, very disoriented
Stage 4 NREM
What happens to
Stage 3 and 4
as we get older?
Decreased REM
Decreased Stage 3 and 4 sleep
Increased night-time awakenings - decreased sleep efficiency
What happens to REM in depressed pts? what about stage 3/4 sleep?
Decreased REM latenly: first REM within 45 mins!
Increased total REM
Decreased total 3/4
*wake alot, especially in morning