Sleep Flashcards
بسم الله توكلت عليك يا رحمن يا رحيم
There are two main types of sleep:؟
Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep (also known as quiet sleep).
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep (also known as active sleep or
paradoxical sleep)
Theories of sleep ?
You sleep for ?
1-Repair and Resotation
2-Evoltionary theory
3-INformation consolidation
Repair and resotation
Return balance and metabolic balance and brain relax
Evoltionary theory? adaptive theroy
ان النوم مرتبط بالتطور ( ربنا ينتقم من اللي حط دي نظرية)
الحيوانات المفترسة تنام براحتها
الحيوانات الفريسة تنام مدة قليلة عشان متتاكلش اثناء النوم
Information consolidation Theory ?
sleep help process the information gathered all the day FROM STM TO LTM
and make the brain ready to receive the information for the next day
describe Begining of sleep ?
Beta then alpha wave
Hypangoic hallucinations : falling , someone calling
Myoclonic jerks
Stage 1 of sleeping
5-10 min
Theta waves
Weren’ sleeping i am aware !
انتقال بين اليقظة والنوم
Stage 2
20 min
Sleep spindles : rapid rythmic brain activity
Decreases Heart Rate and Temp
stage 3 ?
Delta wave
Tansition between
Light and deep sleep
Stage 4
Delta waves
30 min
Sleep wetting
sleep walk
Stage 5 ?
Pardoxical sleep
brain activity high ,Muscles paralyzed
1234-32-5-2 RECYCLE
REM Start after
sleep debt,
The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he or she has
been deprived of sleep in previous days. Getting too little sleep creates
a “sleep debt,” which is much like being overdrawn at a bank.
Sleep regulation ?
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus SCN IN Light > pineal gland > supress melatonin
Melatonin in night induce sleeping
Adenosine resulting from ATP use
Neuro hormones and Neuro peptides
فرويد وهو بيفسر ليه فيه احلام قال؟
ان الأحلام ماهي إلا تحقيق تنكري للرغبات المكبوتة من العداوة والرغبات الوحشة @@ وانه العقل بيجد متنفس ليها في الأحلام Manifest content الحلم نفسه ومافيه Latent content مغزي الحلم وحط حاجات وقواعد لتفسير الاحلام
Activating Synthesis Model of draming
durin REM there is high activity of the brain released to amygdala and limbic system locations of emotions in the body
The brain synthesis and try to give interpretations to theses intenal signals so we dream!
characterized by periods of getting out of bed while
تم بحمد الله
تم بحمد الله