Personality Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فاطر السماوات والأرض أنت وليي في الدنيا والآخرة توفني مسلما و ألحقني بالصالحين
Total quality of individual behavior
Character and Trait ?
Charcter: conduct of manner
Right or wrong in meeting or not meeting the Social standards
Trait is over a consistent period of time , The behavior that affect wide range of activities
Personalty is affected by?
Bilogical drug intake endoctrinal disease, nutrition
Geographical ready made impressions of stereotyping egyptiants talk aloud
Social : Order in family , parents overcautios or rewarding and punishing
Prenatal : mother smoking taking drugs
Approaches to Understand Personality?
Trait Psychoanaltical Humanitisc Cognintive social approaches!
Sheldon in trait approach
Body image
Endomophy: viscerotonia
Ectomorphy :Skinny Cerebrotonia
Mesomorphy :Somatotonia Muscular
Krtechmers as trait approach?
Body image?
Pykninc short obese ) depression
Athenic tall thin pschossys shizophrenia
Atheletic ) muscle cramps
Dysplastic incongrous
Trait bilogical approach on basis of personality traits
Carljung : Introvert -Extrovert
Eyesenck: Introversion-Extroversion Neuroticism Psychoticism Conservaticism Intelligence
Tempearmnts : subcortical unconiscous genetic
Charcter : cortical conscius
Temparaments inculde?s
نهرب؟ نهرب ! يلا
Temparaments inculde?s
ايه فعلا هربت ؟
Novelty seeking : Behaciral activation - New novel - Dopamine - Drug abuse -borderline person
Harm avoidance: Behavioral Inhibition - anxierty -depression - Serotonin+ GABA on Dorsal Raphi
Reward Dependence : maintain behavior for rewards - NE and Serotoin on Middle Raphi nucleus
Dependent character - Schizod disorder …
Persistance : maintain the behavior despite harm and pain - Seotonin - Glutamtate on dorsal raphi nucleus - and this leads to obessive compulsive behavior
Characters inculde?
Self directness: Self confience , reliable , has an obvious goal
Self Transdence : part of the wold as a whole !
Cooperativness : Become part ot society
Personality inventories
Rating scales
Psychoanalytical approach of frud in perosnalitty
depends on
depth study of the
individual personality
Free Association احكي كل حاجة احكي !
Id: the primitive biological impulses-pleasure principle - pleasure-seeking behavior
The Ego:maintains harmony
between the desires of the Id and the aspirations of the super ego
The Super-Ego: sustain the moral and social values t
Psychoanalytical approach
Infancy Oral -Anal phases
Childhood 3-6 years Exploration genetalia
Socialization : 6-12 need to be learnt social traditions and get out of family
Adolesence: early: Making friends and groups of the same sex
late: Interested in the other sex trying making friendships with them
Arguments with Parents
Maturity: the ability to form an intimate relationship with your wife
taking responsiblilty about the family and children
Methods for personality?
Rorsach inkblot test
Thematic apperception test
Socaial learning ?
Personality can be learnt
Competencies Cognitive abilities Outcomes Subjective vaule of outcomes Reugularotry sytem and rules
Humistic approach ?
“Here and now “
Carl Roger
Abrahm maslow
Carl Rogers ?
كل انسان عنده القدرة علي التغيير ومهمة المعالج هي فقط السماع التحفيزي
ابراهيم مسلوف بيقول ايه؟
بيقول ان
هي نمو الفرد بكل نواحي الشخصية في انسجام
Peak expereicnce
Cognitive theroris?
Araon back
Kelly personal construct theory ?
يعتبرون الإنسان عالما له نظريات يضعها يحاول بها اكتشاف العالم من حوله
يعتمد التصرف علي ادراكنا و فهمنا وتفسيرنا للعلاقات والأفعال مع غيرنا
Rotter cognitive : Locus of Control Theory !
اعتفادات الناس في التحكم
ناس شايفه ان ملهاش تلاتين لازمة ومفيش تحكم
ناس شايفة انها بتتحكم في الناس حواليها
وكله مجرد اعتقاد
Martin sligmant : learned helplessness theory/
الناس المكتئبة شايفة كل حاجة اكتئاب حواليها وهي السبب
ولو في حاجة حلوة حصلت بسبب الحظ
Araon Beck ?
المكتئبين شايفين كل حاجة وحشة في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل
Repiratory GIRD
1-Trait 2-psychoAnalytical 3-social learning 4-humanisitic 5-cognitive
1-Personality (inventory) (EPQ, MMPI) ( Rating scales)
2-Psychoanalytical approach (Rorsach ,TAt)
5-Reperatory gird- Locus of Control
كل ما كنت اجتماعي قل احساسك بالام المرض.؟
الحمدلله رب السماوات والأرض رب العالمين
الحمدلله علي ما أعطيت الحمدلله علي ما أوليت الحمدلله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه
اللهم لك الحمد حتي ترضي ولك الحمد اذا رضيت ولك الحمد بعد الرضي