sleep and dreaming Flashcards
What is REM sleep
Part of the sleep cycle with rapid eye movements caused by eyes moving a lot behind the eyelids when dreaming occurs
What is the sleep cycle
A nightly pattern of deep sleep, light sleep and dreaming
What is NREM sleep
Non rapid eye movement sleep
What’s a sensory blockade
In REM sleep all sensory information is stopped
What’s a neuron
A nerve cell that transmits information
What is movement inhibition
in REM sleep, when movement is prevented
How many stages of sleep are there
What is stage 1 sleep
- Light sleep and can be easily woken up
- muscles are less active, eye movements slow and can twitch suddenly
- go through alpha and theta brainwaves
- alpha brain activity is restful and theta waves characterise a period between wake and sleep
What is stage 2 sleep
- your brainwaves are slower, mainly theta waves
- eye movements stop and there are bursts of brain activity
- body temperature drops and heart rate slows
What is stage 3 of sleep
- slow delta brainwaves but also faster brain waves
What is stage 4 of sleep
- almost all waves are slow delta waves
- very hard to wake
- no eye movements
- when woken up - feel disoriented
How many hours do we have of REM sleep each night
What is REM sleep characterised as
- rapid irregular breathing
- muscles paralysed
- blood pressure rises
How long is a cycle of sleep
90 mins
How many hours of sleep do adults need
How much hours do teenagers sleep nee£
9 hours
When does deep sleep stop in age
What are circadian rhythms
- ## Human body rhythms that have a daily cycle I.e body temp
What are bodily rhythms
Biological (internal) rhythms that can happen daily, monthly or annually
What are ultradian rhythms
Rhythms that occur in a period of less than 24 hours, such as a sleep cycle
What re examples of ultradian bodily rhythms
Heart rate, blood circulation
What are internal influences on sleep examples
Pineal gland and melatonin
What helps reset hormones
What are hormones
Chemical messengers taking messages through the blood stream
When we are under stress how do hormones affect our sleep
Adrenocorticotropic hormone in the pituitary glands release cortisol which causes alertness
What is melatonin
A hormone involved in setting circadian rhythms, including the sleep wake cycle and blood pressure
Where is melatonin produced
Pineal gland
What is the pineal gland
A small endocrine gland that produces melatonin and secreted into the blood stream
What can melatonin be used in
Medication to help with insomnia and jet lag
What are external influences on sleep
Zeitgebers including light
What are external factors examples
What we eat and drink, include environmental stress
What are zeitgebers
External cues that synchronise our biological rhythms
What can affect a change in zeitgebers
Mood and performance