Floor is divided into 3 depressions
Ant cranial fossa
The cranial cavity is divided into
Anterior cranial fossa is formed by
Frontal bone
Crista galli and cribriform plate of ethmoid
Lesser wings of sphenoid bone
Anterior boundary of the Ant cranial fossa
Frontal bone
Middle boundary of ant cranial fossa
Crest for attachment of falx cerebri
Post boundary of ant cranial fossa
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Median part of ant cranial fossa
Groove for the optic chiasma
Attached to the crista galli
Falx cerebri
Sharp upward projection of the ethmoid bone where falx cerebri is attached
Crista galli
Attached to the ant clinoid process
Tentorium cerebelli
Formed by the medial end of the lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Ant clinoid process
The upper surface of the cribriform plate supports the
Olfactory bulbs
Small perforations in the cribriform plate are for the
Olfactory nerves
Landmarks in ethmoid bone
Olfactory foramina
Crista galli
Cribriform plate
Landmarks in sphenoid (ant cf)
Lesser wing
Ant clinoid process
Landmarks in Frontal
Orbital plate
Butterfly shaped
Middle cranial fossa
Middle part of middle cf accomodates
Pituitary gland
Lateral parts of middle cf accomodating
Temporal lobes of the brain
Central part of the middle cf is formedby
Body of the Sphenoid bone
Saddle shaped bony prominence which acts to hold and support the pituitary gland
Sella turcica
3 parts of sella turcica
Tuberculum sellae
Hypophysial fossa
Dorsum sellae
Vertical elevation, forms ant wall of sella turcica and post aspect of chiasmatic sulcus
Tuberculum sellae
A groove running bet the right and left optic canals
Chiasmatic sulcus
Sits in the middle of sella turcica. It is a depression in the body of sphenoid, which holds pituitary gland
Hypophysial fossa
Forms post wall of sella turcica
Separates middle from posterior cranial fossa
Dorsum sellae
Arise from lesser wing of sphenoid
Ant clinoid process
Superolateral projections of dorsum sellae
Post clinoid process
Attachment points for TENTORIUM CEREBELLI
Ant and *post clinoid process
Lateral parts of middle cranial fossa are formed by
Greater wing of sphenoid
Squamous and petrous part of temporal
Optic canals in the sphenoid bone transmits
Optic nerves CN II
Opthalmic arteries
The optic canal are connected by
Chiasmatic sulcus
Four foramina in the sphenoid bone -middle cranial fossa
Superior orbital fissure
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Superior orbital fissure opens anteriorly to the orbit and transmits
- Oculomotor nerve
- Trochlear
- Opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
- Abducens nerve
Opens into the pterygopalatine fossa and transmits maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
Foramen rotundum
Opens into the infratemporal fossa
Transmits mandibular branch of trigeminal
Foramen ovale
Transmits middle meningeal artery and vein and meningeal branch of trigeminal
Foramen spinosum
3 foramina in the temporal bone
Hiatus of greater petrosal nerve
Hiatus of lesser petrosal nerve
Carotid canal
Formed by sphenoid, temporal and occipital bone
Foramen lacerum
Part of intracranial cavity
Located bet foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli
Post cranial fossa
Post cranial fossa contains
Brainstem and cerebellum
Midbrain, pons, medulla,
Largest and deepest of the three fossas
Posterior cf
Anterior boundary of posterior cranial fossa
Dorsum sellae
Posterior aspects of body of sphenoid
Basilar part of occipital bone
Posterior boundary of posterior cranial fossa
Lateral boundary of posterior cranial fossa
Petrous and mastoid part of temporal bone
Superior boundary of posterior cranial fossa
Mastoid angles of parietal
Transmits the medulla, vertebral arteries
Foramen magnum
Internal acoustic meatus transmits
Jugular foramen transmits
Int jugular vein
Accessory nerves
Lies at the anterolateral margins of f magnum and transmits hypoglossal nerve
Hypoglossal canal