SKULL Flashcards
Sagittal + lambdoidal
Sutures that meet up to ASTERION
Occ mastoid
Sagittal + Coronal
Parietal Sphenoid Temporal
Ana sig of frontal bone
Make the upper margins of the orbit
Transmitted by the supraorbital foramen
Supraorbital nerve
Medial boundary of frontal bone
Frontal process of maxilla
Lateral boundary of frontal bone
Frontal process of the zygomatic bone
Openings in the ant view of the orbital cavity
Orbital fissure
Supra infra
Ethmoidal foramina
Optic canal
Serves as voice resonators
Frontal air sinuses
Frontal sinus opens thru
Connection bet Maxilla and nasal
Hiatus semilunaris
Lower border of Nasal bone + maxilla
Ant nasal aperture
2 maxilla forms
Upper jaw
Ant part of hard
Lat walls of the nasal cavity
Floor of the orbital cavity
Infraorbital foramen transmits _ wc supplies _
Infraorbital nerve - skin of the face
Large pyramid shape cavity lined w mucus membrane
Maxillary sinus
Zygomatic bone + maxilla
Zygomaticomaxillary suture
Zygomatic bone + zygomatic process of the temporal bone =
Zygomatic arch
2 openings in the zygomatic bone & nerves transmitted
Zygomaticofacial foramina / nerve
Zygomaticotemporal foramina / nerve
Mandible consists of
Horizontal body
2 vertical rami
Opens into the ant surface of mandible BELOW 2nd premolar
Mental foramen
Biggest lat bone of skull
Parietal or temporal
Forms the sides and roof of the cranium
Parietal bones
Suture articulating parietal
Sagittal Coronal Squamosal Lambdoidal Pterion
Skull is completed from the SIDE by the ff..
Squamous part of occ bone
Temporal - styloid, mastoid, zygomatic process, SQUAMOUS, TYMPANIC
Greater wing of sphenoid
Ramus and body of mandible
Serves as attachment for TEMPORALIS MUSCLE
Superior and inferior TEMPORAL LINES
Begins as a single bone from the post margin of the zygomatic process of frontal bone
Sup and inf temporal lines
Vertical fissure that lies within the fossa bet the pterygoid process of sphenoid and back of maxilla
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Horizontal fissure bet greater wing of sphenoid and maxilla. Leads forward into the orbit
Inferior orbital fissure
Foramen near sagittal suture
Parietal foramen
Bones enclosed by sutures.
Developmental technicalities in the formation of suture
Sutural bones or WORMIAN BONES
Suture in the superior view
Coronal = parietal + frontal
Anterior division of the inferior view of skull is formed by the
Bones making up the hard palate
Palatine process of maxilla
Horizontal plate of palatine bones
2 sutures in the anterior div of inf view of skull
Median palatine
Transverse palatine
Incisive fossa and incisive foramen receives….
Nasopalatine nerves and Sphenopalatine arteries
Openings at the posterolateral part of the ant div of inf view
Greater and lesse pal foramen
Transmits PALATINE NERVES & vessels
Greater lesser pal foramen
Above post edge of hard palate
Separated by post margin of vomer
Bounded lat by medial pterygoid plates
Choanae or post nasal aperture
A curved spike portion of the INFERIOR END of medial pterygoid plate
Pterygoid hammulus
Superior end portion of the medial pterygoid plate
Scaphoid fossa
Scaphoid fossa is the site of origin of what muscle
Tensor veli palatini muscle
Sphenoid bone is pierced by
Pterygoid canal
bone seen in nasal and cranial cavity
Ethmoid bone
Pierced by foramen spinosum and ovale
Greater wing of sphenoid
Posterolateral to spinosum and ovale
Spine of sphenoid
Seen in the ant surface of the PETROUS part of the temporal bone
Carotid csnal
Formed by the MEDIAL END of the petrous part of temporal bone, BASILAR part of occ and GREATER wing of sphenoid
Temporal, occ, sphenoid
Foramen lacerum
Behind post aperture of nose
In front of foramen magnum
Sphenoid bone and basilar part of occ bone
Small prominence in the undersurface of the basilar part of the occ bone in the midline
Pharyngeal tubercle
Pharyngeal tubercle gives attachment to
Fibrous raphe of the pharynx
Articulate with the superior aspect of the LAT MASS OF ATLAS
Occ condyle
Superior to summit of the occ condyle
Hypoglossal canal
Hypoglossal canal transmits
Hypoglossal nerve
Condylar canal transmits
Emissary vein
Post to foramen magnum in the midline wc runs upward and backward to the ext occ protuberance
Ext occ crest
Projects downward to formalveolar arch wc carries the teeth
Alveolar processes
Branch of frontal nerve
Leaves the orbital cavity to supply FRONTAL AIR SINUS & SKIN OF THE FOREHEAD & SCALP
Supraorbital nerve
Maxillary sinus is supplied by
Superior alveolar and infraorbital nerves
Forms the temporal bone
C shaped
Forms the bony part of ext auditory meatus
Tympanic plate
Tympanic plate forms…
Bony part of ext aud meatus
Temporal bone
Medial to styloid process
DEEP NOTCH in the PETROUS part of temporal bone + SHALLOW NOTCH in occ
Jugular foramen