CRANIAL LEC Flashcards
Foldings of the dura mater for protection
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Cranial meninges
Duran mater-outer
Pia mater
Specific Openings found in the floor
Foramen rotundum Optic canal Olfactory foramina Int acoustic meatus Hiatus of greater petrosal nerve
Depression leading to an opening
Found in petrous part of temporal
Hiatus of greater petrosal nerve
Butterfly shaped bone
Sphenoid bone
Part of sphenoid seen i :
Base-greater wing
Floor-lesser wing
Bones of the floor are made up of
Cranial bones
Bones of base of skull are made of
Cranial and facial bones(max)
Cranial cavity contains the:
Brain Intracranial parts of the cranial and spinal nerves Blood vessels Venous sinuses Meninges Cerebrospinal fluid
Blood vessels in the brain
Meningeal vessels
Fluid continuously flowing from spinal to brain
For passage of csf
*sagittal sinus
Bones of cranial cavity
Frontal Ethmoid Sphenoid Temporal Parietal Occipital
Sutures found in the roof or internal surface
Shallow sagittal groove lodges
Sup sagittal sinus
Granular pits lodge the
Lat lacunae
Arachnoid granulations or pacchionian body
Parietal foramen transmits
Emissary vein
Anterior cf contains
Ant lobe of brain - Cerebrum
Middl cf contains:
Temporal lobe if brain
Posterior contains
Post lobe
Forms roof of orbital cavity
Orbital plate of frontal bone
Contains olfactory foramina for passage of olfactory nerves
Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
Bony projection for attachment of falx cerebri
Crista galli
3 major bones in the ant cranial fossa
Lesser wing of sphenoid
Space that separates cerebrum and cerebellum. Attached to post clinoid process
Tentorium cerebelli
2 openings of the lesser wing of sphenoid
Optic canal
Sup orbital fissure
It will lodge or hold pituitary gland
Hypophysial fossa of sella turcica
Transmits optic nerve
Groove for optic chiasma
Optic canal
Thin plate of bone separates EAR & BRAIN
Tegmen tympani
Clinical significance of tegmen tympani
Only major barrier separating infection in the tympanic cavity from the temporal bone
Tegmen tympani forms:
Roof of mastoid antrum
Tympanic cavity
Auditory tube
Post cranial fossa lodges
Post lobe, cerebellum, brainstem
Bony prominences in the post cranial fossa
Int occ protuberance
Int occ crest
Transverse occ crest
Provides further structural framework for cerebellum
Int occ crest
Transverse occ crest