Skinner Flashcards
Doctrine that avoids all hypothetical constructs such as ego, traits, drives and concentrates almost exclusively on observable behavior
Radical behaviorism
Provides the most useful data in predicting behavior
Stated that responses followed by a satisfier tend to be learned
Thorndike’s law of effect
Goal of psychology is the prediction and control of behavior and that goal could best be reached by limiting psychology to an objective study
John Watson’s goal in psychology
Should not be used to explain behavior
inner states
Characteristics of science
cumulative, attitude that values empirical observation, searches for order and lawful relationships
Pairing of a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus until conditioned stimulus was sufficient to elicit the unconditioned stimulus; phobias, fears, anxieties
Classical conditioning or respondent conditioning
Reinforcement is used to increase the probability that a given behavior will recur; most human behaviors are learned
Operant conditioning
Experimenter first rewards gross approximations, then closer approximations, and finally the desired behavior itself
3 conditions of operant conditioning
antecedent, behavior and consequence
Strengthen behavior and reward person
The effect of punishment to avoid pain and its attendant anxiety
Defense mechanisms
Associated with a primary reinforcer
Conditioned reinforcer
Associated with more than 1 primary reinforcer (money, attention, approval, affection)
Generalized reinforcer
Organism reinforced intermittently accdg. to number of responses it makes; reward every nth it makes
Fixed ratio
Organism is reinforced after an average of a predetermined numbr of responses; a response is reinforced after an unpredictable # of responses (e.g. slot machines, lottery)
Variable ratio (highest response rate)
Reinforcement made only after a set interval of time
Fixed interval
Reinforcement provided after an inconsistent amount of time has passed and following a specific behavior (e.g checking email any time to check messages)
Variable interval
The tendency of a previously acquired response to become progressively weakened upon nonreinforcement
3 forces of human behavior
natural selection, cultural evolution and individual’s history of reinforcement
reinforcing behaviors were beneficial to the species tended to survive and non-reinforcing dropped out
Natural selection
Societies whose members behaved cooperatively tended to survive
Cultural evolution
Thinking, problem solving, reminiscing are covert behaviors that take place within the skin but not inside the mind
Complex behavior
Random or accidental conditions are produced that have some possibility of survival
When people no longer think about it because it has been suppressed thru punishment
Unconscious behavior
Covert and symbolic forms of behavior that are subject to the same contingencies or reinforcement as any other behavior; wish-fulfillment purpose
4 basic method of social control
- operant conditioning
- describing contingencies (use of language)
- deprivation and satiation
- physical restraint
When people control their own behavior, they do so by manipulating the same variables that they would use in controlling someone else’s behavior which is outside of themselves
Social control and self-control produce counteracting strategies and inappropriate behaviors
The unhealthy personality
Escape, revolt, passive resistance
Counteracting strategies (Used when social control is excessive)
Individuals act to form social groups because such behavior tends to be reinforcing
Social control
Self defeating techniques of counteracting social control or from unsuccessful attempts at self-control with strong emotion
Inappropriate behavior
Excessive vigorous behavior, excessive restrained behavior, self-deluding, self-punishment
Inappropriate behaviors
goal of behavior therapy
mold desirable behavior by reinforcing slightly improved changes in behavior and point out positive consequences of behavior
Impaired ability to learn from negative consequences