Facial muscles develop from the..
Second pharyngeal arch
Various structures in the facial area are located between the…
S: superciliary arches
I: lower edge of mandible
L: ears
Facial muscles are innervated by
Branches of the facial nerve 7
Facial muscles are located in the
Superficial fascia
Facial muscles
Originate from:
Inserts in:
O: bone or fascia
I: skin
They are referred to as muscles of facial expressions
Facial muscles
Facial muscles act as _ & _ of the orifices of the face
Sphincters and dilators
3 groups of facial muscles
Muscles in the orbital group
Orbicularis oculi ( outer orbital and inner palpebral part) Corrugator supercilii
Muscles in the nasal group
Depressor septi nasi
Muscles in the oral group
Orbicularis oris
Buccinator muscle
Upper group of muscles
Lower group of muscles
Muscles of the UPPER GROUP of ORAL
Risorius Zygomaticus MAJOR & MINOR Levator labii superioris Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Levator anguli oris
Muscles of LOWER GROUP of ORAL
Depressor labii inferioris
Depressor anguli oris
A large muscle that completely surrounds each orbital orifice and extends into each eyelid
Orbicularis oculi
Major action of orbicularis oculi
Closes the eyelids
2 parts of orbicularis oculi
Outer orbital part
Inner palpebral part
A broad ring that encircles the orbital and extends beyond the orbital rim
Outer orbital part
Closes the eyelid more FORCEFULLY and produce some wrinkling on the face
Outer orbital part
In the eyelids
Consists of muscle fibers in the MEDIAL CORNER OF THE EYE that arch across each lid to attach laterally
Inner palpebral part
Closes the eye GENTLY
Inner palpebral part
Second muscle in the orbital group which is deep to the eyebrows and the orbicularis oculi muscle
Corrugator supercilii
Muscle active when FROWNING
Corrugator supercilii
Corrugator supercilii
Origin: Medial end of the superciliary arch
Insertion: skin of the medial half of the eyebrows
Action: draws the eyebrows towards the midline (causing VERTICAL WRINKLES above the nose)