3 branches of arch of aorta
Left subclavian
Left cca
Blood passing thru arteries
Oxygenated blood
Branches of brachiocephalic
Right subclavian
Right cca
Vertebral artery a branch of
Subclavian artery
Blood supply of head and neck
R and l cca
Vertebral artery
Vertebral artery passes thru
Foramen transversarium
Runs upward in the neck to the upper border of the thyroid cartilage
Cca divides into
Level of bifurcation of cca
Upper border of thyroid cartilage
Sinus present in ica
Carotid sinus
Provides major blood supply for the face and mouth
3 major branches of eca
Sup temporal
Other branches of eca
Superior thyroid Lingual Ascending pharyngeal Occipital Posterior auricular
Largest of the 3 terminal branches of eca
Maxillary artery
Arises behind the angle of the mandible
Supplies the deep struc of the face
Maxillary artery
Major branches of maxillary artery
Inferior alveolar
Post superior alveolar
Give branches to anterior and middle superior alveolar arteries
Infraorbital artery
Infraorbital artery supplies the
Max incisors
Cuspid teeth
Maxillary sinus
Posterior superior alveolar artery supplies
Maxillary molars
Depends close to the medial surface of the mandibular ramus to the mandibular foramen
Inferior alveolar artery
Inf alveolar artery passes thru the
Mandibular foramen
Gives off the mylohyoid branch which supplies tissues in the floor of mouth
Inf alveolar artery
Enters the face at the inferior border of the mandible
Facial artery
Passes forward and upward across the CHEEK ➡️ angle of the MOUTH ➡️ sides of the NOSE and ends at the MEDIAL CANTHUS or INNER CORNER OF THE EYE
Facial artery
3 terminal branches of superficial temporal artery
Frontal or anterior branch of sta
Parietal branch
Posterior branch
Pulse in frontal or anterior branch of sta
Facial pulse
2 temporal pulse
Combination of CCA(ICA), Vagus nerve, IJV
Carotid sheath
Branch of eca
Distributed along surface of the TONGUE
Lingual artery
Ascending pharyngeal
Occipital artery
Post auricular
Dilation at the root of Internal carotid artery
Carotid sinus
Has no branches outside the skull
Enters the skull through CAROTID CANAL
Int carotid artery
Inside the skull, ICA gives off
Opthalmic artery
Supplies optic nerve, eye, orbit, scalp
Opthalmic artery
From the subclavian artery
Medial to the ant scalene muscle
Vertebral artery
Vertebral artery ascends up to post side of neck thru
Foramen transversarium
Vertebral artery enter the cranial cavity via
Foramen magnum
Vertebral artery give rise to
Basilar artery
Supplies the brain
Basilar artery
Artery that forms circle of willis
Basilar artery
The right and left subclavian artery give rose to the
Thyrocervical trunk
Supplies thyroid gland
Inf thyroid artery
Arises from the inf thyroid artery as it medially turns in the neck
Ascending cervical artery
Supplies posterior prevertebral muscles
Ascending cervical artery
Branch of the thyrocervical trunk
Crosses the base of the carotid triangle
Transverse cervical artery
Transverse cervical artery supplies
Rhomboid muscles
Suprascapular artery supplies the
Posterior shoulder area